Source: SOITEC



  • Eric Meurice elected as Chairman of the Board, succeeding Thierry Sommelet
  • Heartfelt tribute paid to Thierry Sommelet, who assumed the role of Chairman of the Board during a prolonged transition period

Bernin (Grenoble), France, March 28th, 2019 - Soitec (Euronext Paris), a world leader in designing and manufacturing innovative semiconductor materials, today announces decisions taken by its Board of Directors during its meeting yesterday in Singapore.  

During this meeting, Eric Meurice has been elected by his peers as Chairman of the Board. He succeeds Thierry Sommelet, who assumed this role during a prolonged 16-month transition period.

The latter will continue contributing to the works of the Board as well as to the Committees on which he serves(1). As for Eric Meurice, he retains his positions of Chairman of the Strategic Committee and Member of the Nomination Committee.

It is recalled that Thierry Sommelet was elected Chairman on November 29th, 2017(2), for a transition period due to expire at the close of the Shareholders' General Meeting convened to approve the financial statements for the fiscal year ending on March 31, 2018. During the Board meeting held on June 13th, 2018, it was decided to extend this transition period beyond its initial term.

The Board of Directors welcomes the election of Eric Meurice whose profile fits the needs of the Company given his background as a senior executive of a number of internationally-renowned technology companies, primarily in the semiconductor industry, the multicultural dimension of his career, as well his experience as a director of large international companies.

Lastly, the Board of Directors paid a unanimous and heartfelt tribute to Thierry Sommelet, warmly thanking him for having skilfully and efficiently assumed the role of Chairman of the Board during the past 16 months, beyond his invaluable personal contribution.

Resignation of Nabeel Gareeb

The Board of Directors acknowledged the resignation of Nabeel Gareeb as a Director of the Company(3), with immediate effect. This comes as a result of a reorganisation within NSIG group. NSIG Sunrise S.à.r.l. has informed the Board of Directors of its intention to propose without delay a candidate who will succeed Nabeel Gareeb by co-optation.

Eric Meurice's Biography

A French national, Eric Meurice, 62 years-old, serves as a non-executive director at NXP Semiconductors N.V. since April 2014, IPG Photonics Corp. since June 2014, UMICORE SA since April 2015 and Meyer Burger AG since May 2018.

Previously, Eric Meurice was the CEO of ASML Holding N.V., a semiconductor equipment manufacturer, from October 2004 to June 2013, and its President until March 2014. Under his watch, ASML became the world's largest seller of lithography equipment, leading to a significant equity investment and funding commitment by its largest customers.

From 2001 to 2004, he was Executive Vice President of Thomson-RCA Television, where he completed the merger of his group with TCL Corporation, a leading Chinese consumer electronics company.

From 1995 to 2001, he led Western Europe, Eastern Europe, and emerging markets in the EMEA region for Dell Computer.

Before 1995, Eric Meurice gained significant experience in the industrial and technological fields with ITT Semiconductors, Intel Corporation and Renault SA.

He also served on the boards of ARM Holdings plc until March 14 and of Verigy, Ltd until its acquisition by Advantest Corporation in 2011.

Eric Meurice graduated from Ecole Centrale de Paris (France), and has a Master's degree in Economics from Panthéon-Sorbonne University in Paris (France), and an MBA from Stanford University (California, USA).

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Q4'19 sales are due to be published on April 17, 2019 after market close.

Soitec will publish its FY'19 annual results on June 12, 2019 after market close. These results will be commented as part of a Capital Markets Day which will be held on the next day, i.e. on June 13, 2019, in Paris.

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About Soitec

Soitec (Euronext, Tech 40 Paris) is a world leader in designing and manufacturing innovative semiconductor materials. The company uses its unique technologies and semiconductor expertise to serve the electronics markets. With more than 3,000 patents worldwide, Soitec's strategy is based on disruptive innovation to answer its customers' needs for high performance, energy efficiency and cost competitiveness. Soitec has manufacturing facilities, R&D centers and offices in Europe, the U.S. and Asia. Soitec and Smart Cut are registered trademarks of Soitec. For more information, please visit and follow us on Twitter: @Soitec_EN

Soitec and Smart Cut are registered trademarks of Soitec.

For more information, please visit and follow us on Twitter: @Soitec_EN

Investor Relations:

Steve Babureck
+33 6 16 38 56 27 
+1 858 519 6230



Media Contact:


Erin Berard
+33 6 80 36 53 40


Isabelle Laurent
+33 1 53 32 61 51


Fabrice Baron
+33 1 53 32 61 27

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Soitec is a French joint-stock corporation with a Board of Directors (Société Anonyme à Conseil d'administration) with a share capital of € 62,762,070.50, having its registered office located at Parc Technologique des Fontaines - Chemin des Franques - 38190 Bernin (France), and registered with the Grenoble Trade and Companies Register under number 384 711 909.

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(1) Thierry Sommelet is a member of the Audit and Risks Committee, the Strategic Committee and the Restricted Strategic Matters Committee.

(2) Thierry Sommelet had been appointed as Company Director by co-optation during the Board meeting held on November 29th, 2017 following the resignation of Bpifrance Investissement of which he was, until then, the permanent representative on Soitec's Board of Directors. His nomination was subsequently ratified during the Shareholders' General Meeting on March 23, 2018. His term of office runs until the Shareholders' General Meeting convenes to approve the financial statements for the fiscal year ending on March 31, 2019.

(3) On proposal of NSIG Sunrise S.à.r.l., one of the three Company strategic investors, Nabeel Gareeb had been appointed as Director by co-optation during the Board meeting held on November 29th, 2017. His nomination followed the resignation of Xi Wang and was subsequently ratified during the Shareholders' General Meeting on March 23rd, 2018.
