
Interview with VSBLTY Groupe Technologies Corp. (CSE:VSBY) CEO; Retail marketing technology evolves to enhanced security using Artificial Intelligence

POINT ROBERTS, Wash., March 05, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --, a global investor news source covering Artificial Intelligence issues a special edition of The AI Eye, featuring an exclusive interview with the CEO of VSBLTY Groupe Technologies Corp. (CSE:VSBY).

VSBLTY's Proactive Digital Display™ transforms retail and public spaces as well as place-based media networks with SaaS-based audience measurement and security software that uses artificial intelligence and machine learning.

With a recent public listing on the CSE, two international partnerships and exciting new tech being revealed, VSBLTY Groupe Technologies Corp. (CSE:VSBY) is gearing up for a busy and exciting 2019, according to company CEO, Jay Hutton.

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Hutton explained the impetus for partnering with Atlas International, a full-service provider of innovative solutions specializing in business and technology integration.

“The best way to build international distribution is to be very prescriptive on the type of partners you’re looking for,” he said. “Atlas Ventures is a Milan-based technology accelerator, so they’re exactly what we need. Their job is to find locations where … our technology can be used to augment an existing technology and channels to market.”

Hutton said that the Atlas partnership has already facilitated VSBLTY’s revealing a new technology, the elevator video wall - Gateway "magic mirror" at the ISE (Integrated Systems Europe) 2019 show in Amsterdam. This was done through a relationship with LU-VE Group and is designed for hotels, office and residential buildings that will transmit photos, videos and advertising as well as building information and announcements. Touch screen technology also enables elevator passengers to communicate to the outside via the web. In the event of an emergency, the elevator cabin immediately will be in audio/visual communication with an emergency specialist to calm and inform passengers.

“The relationship with LUV-E Group and VSBLTY, adjudicated, managed and counseled by Atlas, is an OEM relationship,” he said. “To the advertiser, I’m giving depth of experience. I’m giving some idea of how their message is being received and by demographic.”

Another technology revealed at ISE 2019 by VSBLTY was a retail cabinet with shelves that feature interactive video screens to engage and inform customers. Hutton said the LCD panel is designed to slow shoppers down and gather data from the interaction.

“When you walk down the aisle of a retail, the objective is to slow you down,” he said. “From a promotion and advertising perspective, I want to create speed bumps. We call that disrupting the path to purchase.”

“Big brands are incredibly excited about this technology because A: It delivers the ability to drive a message to a consumer in retail, but B: We have the ability now to measure that experience.”

The second international partnership announced in February was with South African firm, Onyx-Cognivas Pty, whom Hutton explains operate in a similar category as VSBLTY.

“What’s really unique about them is they’re an existing … business that are in our category,” he said. “They do security, digital out-of-home – the billboard thing – and they do in-store media. Every part of that is relevant to VSBLTY.”

Hutton said a particular advantage with partnering with Onyx-Cognivas, is that they assist in giving an edge over the competition.

“The best thing about Onyx-Cognivas, is that they already have an existing business, revenue stream, [and] existing partnerships,” he said. “So our advantage with them is they are unhooking their relationship with our competitors and connecting with us.”

“Look for that particular partnership to go to revenue very rapidly because they’re on the ground running already.”

VSBLTY also has a significant relationship with software giant Intel. Hutton said that the company utilizes Intel’s OpenVINO™ platform to run algorithms on the edge.

“We’ve had a long relationship with Intel, culminating in this development … where they approached us and said they would like us to develop, using a hardware platform they had perfected called OpenVINO,” he said. “This is the ability to take algorithms that were historically running in very large cloud compute infrastructure – taking that capability and moving it to the edge.”

Hutton explained the advantages of working from the edge, as opposed to cloud computing. “It gives us greater precision, much better speed and most importantly, because I am CEO of the company, it gives us much lower cost,” he said.

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