Source: Ekspress Grupp

Acquisition of a shareholding in Lithuanian technology and innovation conference Login

On 7 March 2019, UAB „Delfi“, 100% subsidiary of AS Ekspress Grupp, has signed contract with UAB „Small Talk Ideas“ and Arnoldas Rogoznyj to acquire 100% stake in Lithuanian technology and innovation conference company UAB „Login Conferences“.

UAB “Login Conferences” main activity is to organise the Technology and Innovation Conference Login (Login 2019). The first conference was held in 2007 with 120 attendees and 11 speakers. Since then, in 2018, it has grown into the largest innovation conference in Lithuania with 4,000 attendees and 120 speakers. Login began talking about technology, innovations and creativity when it was important only for a bunch of professionals in the field. Login gradually became the most anticipated event of the year - the audience of the conference grew up together with the progress of Lithuania itself, and the increasing number of ticket buyers allowed to bring more interesting, important foreign speakers, and the steadily growing event became an attractive place for partner integration.

The aim of the acquisition is to enter the conference management market and turn this innovation and technology event into the most popular innovation festival in the Baltic States.

The transaction is not to be treated as a significant transfer for the purposes of the “Requirements for Issuers” section of the NASDAQ Tallinn Stock Market rules. AS Ekspress Grupp confirms that neither Delfi UAB nor AS Ekspress Grupp’s management board and supervisory board members are in any way personally interested in the transaction. The parties have agreed not to disclose the price or other conditions of the transaction.

Delfi UAB manages the most popular Lithuanian news portal DELFI with specialized channels for various audiences and online ads portal Since 2007, Delfi UAB belongs to the media group AS Ekspress Grupp.

Additional information: Mr. Vytautas Benokraitis director of UAB „Delfi“, phone: +370 699 18015.  

Signe Kukin
Group CFO
AS Ekspress Grupp
Phone: +372 669 8381

AS Ekspress Grupp is the leading media group in the Baltic States whose key activities include web media content production, publishing of newspapers and magazines and provision of printing services in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Ekspress Grupp that launched its operations in 1989 employs 1700 people, owns leading web media portals in the Baltic States and publishes the most popular daily and weekly newspapers as well as the majority of the most popular magazines in Estonia.