Source: Shen Solutions

Introducing Shen Solutions


TYLER, TX, July 24, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Shen Solutions, a new marketing firm with national clients announces its launch today. The Tyler, TX-based firm provide services for companies nationwide in a variety of areas including, brand management, customer acquisitions, sales and more.

Shen Solutions is founded by William Chavez and includes a team of entrepreneur mindset with backgrounds in sales and management. In addition to these services, Shen Solutions aims to provide a new twist to their marketing by also providing unlimited growth opportunities to each individual that joins their team.

“We pride ourselves in having a work environment where we reward hard work based on 100% achievement and not seniority.” Founder and Market Manager William Chavez explained. “We push our team to step outside of their comfort zones while still continuing to practice new skills alongside more advanced team members.”

With blurring the lines of marketing and management, Shen Solutions strives to have a positive impact in the marketing industry. “ I want to give each client the best representation while also give each employee the opportunity to manage their own account,” says founder William Chavez. With this kind of structure, Shen Solutions is building a culture that works hand in hand with the growth of its clients to the growth of its employees.

Shen Solutions already has a strong client-based established and are projected to expand by the end of 2019. The idea behind Shen Solutions is to build a strong management team that can train and produces exceedingly capable managers that can bring our clients the results they are continuously looking for.

“Since we are now up and running, we are looking for individuals who can make up a team of problem solvers and strategic thinkers,” said Chavez.

To be considered as part of the marketing and management team, please contact their Talent Acquisitions Department at (903) 471 0739 or visit their website at www.shensolutionsinc.net