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Source: Red Banyan Group

Red Banyan Issues Statement on Behalf of Scott Hapgood on Attempted Robbery at Anguilla Resort

Connecticut resident Scott Hapgood clarifies reports regarding the attempted robbery incident with a statement from his representative at Red Banyan.

New York, NY, April 25, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Following several misleading reports about a recent act of self-defense by Connecticut resident Scott Hapgood during an attempted robbery at an Anguilla resort, his spokesperson, Red Banyan’s Kelcey Kintner, has issued the following statement on behalf of Scott Hapgood:

"Attacked without warning in his family’s hotel room by a maintenance worker who was armed and demanding money, Scott Hapgood acted in self-defense to protect the lives of his young daughters and himself. 

"Despite false reports to the contrary, the Hapgoods never called maintenance. Neither invited nor expected, the worker showed up unannounced in uniform at the hotel room, claiming he was there to fix a broken sink before carrying out his sudden, violent attack on the family.

"A dedicated father and husband and respected member of his community, Scott and the members of his family have been traumatized by the assault they survived and are thankful to be alive."