Source: MADD Canada

Impaired Driving Prevention Week Encourages Canadians To Always Drive Sober

OAKVILLE, Ontario, March 18, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- March 17 – 23 is National Impaired Driving Prevention Week across Canada. MADD Canada joins governments, law enforcement agencies and community organizations in raising awareness about the risks and consequences of impaired driving.

Established in 2018 and designated for the third week of March every year, National Impaired Driving Prevention Week encourages all Canadians to help prevent impaired driving and keep roads safe.

“Crashes involving alcohol, cannabis or other drugs, or a combination of those substances, kill hundreds of Canadians, and injure tens of thousands more, every year,” said MADD Canada Chief Executive Officer Andrew Murie. “These tragedies are entirely preventable. Everyone can help prevent them by always driving sober, by choosing a sober ride home if you are drinking or consuming drugs, and by calling 911 to report a suspected impaired driver.”

To illustrate the tragic consequences of impaired driving, MADD Canada will be sharing the story of a victim/survivor each day on social media. Follow us on Facebook (, Twitter (@maddcanada) and Instagram (madd_canada). 

About MADD Canada
MADD Canada is a national, charitable organization that is committed to stopping impaired driving and supporting the victims of this violent crime. With volunteer-driven groups in more than 100 communities across Canada, MADD Canada aims to offer support services to victims, heighten awareness of the dangers of impaired driving and save lives and prevent injuries on our roads. To learn more, visit