Group A/S – Restructuring of corporate bond

No. 8/2019
Copenhagen, 27 May 2019

As earlier communicated, the holders ("Holders") of A/S' corporate bonds with ISIN: SE0005999521 ("Bonds") approved a proposal ("Proposal") for certain amendments to the terms and conditions of the Bonds leading to a restructuring of the Bonds. The proposal includes an extension of the term of the Bonds, a reduction of the aggregate nominal amount and the interest rate as well as the provision of additional security as earlier described.

In order to strengthen the business of, one of the Holders ("Credit Facility Holder") who holds app. 22% of the Bonds and have agreed that the Credit Facility Holder shall provide a credit facility ("Credit Facility") in the amount of DKK 15 million to until the end of 2020. The Credit Facility will be provided on a super senior loan basis (meaning that the Bonds will rank second to the Credit Facility). As such, the provision of the Credit Facility requires approval by the Holders with a 2/3 voting majority (only amongst the Holders participating in such Holder voting). Based on indications from Holders representing (together with Credit Facility Holder) close to 50% of the Bonds, the Issuer and the Credit Facility Holder believe that it is very likely that Holders will make the required approval.

When the Credit Facility is approved extension of the term of the Bonds, a reduction of the aggregate nominal amount of the Bonds and the interest rate as well as the provision of additional security as earlier described will likely be effected if material unforeseen circumstances have not occurred.

Best regards Group A/S
Bengt Sundström

For press enquiries, please contact:
Susanne Sandsberg Klubien
+45 26891909  

Certified Adviser: Erik Penser Bank AB
Telephone number: +46 8-463 83 00

Market place: Nasdaq First North Premier Stockholm

This information is information that Group A/S is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication through the agency of the contact person set out above, at 16.45 CEST on 27 May 2019.