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Source: Ontario Federation of Labour

PC Government’s health care overhaul will jeopardize patient care, says OFL

TORONTO, Feb. 27, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Ontario Federation of Labor (OFL) is sounding the alarm after Ontario’s PC government introduced sweeping health care reform legislation, which they call the “People's Health Care Act, 2019.”

“What is perfectly clear is that large for-profit health care corporations, not the people of Ontario will benefit from the changes this new legislation proposes,” said OFL President, Chris Buckley. “The OFL has been clear from the start - we support publicly funded, publicly delivered, high quality universal healthcare in Ontario, and any plans this government has to overhaul our healthcare system for the benefit of their corporate friends will be met with fierce opposition,” he added.

The OFL raised concern, alongside the Ontario Health Coalition, worried citizens and community groups, when details of the PC’s planned health care overhaul were leaked earlier this year.

“The proposed creation of a mega health care agency with sweeping powers to privatize clinical and support services delivery and merge or close hospitals, long-term care homes and other health services in communities across Ontario is alarming and extremely problematic, and will be opposed at every step,” said Buckley.

The Ontario Federation of Labour is committed to mobilizing their members and Ontarians in every corner of the province, in opposition to the PC government’s misguided health care restructuring plans. The OFL and community partners have already begun to organize in opposition, and unless the government hits the reset button, effectively changing their direction, Ontario’s labour movement, backed by the power of many concerned Ontarians will have no other option than to ramp up our resistance efforts and put plans for escalating action into force.

The Ontario Federation of Labour represents 54 unions and one million workers in Ontario. For information, visit www.ofl.ca and follow @OFLabour on Facebook and Twitter.

For further information, please contact:

Rob Halpin,
Executive Director
Ontario Federation of Labour
rhalpin@ofl.ca l 416-707-9014
