Source: Evli Plc

Finland domiciled funds now available on the world's largest cross-border fund processing platform Vestima


Clearstream has further expanded its offering in Northern Europe by making Finnish investment funds eligible on the fund processing platform Vestima. International customers can use their Vestima set-up to directly access Finland domiciled funds and benefit from the same streamlined handling as for other markets.

Evli Fund Management Company Ltd is the first Finnish Asset Manager to have successfully on-boarded its mutual funds to the Vestima platform and has thereby greatly extended its distribution network.

Key drivers for adding Finland to the platform are international customer demand to fully cover the Nordic investment fund markets and the fact that the fund market is solid and has assets under management (AUM) reaching EUR 110 billion at the end of 2018.

"We welcome Finland as a fund market covered by Clearstream and the eligibility of Finland domiciled funds on Vestima which is a further step in extending our fund market coverage in the Nordics. As the leading global fund market infrastructure, Clearstream's key objective is to support our customers' investment strategies and to facilitate their business in all markets around the globe", says Bernard Tancré, Executive Director and Head of Investment Fund Services at Clearstream.

"Evli has distributed selected UCITS funds to Central European investors for some years already, but with the eligibility on Vestima our reach expands into new spheres for Finland domiciled funds. International investors will not only gain access to Evli's mutual funds, but they will also benefit from the Nordic investment knowledge of the entire Finnish fund industry", Kim Pessala, Evli Fund Management Company's Managing Director comments.

Additional information:

Kim Pessala, Managing Director, Evli Fund Management Company Ltd, tel. +358 40 523 3797
Petter von Bonsdorff, Head of International Business Development, Evli Bank Plc, tel. +358 40 540 4100

Evli Fund Management Company Ltd
Evli Fund Management Company is a Nordic fund management boutique with a prime focus on institutional investors. The funds are actively managed with an ESG overlay, a long time-perspective and a focus on free cash flow. Senior portfolio managers have an average of 10 years at Evli and 20 years' industry experience.

Evli Fund Management Company is owned by Evli Bank Plc. Evli has total of EUR 11.4 billion in client assets under management (net 12/2018). The Evli Group's equity capital totals EUR 77.4 million and its BIS capital adequacy ratio is 16.2 percent (December 31, 2018). The company has more than 250 employees. Evli Bank Plc's B shares are listed on Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd. Read more at

Clearstream acts a single point of entry for orders, streamlined cash management and consolidated position reporting in a secure environment. Clearstream offers customers direct access to local domiciled funds in 48 fund jurisdictions worldwide, of which 30 are in Europe.

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