Source: Research and Markets

Global Neurophotonics Market Analysis 2017-2019 & Forecast to 2023 - Led by Bruker Scientific, Carl Zeiss, Hitachi, Horiba, Leica Microsystems, and Thermo Fisher Scientific

Dublin, April 15, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The "Neurophotonics: Global Markets and Technologies to 2023" report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com's offering.

This report provides an updated review of neurophotonics technologies, including a description of various devices, and identifies current and emerging technologies used in different neurology fields.

This research delineates the current market status for these products, defines trends and presents growth forecasts for the next five years. The neurophotonics market is based on four segments: system type, application, neurological disorder and region. In addition, technological issues, including key events and the latest developments, are discussed.

More specifically, the market analysis conducted for this report appears over five chapters.

Chapter 3 of the report introduces the topic and a historical review of neurophotonic technologies, including an outline of recent events. This chapter identifies the main neurological conditions that are currently being evaluated or treated using these systems.

Chapter 4 provides a technological review of various types of optical systems for neurophotonics, together with their primary features and uses. This chapter concludes with an analysis of the most important technological developments since 2016, including examples of significant patents recently issued or applied. The chapter ends by listing the most active research organizations operating in this field and their activities.

Chapter 5 entails a global market analysis of neurophotonics technologies. Global revenues (sales data in millions of dollars) are presented for each segment (system type, application, neurological condition and region), with actual data for 2016 and 2017 and estimates for 2018. Dollar figures refer to sales of these systems at the manufacturing level.

The analysis of current revenues for neurophotonics technologies is followed by a detailed presentation of market growth trends, based on industry growth, technological trends and regional trends. The third section concludes by providing projected revenues for optical systems used in neurophotonics within each segment, together with forecast compound annual growth rates (CAGRs) for the period of 2018 through 2023. Projected and forecast revenue values are in constant U.S. dollars, unadjusted for inflation.

Chapter 6, which covers global industry structure, lists the leading manufacturers of neurophotonics systems, along with a description of their products. The analysis provides the geographical distribution of these firms and an evaluation of other key industry players. Company profiles of the top players are also provided.

Chapter 7 includes an analysis of recently issued U.S. patents, with a summary of patents related to fabrication processes, methods for using neurophotonic systems and applications. Patent analysis is performed by region, country, assignee, patent category, system type and application.

The report includes:

  • 55 data tables and 20 additional tables
  • A detailed overview of technologies and markets for neurophotonics within the industry
  • Analyses of global market trends with data from 2017 to 2018, and projections of compound annual growth rates (CAGRs) through 2023
  • Identification of important technology and industry trends within each market segment
  • Information on new technological developments related to neurophotonic systems, while outlining current technical issues
  • Description of the most relevant R&D activities and examination of trends in recently issued U.S. patents
  • Company profiles of the leading market players, including Bruker Scientific, Carl Zeiss, Hitachi, Horiba, Leica Microsystems and Thermo Fisher Scientific

Key Topics Covered

Chapter 1 Introduction

  • Study Goals and Objectives
  • Reasons for Doing this Study
  • Intended Audience
  • Scope of Report
  • Methodology and Information Sources
  • Market Breakdown

Chapter 2 Summary and Highlights

Chapter 3 Market and Technology Background

  • Definition and Study Focus
  • Neurons and the Nervous System
  • Light for Neurophotonics
  • Applications of Neurophotonics
  • Milestones in the History of Neurophotonics and Recent Events
  • Most Popular Current End Uses of Neurophotonics
  • Brain Development and Neurological Disorders in Infants and Young Children
  • Cerebral Ischemia and Stroke
  • Memory Disorders and Alzheimer's
  • Traumatic Brain Injury
  • Epilepsy
  • Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Pain
  • Stress
  • Motor Tasks and Exercise

Chapter 4 Technology

  • Introduction
  • Optical Technologies for Neurophotonics
  • Imaging Devices
  • Brain Stimulation and Therapeutic Devices
  • Techniques Based on Photosensitive Materials
  • Optical Microscopy
  • Raman Spectroscopy
  • Near-infrared Spectroscopy
  • Fast Optical Signal Imaging
  • Diffuse Correlation Spectroscopy
  • Optical Coherence Tomography
  • Photoacoustic Microscopy
  • Laser Speckle Flowmetry
  • Multimodal Imaging
  • Optogenetics
  • Bioluminescence Imaging
  • Infrared Neural Stimulation
  • Photobiomodulation
  • Optical Technologies, by Working Principle
  • Neural Activities Evaluated in Nanophotonics
  • Latest Technological Developments, 2016 to Present
  • Wearable Diffuse Optical Tomography for Super-Pixel Detection
  • Wireless Wearable Monitoring System for Brain Blood Oxygenation
  • Deep Brain Stimulation System Based on Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy
  • Brain-Machine Interface
  • Implantable Device for Optical Brain Stimulation
  • Other Relevant R&D Activities

Chapter 5 Global Markets

  • Analysis Outline
  • Global Market Summary
  • Current Market Status
  • Market, by Technology Type
  • Market, by Application
  • Market, by Neurological Condition
  • Market, by Region
  • Market Growth Trends
  • Mental Disorders
  • Research, Diagnosis and Therapy for Neurological Disorders
  • Technology Trends
  • Regional Trends
  • Market Forecast
  • Market, by Technology Type
  • Market, by Application
  • Market, by Neurological Condition
  • Market, by Region/Country

Chapter 6 Global Industry Structure and Company Profiles

  • Leading Manufacturers of Optical Technologies for Neurophotonics
  • Distribution of Leading Suppliers, by Technology Type and Region
  • Other Industry Players
  • Company Profiles
  • Artinis Medical Systems
  • Bruker Scientific
  • Cairn Research
  • Carl Zeiss
  • Femtonics
  • Fnir Devices
  • Hemophotonics
  • Hitachi
  • Horiba
  • Intelligent Imaging Innovations
  • ISS
  • Leica Microsystems
  • Nanoscope Technologies
  • Nikon
  • Nirx
  • Olympus
  • Perkinelmer
  • Scientifica
  • Thermo Fisher Scientific
  • Vielight

Chapter 7 Patent Analysis

  • Introduction
  • Summary of Recently Awarded Patents
  • General Trends
  • Trends, by Country and Region
  • Trends, by Assignee
  • Trends, by Patent Category
  • Trends, by System Type
  • Trends, by Application

Companies Mentioned

  • Artinis Medical Systems
  • Bruker Scientific
  • Cairn Research
  • Carl Zeiss
  • Femtonics
  • Fnir Devices
  • Hemophotonics
  • Hitachi
  • Horiba
  • Intelligent Imaging Innovations
  • ISS
  • Leica Microsystems
  • Nanoscope Technologies
  • Nikon
  • Nirx
  • Olympus
  • Perkinelmer
  • Scientifica
  • Thermo Fisher Scientific
  • Vielight

For more information about this report visit https://www.researchandmarkets.com/r/yh6zsh