Source: MADD Canada

Do Your Holiday Long Weekend Plans Include a Sober Ride Home?

OAKVILLE, Ontario, May 15, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- As Canadians count down to the Victoria Day long weekend, MADD Canada and Allstate Insurance Company of Canada are urging everyone to make sober transportation part of their holiday celebrations.

“We wish everyone a wonderful holiday weekend and, most importantly, a safe one,” said MADD Canada Chief Executive Officer Andrew Murie. “If your plans include alcohol or drugs, please be sure you have a safe ride home. Driving impaired is never worth the risk to you, your passengers or those sharing the road with you.”

For many, the Victoria Day weekend is the start to the cottage, boating, camping and vacation seasons. Unfortunately, long weekends and the summer months have also traditionally had higher rates of impaired driving. MADD Canada and Allstate Insurance Company of Canada are reminding everyone that the tragic impaired driving crashes that claim hundreds of lives and cause tens of thousands of injuries each year can all be prevented by:  

  • Never driving a car, boat, ATV or any other vehicle while impaired;
  • Never getting into a vehicle being operated by someone who’s impaired;
  • Calling 911 if you see a driver you suspect is impaired.

Plan for safe and sober transportation this holiday weekend. Call a cab, arrange a designated driver, take public transit or check out Uber, MADD Canada’s Official Designated Driver App. 

The Victoria Day Weekend marks the official annual kick-off of MADD Canada’s Campaign 911 program. Sponsored by Allstate Insurance Company of Canada and Maritime-Ontario Freight Lines Limited, and supported by police and community partners, Campaign 911 encourages the public to call 911 to report a suspected impaired driver. The program runs all year round, but is promoted prominently through the summer.

“Everyone has a role to play in preventing the tragedy that comes from impaired driving related crashes, deaths, and injuries that occur on our roads and highways,” said Ryan Michel, President and CEO of Allstate Insurance Company of Canada. “Allstate Canada and our agents across the country are proud to support the Campaign 911 program, which is helping police take these dangerous drivers off the roads and making our communities safer.”

This weekend also marks the start of Safe Boating Awareness Week, May 18 – 24.  For everyone getting their boats in the water for this holiday weekend, please remember that impaired boating is just as dangerous and just as illegal as impaired driving. Working with police services, municipalities and marine organizations, MADD Canada has installed hundreds of Report Impaired Boaters – Call 911 signs at harbours, marinas and boat launches across Canada in the past few years, with additional signage to be placed this spring and summer. The marine signage and related collateral materials and information have been generously supported through funding from Transport Canada.

MADD Canada has also produced public service announcements and other awareness materials highlighting the dangers of boating while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. For additional information, please see our Campaign 911 On The Waterways page.

For more information on Safe Boating Awareness Week, check out the Canadian Safe Boating Council’s web page.

About MADD Canada
MADD Canada (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) is a national, charitable organization that is committed to stopping impaired driving and supporting the victims of this violent crime. With volunteer-driven groups in more than 100 communities across Canada, MADD Canada aims to offer support services to victims, heighten awareness of the dangers of impaired driving and save lives and prevent injuries on our roads. To learn more, visit

About Allstate Insurance Company of Canada
Allstate Insurance Company of Canada is a leading home and automobile insurer focused on providing our valued customers prevention and protection products and services for every stage of life. Serving Canadians since 1953, Allstate strives to keep our customers and employees in "Good Hands®". We are proud to have been named a Best Employer in Canada for seven consecutive years. Allstate is committed to making a positive difference in the communities in which it we operates and has partnered with organizations such as MADD Canada, United Way and Junior Achievement. To learn more, visit For safety tips and advice, visit