IGE+XAO: A favourable first quarter

Toulouse, IGE+XAO Group announces:
Consolidated turnover for 1st quarter 2019 (in IFRS norms).
(Period from 1 January 2019 to 31 March 2019).   


A favourable first quarter

Consolidated turnover for IGE+XAO over the 1st quarter of 2019 stands at 8,516,319 euros, up 7.3% compared to 2018. This sharp increase is the result of both the sustained activity of SME/SMI sales in France as well as abroad and the good resistance of Major Accounts sales.

Like commercial activity, the beginning of this period was particularly dynamic from a technical standpoint, with in particular the achievement of significant developments concerning the future versions of the SEE Electrical PLM (Management of the life cycle of electrical facilities), SEE Electrical Expert (Computer Aided Design software dedicated to electricity) and SEE Electrical 3D Panel+ (Design and manufacture of electrical cabinets in 3D) software. In addition, substantial efforts were deployed in the area of Cloud technology.

From a financial standpoint, the Group is solidly structured with, at 31 December 2018, equity of 37 million euros, almost no bank debt and a cash flow of over 33 million euros. Backed with its results and its solid fundamentals, the Group intends to pursue its development plan while still retaining a high level of profitability.

In this context, the Combined Annual General Meeting of 12 April 2019 approved the distribution of a dividend of 1.55 euros per share effective 18 April 2019.


About the IGE+XAO Group
For over 32 years, the IGE+XAO Group has been a software publisher designing, producing, selling and supporting a range of Computer Aided Design (CAD), Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) and Simulation software dedicated to Electrical Engineering. These software products have been designed to help companies in the design and maintenance of the electrical part of any type of installation. This type of CAD/PLM/Simulation is called "Electrical CAD/PLM/Simulation". IGE+XAO employs 360 people around the world in 30 sites and in 20 countries, and has more than 91,610 licenses distributed around the world. IGE+XAO is a key player in its field. For more information: http://www.ige-xao.com. Follow us on Twitter @igexao_corpo.

IGE+XAO Group contacts
IGE+XAO Group, 16 boulevard Déodat de Séverac – CS 90 312 – 31 773 COLOMIERS CEDEX
Phone: +33 (0)5 62 74 36 36 – Fax: +33 (0)5 62 74 36 37
Website: www.ige-xao.com
Listed on Euronext Paris – Compartment B – CAC Mid & Small® Index – ISIN FR 0000030827
Analysts/Investors: Alain Di Crescenzo (Chairman of the Group) +33 (0)5 62 74 36 36
Press Contact: Rozenn Nerrand-Destouches: +33 (0) 5 62 74 36 02



