Source: Research and Markets

Global Pet Cancer Market 2019: Overview of Pet Cancer, Companies Active in the Market, Regulatory Hurdles & Strategies, and Chemotherapeutics

Dublin, July 03, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The "Pet Cancer 2019: A Developing Market" report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com's offering.

The pet market is growing at a dramatic rate with health care products and services comprising a significant portion of the expenditure on pets. This will likely increase as pet life spans lengthen and the pet population ages.

This important report reviews the diverse research & development (R&D) approaches currently employed in the rapidly developing global market for pet cancer products and services. It covers current trends in veterinary oncology, including regulatory strategies, chemotherapies, immunotherapies, diagnostics and complementary approaches.

Key Insights

  • Overview of pet cancer
  • Companies active in the market
  • Regulatory hurdles & strategies
  • Chemotherapeutics

Topics Covered

Executive Summary

Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 The Animal Health Industry
1.2 The Companion Animal Sector
1.2.1. Changes in Pet Ownership
- Pet Ownership in the USA
- Pet Ownership in Europe
1.2.2. The Future of Companion Animal Health in Developed Markets
1.3 Summary

Chapter 2: Pet Cancer - Factors Influencing the Market
2.1 Overview
2.2 Translation of Pet Cancer Research to Human Health
2.3 Owner Perceptions of Cancer in their Pet
2.4 Factors Influencing Owners Decisions in Relation to Chemotherapy
2.5 Owners Concerns During Treatment of their Pet for Cancer
2.6 Owner Perceptions of Radiotherapy
2.7 Assessment of Quality of Life in Pets Receiving Cancer Treatment
2.8 Vet Perceptions of Cancer Treatment of Pets
2.9 Cancer Clinical Trials
2.10 A Holistic Approach
2.11 Supporting organisations

Chapter 3: The Animal Health Companies Cited in this Report
3.1 AB Science
3.2 Anivive Lifesciences
3.3 Aratana Therapeutics
3.4 ARK Animal Health
3.5 Assisi Research Laboratories
3.6 EirGen Pharma
3.7 Elanco
3.8 ELIAS Animal Health
3.9 Jaguar (Animal) Health
3.10 Karyopharm Therapeutics
3.11 Man's Best Friends Therapeutics
3.12 Merial/Boehringer Ingelheim
3.13 Novavive
3.14 Nuovo Biologics
3.15 Ogenx Therapeutics Corporation
3.16 Osamia Pharmaceutical
3.17 PharmAust
3.18 QBiotics
3.19 Rhizen Pharmaceuticals
3.20 Torigen Pharma
3.21 Veiove Animal Health
3.22 Vet DC
3.23 Virbac
3.24 Zoetis

Chapter 4: Regulation of Pet Cancer Products
4.1 The United States (US) and European (EU) Regulatory Authorities
4.2 Regulatory Guidance
4.3 Availability of Pet Cancer Medicines and Vaccines
4.4 Use of Unlicensed Medicinal Products

Chapter 5: Pet Cancer - Incidence
5.1 Overview
5.2 Pet Cancer Incidence
5.3 Types and Locations of Pet Cancer
5.4 Overall conclusion on the incidence and prevalence of cancer in pets

Chapter 6: Pet Cancer - Current Management Modalities for common tumours
6.1 Mast Cell Tumours
6.2 Mammary tumours
6.3 Melanoma
6.4 Lymphoma
6.5 Injection site sarcoma/fibrosarcoma
6.6 Squamous cell carcinoma
6.7 Osteosarcoma

Chapter 7: Pet Cancer Pharmaceuticals
7.1 Overview
7.2 Palladia (Zoetis)
7.3 Masivet (AB Science)
7.4 Tanovea-CA1 (VetDC)
7.5 Paccal Vet-CA1 (Osamia)
7.6 Pet Cancer Pharmaceuticals in Development
- Doxophos Vet (Osamia)
- Tigilanol tiglate (QBiotics/Virbac)
- Verdinexor (Anivive Lifesciences)
- RC-2b geroxane (Ogenx Therapeutics Corporation)
- Asparaginase (Assisi Research Laboratories)
- Resiniferatoxin (ARK Animal Health)
- SP-SAP: Substance P & Saporin (Veiove Animal Health)
- RV1001, PI3K inhibitor (Rhizen Pharmaceutical)
- Chlorambucil (EirGen Pharma)
- Canalevia (Jaguar Animal Health)
- Dactinomycin (Assisi Research Laboratories)
7.7 Other Potential Pet Cancer Products

Chapter 8: Pet Cancer Immunologicals
8.1 Overview
8.2 Oncept Canine Melanoma Vaccine DNA (Merial/Boehringer Ingelheim)
8.3 Oncept IL-2 (Merial/Boehringer Ingelheim)
8.4 Immunocidin (Novavive)
8.5 Pet Cancer Immunotherapies in Development
- Osteosarcoma vaccine (Aratana Therapeutics)
- Torigen Pharma
- ELIAS Cancer Immunotherapy: ECI (Elias Animal Health)
- Prophylactic Vaccine Project
- Man's Best Friends Therapeutics (MBFT)
- Summary
- References

List of Figures
Figure 1: Percentage of European Households owning at least one cat or one dog
Figure 2: Pet age in human years
Figure 3: Holistic approach
Figure 4: Feline fibrosarcoma
Figure 5: Canine mammary tumour
Figure 6: Canine osteosarcoma
Figure 7: Mast Cell Tumours
Figure 8: Mammary Tumours
Figure 9: Canine Oral Melanoma
Figure 10: Feline Ocular Melanoma
Figure 11: Canine lymphoma
Figure 12: Feline lymphoma
Figure 13: Feline fibrosarcoma
Figure 14: Canine Squamous cell carcinoma
Figure 15: Feline Squamous cell carcinoma (extremities)
Figure 16: Feline Squamous cell carcinoma (oral)
Figure 17: Canine Osteosarcoma
Figure 18: Feline Osteosarcoma
Figure 19: Palladia
Figure 20: Masivet
Figure 21: Tanovea-CA1
Figure 22: Paccal Vet-CA-1
Figure 23: VET JET system
Figure 24: Oncept IL-2
Figure 25: Immunocidin

List of Tables
Table 1: Top ten dog and cat ownership countries in the EU in 2017
Table 2: Anti-cancer guidelines issued by the EMA and FDA CVM
Table 3: CVM designations with a canine cancer indication
Table 4: Summary of Veterinary Cancer Registries (Active and Dormant)
Table 5: Incidence of Canine Cancer in Developed Countries
Table 6: Incidence of Feline Cancer in Developed Countries
Table 7: Common Anatomical Locations for Canine Cancer
Table 8: Common Anatomical Locations for Feline Cancer

For more information about this report visit https://www.researchandmarkets.com/r/yd8rag

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