Source: Dime Community Bancshares, Inc.

Dime Community Bancshares, Inc. Reports Record Quarterly Business Banking Originations of $200 Million, Representing a 1,325% Year-Over-Year Increase in Business Banking Originations

Completes Commercial Bank Charter Conversion

BROOKLYN, N.Y., April 25, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Dime Community Bancshares, Inc. (NASDAQ: DCOM) (the “Company” or “Dime” or “its”), the parent company of Dime Community Bank (the “Bank”), today reported net income of $11.5 million for the quarter ended March 31, 2019, or $0.32 per diluted common share, compared with net income of $12.4 million for the quarter ended December 31, 2018, or $0.34 per diluted common share, and net income of $14.7 million for the quarter ended March 31, 2018, or $0.39 per diluted common share.

Kenneth J. Mahon, President and CEO of the Company, stated, “The linked quarter decline in EPS was primarily attributable to a $2.4 million decrease in prepayment fee income. Excluding the impact of prepayment fee income, pre-tax income for the quarter ended March 31, 2019 would have been $14.5 million, or 17% higher than the linked quarter pre-tax income of $12.4 million excluding prepayment fee income, on a comparative basis. Our Business Banking division continues to experience strong growth, as evidenced by record quarterly originations of $200 million. The Business Banking division’s loan portfolio reached $824 million (or 15% of total loans) at March 31, 2019, versus $648 million (or 12% of total loans) at December 31, 2018. As the Business Banking portfolio increasingly becomes a larger percentage of our overall balance sheet, we expect our overall loan yields to continue trending upwards. New Business Banking loan originations continue to be at significantly higher rates (weighted average rate (“WAR”) on new Business Banking originations was 5.19% for the first quarter of 2019) than the overall portfolio. In addition, Business Banking deposits grew to $227 million at the end of the first quarter of 2019. As we continue to grow relationship-based loans and deposits, the quality of our balance sheet and franchise value are expected to improve.”

Charter Conversion

On January 24, 2019, the Bank filed an application with the New York Department of Financial Services (“NYSDFS”) seeking approval to convert from a New York stock form savings bank to a New York commercial bank (the “Charter Conversion”).  Simultaneous with the Charter Conversion application to NYSDFS, the Company filed an application with the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia to delist as a savings and loan holding company and elect to become a bank holding company.  Having received all applicable regulatory approvals, on April 25, 2019 the Bank completed the Charter Conversion, and will henceforth operate as a New York commercial bank. The Company will henceforth operate as a bank holding company.

Mr. Mahon commented, “We are into our third full year of re-engineering Dime’s monoline multifamily focused thrift model into a full service, relationship based community commercial bank. The Charter Conversion demonstrates that management and our Board of Directors are fully committed to our new relationship-based operating model. We are grateful to the NYSDFS for being supportive of our business model transformation and accepting our application to operate as a New York commercial bank.”

Mr. Mahon continued, “Under our prior savings bank charter, the Bank was not allowed to accept deposits from municipalities due to Section 237 of the Banking Law.  New York commercial banks have no such limitation. As such, converting to a commercial bank charter has provided the Bank with the additional business opportunity of accepting municipal deposits and we will be able to compete more effectively with New York and national commercial banks located in our markets. The ability to gather municipal deposits provides us another important avenue to help lower our loan-to-deposit ratio over the medium-to-long term.”

Mr. Mahon concluded, “Notably, Dime’s executive team has only two members who have been with us longer than three years. We have new executives in Business Banking, Residential Lending, Retail Banking, Finance, Marketing, Human Resources and Training, Technology, Information Security, Legal and Compliance, Risk, and Corporate Development among other functions. The over-arching takeaway is that there has been a virtual re-make of the entire management structure and these leaders have brought new thinking, energy, and a sense of urgency to our organization and the business model transformation. I am confident that we are on track to transform our business model from a monoline thrift into the pre-eminent Metro New York community commercial bank.”

Highlights for the first quarter of 2019 included:

  • Continued the build out of the Business Banking division via the hires of Jeff Barber, Senior Vice President of Business Banking and Long Island Group Leader, and Tom Braunstein, Senior Vice President of Business Banking and Manhattan Group Leader. Mr. Barber will be responsible for managing multiple teams in the Long Island market and Mr. Braunstein will be responsible for managing multiple teams in the Manhattan and Brooklyn market;
  • Record Business Banking originations of $200.4 million in the first quarter of 2019, a 1,324.9% increase versus the first quarter of 2018;
  • Business Banking loan originations for the first quarter of 2019 were at significantly higher rates than the overall portfolio; the WAR on Business Banking real estate originations was 5.02% and the WAR on C&I originations was 5.66% for the quarter ended March 31, 2019, compared to the total real estate and C&I loan portfolio WAR of 3.90% for the quarter ended March 31, 2019;
  • Strong growth in checking account balances. Compared to the first quarter of 2018, the sum of average non-interest bearing checking account balances and average interest-bearing checking account balances for the first quarter of 2019 increased by 18% to $513.2 million;
  • Consolidated Company commercial real estate (“CRE”) concentration ratio of 707% at March 31, 2019, versus 749% at March 31, 2018; and
  • Reported book value per share and tangible book value per share (which consists of common equity less goodwill, divided by number of shares outstanding) grew to $16.83 and $15.29, respectively, at March 31, 2019 (see “Non-GAAP Reconciliation” tables at the end of this news release).

Management’s Discussion of Quarterly Operating Results

Net Interest Income

Net interest income in the first quarter of 2019 was $35.3 million, a decrease of $1.8 million (4.9%) from the fourth quarter of 2018 and a decrease of $2.7 million (7.1%) from the first quarter of 2018. The decline in net interest income was primarily due to a reduction in prepayment fee income. Prepayment fee income for the first quarter of 2019 was $0.8 million, compared to $3.2 million for the fourth quarter of 2018 and $2.3 million for the first quarter of 2018.

Mr. Mahon commented, “In the fourth quarter of 2018, we had elevated prepayment fee income of $3.2 million as many of our borrowers prepaid early in anticipation of the Federal Reserve continuing its interest rate tightening policy into 2019. Over the last few months, there has been a significant shift in market sentiment vis-à-vis the direction of interest rates and many existing borrowers, especially those with low coupon loans, now appear to be waiting to get close to the contractual reset date on their loans before refinancing (rather than prepaying early). As a result, prepayment fee income declined to $0.8 million in the first quarter of 2019.”

Net interest margin (“NIM”) was 2.31% during the first quarter of 2019, compared to 2.46% in the fourth quarter of 2018, and 2.47% during the first quarter of 2018.  The linked quarter decrease in NIM was primarily due to the aforementioned reduction in prepayment fee income. Net interest margin excluding income related to prepayment activity during the first quarter of 2019 was 2.26%, compared to 2.25% in the fourth quarter of 2018 and 2.33% during the first quarter of 2018.

Mr. Mahon commented, “The consecutive linked quarter increases in our NIM (excluding the impact of prepayment fees) has been driven by the growing contribution of our Business Banking division. We are pleased that our business model transformation is producing the desired results on core NIM.”

Average interest-earning assets were $6.11 billion for the first quarter of 2019, a 5.3% (annualized) increase from $6.03 billion for the fourth quarter of 2018, and a 0.6% decrease from $6.15 billion for the first quarter of 2018. The linked quarter increase in average interest-earning assets was primarily driven by an increase in the loan portfolio, as the Company had strong loan originations in its Business Banking division along with reduced payoffs in the multifamily loan portfolio.

For the first quarter of 2019, the average yield on interest-earning assets was 3.78%, a decrease of 7 basis points compared with the fourth quarter of 2018, and an increase of 20 basis points compared to the first quarter of 2018.  The linked quarter decrease in the yield on average interest-earning assets was primarily due to the previously mentioned reduction in prepayment fee income.

The ending WAR on the total loan portfolio was 3.90% at March 31, 2019, which represents an 8 basis points increase versus the ending WAR on the total loan portfolio at December 31, 2018, and a 33 basis points increase versus the ending WAR on the total loan portfolio at March 31, 2018.

The average cost of borrowed funds (which primarily consists of Federal Home Loan Bank advances) was 2.43% for the first quarter of 2019, an increase of 9 basis points versus the fourth quarter of 2018, and an increase of 38 basis points versus the first quarter of 2018.


The real estate loan portfolio increased by $75.8 million (5.8% annualized) during the first quarter of 2019.  Total real estate loan originations were $233.9 million during the first quarter of 2019, at a weighted average interest rate of 5.01%. Real estate loan amortization and satisfactions totaled $150.5 million, or 11.6% (annualized) of the portfolio balance, at an average rate of 3.89%. The annualized real estate loan payoff rate of 11.6% for the first quarter of 2019 was lower than the fourth quarter of 2018 (20.7% annualized) and the first quarter of 2018 (13.6% annualized). Average real estate loans were $5.20 billion in the first quarter of 2019, an increase of $16.1 million (1.3% annualized) from the fourth quarter of 2018, and a decrease of $239.4 million (-4.4%) from the first quarter of 2018.

Outlined below are the loan originations for the current quarter, linked quarter and year-ago quarter.

($s in millions)Originations/ Weighted Average Rate
Real Estate OriginationsQ1 2019Q4 2018Q1 2018
Non-Business Banking$86.1/4.99%$131.6/4.74%$53.8/4.14%
Business Banking$147.8/5.02%$101.2/5.08%$21.2/4.21%
Total Real Estate$233.9/5.01%$232.8/4.89%$75.0/4.17%
C&I Originations$52.6/5.66%$41.2/6.12%$25.3/4.81%

Deposits and Borrowed Funds

The Company continues to focus on growing relationship-based business deposits sourced from its retail branches and its Business Banking division.  The Business Banking division ended the first quarter of 2019 with approximately $122.2 million of low-cost relationship-based checking and leasehold deposits at an average rate of approximately one basis point and total deposits of $227.4 million at an average rate of 57 basis points, compared to approximately $61.7 million of checking and leasehold deposits at an average rate of approximately one basis point and total deposits of $89.0 million at an average rate of 22 basis points, respectively, for the year-ago period.

The cost of total deposits increased 10 basis points on a linked quarter basis, compared to a 9 basis points increase when comparing the fourth quarter of 2018 to the third quarter of 2018, and a 12 basis points increase when comparing the third quarter of 2018 to the second quarter of 2018. Mr. Mahon commented, “Importantly, we improved the quality of our deposit base, as evidenced by the non-interest bearing deposits to total deposits ratio increasing to 9.5% at March 31, 2019 compared to 9.1% at December 31, 2018. We continue to manage our deposit pricing to remain competitive with the market while keeping our loan-to-deposit ratio range at approximately 125%.”

Total deposits increased by $50.9 million (4.7% annualized) on a linked quarter basis to $4.41 billion at March 31, 2019. The DimeDirect internet channel deposit portfolio was approximately $234.0 million at the end of the first quarter of 2019 compared to $290.8 million at year-end 2018.  Mr. Mahon commented, “In fiscal year 2018, our DimeDirect deposit portfolio declined by approximately $415 million, as we did not raise our posted rates beyond 1.35%. In the first quarter of 2019, net outflows in DimeDirect slowed to approximately $57 million. We expect the magnitude of dollar outflows from DimeDirect to decline over time, resulting in less of a headwind to grow overall deposits in the future.”

The loan-to-deposit ratio was 124.9% at March 31, 2019, compared to 123.8% at December 31, 2018 and 124.3% at March 31, 2018.

Total borrowings, excluding subordinated debt, was $1.13 billion at March 31, 2019, consistent with the fourth quarter of 2018, and $1.01 billion at the first quarter of 2018. At March 31, 2019, 38.0% of the borrowings portfolio, excluding subordinated debt, consisted of Federal Home Loan Bank bullet advances and overnight unsecured borrowings, that have a remaining term of less than a year, compared to 26.1% for the prior year period.

Non-Interest Income

Non-interest income was $2.4 million during the first quarter of 2019, $1.8 million during the fourth quarter of 2018, and $3.2 million during the first quarter of 2018. In the first quarter of 2018, non-interest income of $3.2 million included $1.4 million of gains from the sale of securities that the Bank had retained from its Freddie Mac sponsored Q-deal securitization completed in December of 2017.

Non-Interest Expense

Total non-interest expense was $22.1 million during the first quarter of 2019, $22.7 million during the fourth quarter of 2018, and $21.7 million during the first quarter of 2018. In the fourth quarter of 2018, non-interest expense of $22.7 million included $0.7 million of severance related expenses related to a workforce reduction.  On a linked quarter basis, excluding the severance expense from the fourth quarter of 2018, salaries and employee benefits expenses increased by $0.6 million as the Company added relationship bankers and support staff as part of its Business Banking division buildout.

The ratio of non-interest expense to average assets was 1.39% during the first quarter of 2019, 1.46% during the fourth quarter of 2018, and 1.36% during the first quarter of 2018.

The efficiency ratio was 59.2% during the first quarter of 2019, 58.0% during the fourth quarter of 2018, and 54.6% during the first quarter of 2018.

Income Tax Expense

The reported effective tax rate for the first quarter of 2019 was 24.9% versus 20.4% for the fourth quarter of 2018. As disclosed previously, in the fourth quarter of 2018, the Company recognized a one-time tax rate benefit in conjunction with the filing of the prior year tax return.

Credit Quality

Non-performing loans at March 31, 2019 were $5.4 million, or 0.10% of total loans, an increase from $2.3 million, or 0.04% of total loans, at December 31, 2018.  The allowance for loan losses was 0.40% of total loans at both March 31, 2019 and December 31, 2018. At March 31, 2019, non-performing assets represented 2.2% of the sum of tangible common equity plus the allowance for loan losses and reserve for contingent liabilities (this non-Generally Accepted Accounting Principle (“GAAP”) statistic is otherwise known as the "Texas Ratio"), which is higher than the ratio of 0.4% at December 31, 2018 (see “Problem Assets as a Percentage of Tangible Capital and Reserves” table and “Non-GAAP Reconciliation” table at the end of this news release).  A loan loss provision of $0.3 million was recorded during the first quarter of 2019, compared to a loan loss provision of $0.6 million during the fourth quarter of 2018, and a loan loss provision of $0.2 million during the first quarter of 2018.

Capital Management

The Company’s consolidated Tier 1 capital to average assets (“leverage ratio”), which was 8.81% at March 31, 2019, was in excess of all applicable regulatory requirements.

The Bank’s regulatory capital ratios continued to be in excess of all applicable regulatory requirements.  At March 31, 2019, the Bank’s leverage ratio was 9.77%, while Tier 1 capital to risk-weighted assets and Total capital to risk-weighted assets ratios were 12.39% and 12.84%, respectively.

Mr. Mahon commented, “During the first quarter of 2019, we repurchased 199,254 shares at a weighted average price of $19.14. Pro forma for the repurchases, and the asset growth we experienced in the first quarter of 2019, our tangible common equity to tangible assets ratio was 8.58% at March 31, 2019.”

Diluted earnings per common share of $0.32 exceeded the quarterly $0.14 cash dividend per share by 129% during the first quarter of 2019, equating to a 43.75% dividend payout ratio.

Book value per share was $16.83 and tangible book value per share (common equity less goodwill divided by number of shares outstanding) (see “Non-GAAP Reconciliation” tables at the end of this news release) was $15.29 at March 31, 2019.

Outlook for the Quarter Ending June 30, 2019

The Company continues to prioritize NIM growth, and improving the quality of its balance sheet, over earning asset growth at lower margins.

The Company’s posted rack rates on multifamily loans continue to be above the rates offered by many competitors, thereby affecting the level of multifamily originations. As such, the multifamily portfolio is expected to continue trending lower over the course of the year. The pace of payoffs could pick up in the second half of the year. The Company has approximately $54 million of multifamily loans that are scheduled to reach their contractual repricing dates in the second quarter of 2019, and approximately $238 million of multifamily loans that are scheduled to reach their contractual repricing dates during the second half of 2019.

Declines in the multifamily portfolio are expected to be offset by growth in the Business Banking portfolio and the Residential Lending portfolio.

The Business Banking division is projected to achieve its full year 2019 net portfolio growth target of at least $650 million to $700 million. As mentioned previously, net portfolio growth for the Business Banking division in the first quarter of 2019 was $176.4 million.

Non‐interest expense for fiscal year 2019 is currently expected to be approximately between $88 million to $90 million. This estimate includes the cost of hiring new relationship bankers to meet the aforementioned portfolio growth target for the Business Banking division.

The Company projects that the consolidated effective tax rate will be approximately 25% for fiscal year 2019.

The Company had $6.48 billion in consolidated assets as of March 31, 2019. The bank was founded in 1864, is headquartered in Brooklyn, New York, and currently has twenty-nine retail branches located throughout Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx, Nassau County and Suffolk County, New York. More information on the Company and the Bank can be found on Dime's website at www.dime.com.

This news release contains a number of forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "Exchange Act"). These statements may be identified by use of words such as "anticipate," "believe," “continue,” "could," "estimate," "expect," "intend," “likely,” "may," "outlook," "plan," "potential," "predict," "project," "should," "will," "would" and similar terms and phrases, including references to assumptions.

Forward-looking statements are based upon various assumptions and analyses made by the Company in light of management's experience and its perception of historical trends, current conditions and expected future developments, as well as other factors it believes are appropriate under the circumstances. These statements are not guarantees of future performance and are subject to risks, uncertainties and other factors (many of which are beyond the Company's control) that could cause actual results to differ materially from future results expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Accordingly, you should not place undue reliance on such statements. Factors that could affect our results include, without limitation, the following: the timing and occurrence or non-occurrence of events may be subject to circumstances beyond the Company’s control; there may be increases in competitive pressure among financial institutions or from non-financial institutions; changes in the interest rate environment may reduce interest margins; changes in deposit flows, loan demand or real estate values may adversely affect the business of the Company and/or the Bank; unanticipated or significant increases in loan losses may negatively affect the Company’s financial condition or results of operations; changes in accounting principles, policies or guidelines may cause the Company’s financial condition to be perceived differently; changes in corporate and/or individual income tax laws may adversely affect the Company's financial condition or results of operations; general economic conditions, either nationally or locally in some or all areas in which the Company conducts business, or conditions in the securities markets or the banking industry may be less favorable than the Company currently anticipates; legislation or regulatory changes may adversely affect the Company’s business; technological changes may be more difficult or expensive than the Company anticipates; there may be failures or breaches of information technology security systems; success or consummation of new business initiatives may be more difficult or expensive than the Company anticipates; or litigation or other matters before regulatory agencies, whether currently existing or commencing in the future, may delay the occurrence or non-occurrence of events longer than the Company anticipates.

Contact: Avinash Reddy
Executive Vice President – Chief Financial Officer
718-782-6200 extension 5909

(Dollars in thousands except share amounts)
  March 31,    December 31,  
  2019 2018 
Cash and due from banks$143,473  $147,256  
Mortgage-backed securities available for sale 457,217   466,605  
Investment securities available for sale 54,406   36,280  
Marketable equity securities, at fair value 5,912   5,667  
Real Estate Loans:    
One-to-four family and cooperative/condominium apartment 107,709   96,847  
Multifamily residential and residential mixed-use (1)(2) 3,831,145   3,866,788  
Commercial real estate and commercial mixed-use 1,245,806   1,170,085  
Acquisition, development, and construction ("ADC") 54,222   29,402  
Total real estate loans 5,238,882   5,163,122  
Commercial and industrial ("C&I") 266,415   229,504  
Other loans 1,139   1,192  
Allowance for loan losses (21,941)  (21,782) 
Total loans, net 5,484,495   5,372,036  
Premises and fixed assets, net 23,708   24,713  
Loans held for sale 682   1,097  
Federal Home Loan Bank of New York capital stock 55,840   57,551  
Bank Owned Life Insurance ("BOLI") 112,121   111,427  
Goodwill 55,638   55,638  
Operating lease assets 40,401   -  
Other assets 41,408   42,308  
TOTAL ASSETS$6,475,301  $6,320,578  
Non-interest bearing checking$417,475  $395,477  
Interest-bearing checking 116,562   115,972  
Savings 328,853   336,669  
Money Market 1,963,954   2,098,599  
Sub-total 2,826,844   2,946,717  
Certificates of deposit 1,580,778   1,410,037  
Total Due to Depositors 4,407,622   4,356,754  
Escrow and other deposits 137,116   85,234  
Federal Home Loan Bank of New York advances 1,087,325   1,125,350  
Subordinated Notes Payable, net 113,796   113,759  
Other Borrowings 45,000   -  
Operating lease liabilities 46,868   -  
Other liabilities 31,300   37,400  
TOTAL LIABILITIES 5,869,027   5,718,497  
Common stock ($0.01 par, 125,000,000 shares authorized, 53,690,825 shares and 53,690,825 shares    
issued at March 31, 2019 and December 31, 2018, respectively, and 36,020,112 shares    
and 36,092,952 shares outstanding at March 31, 2019 and December 31, 2018, respectively) 537   537  
Additional paid-in capital 278,358   277,512  
Retained earnings 572,175   565,713  
Accumulated other comprehensive loss, net of deferred taxes (5,232)  (6,500) 
Unearned equity award common stock (6,068)  (3,623) 
Common stock held by the Benefit Maintenance Plan (1,509)  (1,509) 
Treasury stock (17,670,713 shares and 17,597,873 shares at March 31, 2019 and December 31, 2018, respectively) (231,987)  (230,049) 
TOTAL STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY 606,274   602,081  
(1) Includes loans underlying cooperatives.    
(2) While the loans within this category are often considered "commercial real estate" in nature, multifamily and loans underlying cooperatives are here reported separately from commercial real estate loans in order to emphasize the residential nature of the collateral underlying this significant component of the total loan portfolio.

(Dollars in thousands except share and per share amounts)
 For the Three Months Ended
 March 31, December 31, March 31,
 2019 2018 2018
Interest income:     
Loans secured by real estate$49,177  $49,953  $49,575 
Commercial and industrial ("C&I") loans 3,436   3,200   1,656 
Other loans 18   19   20 
Mortgage-backed securities 3,197   3,279   2,257 
Investment securities 420   240   15 
Other short-term investments 1,447   1,359   1,511 
Total interest  income 57,695   58,050   55,034 
Interest expense:     
Deposits and escrow 15,017   14,289   10,751 
Borrowed funds 7,354   6,611   6,267 
Total interest expense 22,371   20,900   17,018 
Net interest income 35,324   37,150   38,016 
Provision for loan losses   321   603   193 
Net interest income after  provision     
for loan losses 35,003   36,547   37,823 
Non-interest income:     
Service charges and other fees 1,099   1,199   911 
Mortgage banking income, net 68   75   111 
Gain (loss) on equity securities 268   (416)  (4)
Gain (loss) on sale of securities and other assets (76)  -   1,370 
Gain on sale of loans 255   159   90 
Income from BOLI 694   721   712 
Other 52   83   54 
Total non-interest income 2,360   1,821   3,244 
Non-interest expense:     
Salaries and employee benefits 11,884   12,042   11,177 
Stock benefit plan compensation expense 284   326   388 
Occupancy and equipment 3,869   3,836   3,872 
Data processing costs 2,066   1,635   1,754 
Marketing 466   1,030   1,047 
Federal deposit insurance premiums 454   448   665 
Other 3,029   3,428   2,831 
Total non-interest expense 22,052   22,745   21,734 
Income before taxes 15,311   15,623   19,333 
Income tax expense 3,810   3,183   4,587 
Net Income$11,501  $12,440  $14,746 
Earnings per Share ("EPS"):      
Basic $ 0.32   $ 0.34   $ 0.39  
Diluted $ 0.32   $ 0.34   $ 0.39  
Average common shares outstanding     
for Diluted EPS   35,976,915      36,296,298      37,464,725  

(Dollars in thousands except per share amounts) 
 At or For the Three Months Ended  
 March 31,  December 31, March 31,  
  2019  2018  2018  
Per Share Data:       
Reported EPS (Diluted)$0.32  $0.34  $0.39   
Cash dividends paid per share   0.14     0.14     0.14   
Book value per share   16.83     16.69     16.22   
Tangible book value per share (1)   15.29     15.14     14.73   
Dividend payout ratio 43.75%  41.18%  35.90%  
Performance Ratios (Based upon Reported Net Income):       
Return on average assets 0.72%  0.80%  0.93%  
Return on average common equity 7.62%  8.25%  9.77%  
Return on average tangible common equity (1) 8.39%  9.08%  10.76%  
Net interest spread 2.02%  2.22%  2.28%  
Net interest margin 2.31%  2.46%  2.47%  
Average interest-earning assets to average interest-bearing liabilities 118.14%  118.71%  115.84%  
Non-interest expense to average assets 1.39%  1.46%  1.36%  
Efficiency ratio 59.22%  57.98%  54.60%  
Loan-to-deposit ratio at end of period 124.93%  123.24%  122.68%  
CRE consolidated concentration ratio (2) 706.7%  702.7%  748.6%  
Effective tax rate 24.88%  20.37%  23.73%  
Average Balance Data:       
Average assets$6,364,098  $6,251,691  $6,369,310   
Average interest-earning assets   6,111,293     6,031,823     6,145,013   
Average loans   5,445,301     5,400,166     5,577,309   
Average deposits   4,341,045     4,349,419     4,378,117   
Average common equity   604,074     603,358     603,555   
Average tangible common equity (1)   548,436     547,721     547,917   
Asset Quality Summary:       
Non-performing loans (excluding loans held for sale)$5,425  $2,345  $1,719   
Non-performing assets   5,425     2,345     1,719   
Net charge-offs   162     151     22   
Non-performing loans/ Total loans 0.10%  0.04%  0.03%  
Non-performing assets/ Total assets 0.08%  0.04%  0.03%  
Allowance for loan loss/ Total loans 0.40%  0.40%  0.39%  
Allowance for loan loss/ Non-performing loans 404.44%  928.87%  1,233.51%  
Loans delinquent 30 to 89 days at period end$338  $424  $2,947   
Capital Ratios - Consolidated:       
Tangible common equity to tangible assets (1) 8.58%  8.72%  8.81%  
Tier 1 common equity ratio 11.04   11.50   11.87   
Tier 1 risk-based capital ratio 11.04   11.50   11.87   
Total risk-based capital ratio 13.77   14.35   14.79   
Tier 1 leverage ratio 8.81   8.92   8.79   
Capital Ratios - Bank Only:       
Tier 1 common equity ratio 12.39%  13.34%  12.97%  
Tier 1 risk-based capital ratio 12.39   13.34   12.97   
Total risk-based capital ratio 12.84   13.80   13.43   
Tier 1 leverage ratio 9.77   10.31   9.59   
(1)  See "Non-GAAP Reconciliation" table for reconciliation of tangible common equity and tangible assets. Average balances are calculated using the ending balance for months during the period indicated.
(2)  The CRE concentration ratio is calculated using the sum of commercial real estate, excluding owner occupied commercial real estate, multifamily, and ADC, divided by consolidated capital.   

(Dollars in thousands)
 For the Three Months Ended
  March 31, 2019   December 31, 2018   March 31, 2018 
   Average   Average   Average
 Average Yield/ Average Yield/ Average Yield/
 BalanceInterestCost BalanceInterestCost BalanceInterestCost
Interest-earning assets:           
Real estate loans$5,195,951$49,177 3.79% $5,179,805$49,953 3.86% $5,435,400$49,575 3.65%
Commercial and industrial loans 248,267 3,436 5.54%  219,295 3,200 5.84   140,720 1,656 4.71 
Other loans 1,083 18 6.65%  1,066 19 7.13   1,189 19 6.39 
Mortgage-backed securities 464,303 3,197 2.75%  472,965 3,279 2.77   351,196 2,257 2.57 
Investment securities 47,177 420 3.56%  19,728 240 4.87   6,492 15 0.92 
Other short-term investments 154,512 1,447 3.75%  138,964 1,359 3.91   210,016 1,511 2.88 
Total interest-earning assets 6,111,293 57,695 3.78%  6,031,823 58,050 3.85%  6,145,013 55,033 3.58%
Non-interest-earning assets 252,805    219,868    224,297  
Total assets$6,364,098   $6,251,691   $6,369,310  
Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity:           
Interest-bearing liabilities:           
Interest-bearing checking accounts$115,243$22 0.08% $114,563$60 0.21% $124,440$54 0.18%
Money market accounts 2,029,794 7,640 1.53%  2,131,276 7,630 1.42   2,432,242 6,318 1.05 
Savings accounts 331,662 45 0.06%  338,837 47 0.06   359,638 59 0.07 
Certificates of deposit 1,466,439 7,310 2.02%  1,377,207 6,552 1.89   1,151,146 4,320 1.52 
  Total interest-bearing deposits 3,943,138 15,017 1.54%  3,961,883 14,289 1.43   4,067,466 10,751 1.07 
Borrowed Funds 1,229,607 7,353 2.43%  1,119,225 6,611 2.34   1,237,094 6,267 2.05 
Total interest-bearing liabilities 5,172,745 22,370 1.75%  5,081,108 20,900 1.63%  5,304,560 17,018 1.30%
Non-interest-bearing checking accounts 397,907    387,536    310,651  
Other non-interest-bearing liabilities 189,372    179,689    150,544  
Total liabilities 5,760,024    5,648,333    5,765,755  
Stockholders' equity 604,074    603,358    603,555  
Total liabilities and stockholders' equity$6,364,098   $6,251,691   $6,369,310  
Net interest income $35,325    $37,150    $38,015  
Net interest spread  2.02%   2.22%   2.28%
Net interest-earning assets$938,548   $950,715   $840,453  
Net interest margin  2.31%   2.46%   2.47%
Ratio of interest-earning assets to interest-bearing liabilities  118.14%    118.71%    115.84% 
Deposits (including non-interest bearing checking accounts)$4,341,045$15,017 1.40% $4,349,419$14,289 1.30% $4,378,117$10,751 1.00%

(Dollars in thousands)
 At March 31, 2019 At December 31, 2018 At March 31, 2018
 BalanceWAR BalanceWAR BalanceWAR
Loan balances at period end:        
One-to-four family residential, including condominium and cooperative apartment$107,7094.58% $96,8474.59% $62,5964.36%
Multifamily residential and residential mixed-use (2)(3) 3,831,1453.61   3,866,7883.56   4,280,9513.42 
Commercial real estate and commercial mixed-use 1,245,8064.23   1,170,0854.17   1,007,5953.95 
Acquisition, development, and construction ("ADC") 54,2226.61   29,4026.64   9,4135.84 
Total real estate loans 5,238,8823.81   5,163,1223.74   5,360,5553.53 
Commercial and industrial ("C&I") 266,4155.72   229,5045.76   145,8184.99 
Total$5,505,2973.90% $5,392,6263.82% $5,506,3733.57%
(1) Weighted average rate is calculated by aggregating interest based on the current loan rate from each loan in the category, divided by the total amount of loans in the category.
(2) Includes loans underlying cooperatives.
(3) While the loans within this category are often considered "commercial real estate" in nature, multifamily and loans underlying cooperatives are here reported separately from commercial real estate loans in order to emphasize the residential nature of the collateral underlying this significant component of the total loan portfolio.

(Dollars in thousands)
 At March 31, At December 31, At March 31,
 2019 2018 2018
Non-Performing Loans     
One-to-four family residential, including condominium and cooperative apartment$706 $712 $449
Multifamily residential and residential mixed-use (1)(2) 276  280  -
Commercial real estate and commercial mixed-use real estate (2) 4,205  1,041  90
C&I 232  309  1,179
Other 6  3  1
Total Non-Performing Loans (3)$ 5,425  $ 2,345  $ 1,719
Total Non-Performing Assets$ 5,425  $ 2,345  $ 1,719
Performing TDR Loans     
One-to-four -family and cooperative/condominium apartment$12 $14 $20
Multifamily residential and mixed-use residential real estate (1)(2) 261  271  604
Commercial real estate and commercial mixed-use real estate (2) 4,061  4,084  7,431
Total Performing TDRs$ 4,334  $ 4,369  $ 8,055
(1) Includes loans underlying cooperatives.     
(2) While the loans within this category are often considered "commercial real estate" in nature, multifamily and loans underlying cooperatives are here reported separately from commercial real estate loans in order to emphasize the residential nature of the collateral underlying this significant component of the total loan portfolio.
(3)  There were no non-accruing TDRs for the periods indicated.

(Dollars in thousands)
 At March 31, At December 31, At March 31,
  2019  2018  2018
Total Non-Performing Assets$5,425  $2,345  $1,719 
Loans 90 days or more past due on accrual status (5)   6,955     100     13,816 
  TOTAL PROBLEM ASSETS$12,380  $2,445  $15,535 
Tangible common equity  (6)$550,636  $546,443  $552,319 
Allowance for loan losses and reserves for contingent liabilities   21,966     21,807     21,229 
  TANGIBLE COMMON EQUITY PLUS RESERVES$572,602  $568,250  $573,548 
(5) These loans were, as of the respective dates indicated, expected to be either satisfied, made current or re-financed in the near future, and were not expected to result in any loss of contractual principal or interest.  These loans are not included in non-performing loans.
(6)  See "Non-GAAP Reconciliation" table for reconciliation of tangible common equity and tangible assets.

(Dollars in thousands except per share amounts)
 For the Three Months Ended 
 March 31, December 31,  March 31, 
  2019  2018  2018 
Reconciliation of Reported and Adjusted ("non-GAAP") Net Income:      
Reported net income$  11,501  $  12,440  $  14,745  
Adjustments to Net Income (1):      
Add: Severance payment   -      496     -   
Less: Loss (Gain) on sale of securities   52     -      (930) 
Tax adjustment   -      (716)    (92) 
Adjusted ("non-GAAP") net income$  11,553  $  12,220  $  13,723  
Adjusted Ratios (Based upon "non-GAAP Net Income" as calculated above):      
Adjusted EPS (Diluted)$0.32  $0.34  $0.36  
Adjusted return on average assets 0.73%  0.78%  0.86% 
Adjusted return on average common equity   7.65     8.10     9.09  
Adjusted return on average tangible common equity   8.43     8.92     10.02  
Adjusted non-interest expense to average assets   1.39     1.41     1.36  
Adjusted efficiency ratio   59.22     56.12     54.60  
 March 31, December 31,  March 31, 
  2019  2018  2018 
Reconciliation of Tangible Assets:      
Total assets$  6,475,301  $  6,320,578  $  6,325,917  
Goodwill   55,638     55,638     55,638  
Tangible assets$  6,419,663  $  6,264,940  $  6,270,279  
Reconciliation of Tangible Common Equity - Consolidated:      
Total common equity$  606,274  $  602,081  $  607,957  
Goodwill   55,638     55,638     55,638  
Tangible common equity$  550,636  $  546,443  $  552,319  
(1)  Adjustments to net income are taxed at the Company's statutory tax rate of approximately 32% unless otherwise noted.