Source: Promoboxx

Running Industry Association Partners with Promoboxx to Support Authentic Experiences at Run Specialty Retailers

Retail partnership will help running stores increase consumer engagement and in-store visits

BOSTON, March 07, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Promoboxx, the only retail engagement platform that connects brands, consumers, and retail partners to deliver the authentic experiences that consumers crave, announced today that it has joined the Running Industry Association (RIA), a non-profit organization that supports the brick and mortar specialty running retail channel throughout the United States and Canada, as an associate member. Through this partnership, Promoboxx and the RIA will work together to support run specialty retail stores with digital marketing content.

The RIA has added Promoboxx as a benefit to all of its members. The organization is using Promoboxx to provide running and footwear content that is designed to drive in-store sales and online engagement for its retail members. The member benefit includes access to customizable RIA marketing campaigns and access to Promoboxx Industry Content that focuses on educating, entertaining and engaging local consumers.

Using Promoboxx, the RIA gains insight into how and where their content is being shared and can track the levels of retail and consumer engagement with the campaigns they create in the platform. The campaigns they are creating are inspirational, educational, and running focused, with the intention of driving shoppers into local stores, where they will provide a one of a kind authentic experience.

“Promoboxx is an unbelievable asset for run specialty retailers looking to drive local in-store traffic, and grow their digital presence,” said Terry Schalow, Executive Director at RIA. “We are excited for the opportunity to work together to provide independently owned run specialty retailers with digital marketing content.”

“The Running Industry Association understands the value of the authentic retail experience that only a run specialty retailer can provide,” said Ben Carcio, Co-Founder and CMO at Promoboxx. “This partnership will help these stores scale their digital presence while building trust with their communities.”

Promoboxx partners with over 90 brands to transform the way retailers and brands market together at the local level. By activating independent, specialty retailers with localized content and campaigns, Promoboxx creates thousands of local consumer touchpoints with a single campaign.

Run specialty retailers who want to sign up for RIA content through Promoboxx should contact

Footwear brands looking to provide similar support to their retailers can learn more at or request a demo.

About the Running Industry Association
The Running Industry Association (RIA) is a non-profit organization that supports brick and mortar specialty running retail throughout the United States and Canada. The organization provides a forum to achieve excellence and increase sales through education, communication, research, advocacy and member discount programs. For more information visit

About Promoboxx
The Promoboxx retail engagement platform connects brands with consumers through retail partners to deliver the authentic experiences that consumers crave. Unlike traditional channel marketing solutions, Promoboxx provides a proven suite of products that generate meaningful increases in retailer and consumer engagement. Founded in 2010 and headquartered in Boston, Promoboxx partners with over 90 leading brands, including Chevrolet, New Balance, and The North Face. And with over 3 million retailer campaigns launched, Promoboxx creates thousands of local consumer touchpoints with every campaign. For more information, visit or call +1 (800) 380-7502 x3.