Source: UFCW Local 333

Security guard union calls on Commissionaires management to stop bullying employees

Union files Unfair Labour Practice charges at Ontario Labour Relations Board

OTTAWA, July 10, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Commissionaires Canada claims it values veterans, but the company’s actions amidst an ongoing unionization drive suggest otherwise.

A non-profit organization that was originally established by the federal government to provide meaningful employment to Canadian veterans, Commissionaires Canada has recently lost its way, and is now suppressing the rights of employees who are trying to unionize, according to the union who represents thousands of Commissionaires workers in Ontario.

UFCW Local 333, the union for security guards, has been supporting the rights of Commissionaires employees – many of whom are veterans – to unionize, as hundreds of Commissionaires workers have joined Local 333 in an effort to obtain job security and better wages.

The Commissionaires management is not happy with this choice, however, and in documents filed with Ontario Labour Relations Board (OLRB), the union is now charging that company managers are threatening workers’ job security and forcing guards to destroy their union membership applications.  

"These violations of the Ontario Labour Relations Act will not go unchallenged,” says Geoff Gosselin, Director of Organizing for UFCW Local 333. “Commissionaires employees have been exercising their right to join UFCW for several weeks. Momentum has been building, and now management has started an intimidation campaign. We have evidence, and we intend to prove that Commissionaires managers broke the law,” the union alleges.  

Thousands of Commissionaire security guards protect our federal buildings in the National Capital Region, and in communities across Ontario. But not all guards are treated the same. Some have benefits while others do not, and pay rates vary dramatically from worksite to worksite. That is why Local 333 is trying to bargain for job security, better wages, and benefits for Commissionaires guards at federal government sites in Toronto, Hamilton, and Ottawa.

“We hope the OLRB will take swift action to stop Commissionaires management from intimidating their employees,” says Richard McNaughton, President of UFCW Local 333. "And we are saying to the brave veterans, ex-police officers, and service people who work at Commissionaires – do not be discouraged by the bullying tactics of management,” he continues. “You have exemplified bravery in your careers and have shown the same strength in fighting for your rights at work. UFCW Local 333 will stick with you all the way, and we want you to know that we have your backs in this fight.”

UFCW Canada Local 333 is Ontario’s union for security guards, representing thousands of workers in the security industry. To learn more about UFCW Local 333, visit ufcw333.ca.

Geoffrey Gosselin, UFCW Local 333