Source: Electric Drive Transportation Association

EDTA has recommendations for Congress this fall

Washington, DC, Sept. 05, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Electric Drive Transportation Association (EDTA) is using the trade group’s 2019 Innovation Agenda to emphasize policy opportunities Congress should focus on as it returns from summer recess.  The Innovation Agenda, available for download on the association’s website, details policy and regulatory solutions that members of the cross-industry group have agreed are essential to speeding the advance of electric drive mobility and the United States’ leadership in it. 

EDTA’s membership includes vehicle and equipment manufacturers, utilities, technology developers, component and infrastructure suppliers, and end users of electric drive technologies. With this Innovation Agenda, EDTA recommends policies that will bolster U.S. leadership in the global race for electric mobility technology, grow jobs and increase economic resilience through fuel diversity, while reducing carbon emissions.

The document is organized into recommendations for policies that will: 

  • Scale the passenger vehicle market;
  • Accelerate commercial fleet adoption;
  • Expand infrastructure to support local, regional and interstate charging and refueling options;
  • Build the essential connection between the 21st century electricity and transportation sectors; and
  • Advance next-generation technology and the supply chain through research, development & deployment.

EDTA President Genevieve Cullen said, “Our Innovation Agenda provides Congress with a unified message from the electric drive industry and urges specific actions that can secure the economic and environmental benefits of leading the global race for e-mobility.”  

The trade association hosted a Congressional fly-in and advocacy event earlier this year and has continued to work with policymakers to advance action on electric drive policies. The Innovation Agenda is a critical road map for building the electric mobility market and driving electric drive technology breakthroughs. 

Cullen continued, “It is urgent that America retains our lead in a global race for electric drive. This fall offers a great opportunity to act on policies to ensure that we do.”    


About EDTA

The Electric Drive Transportation Association (EDTA) is the cross-industry trade association promoting battery, hybrid, plug-in hybrid and fuel cell electric drive technologies and infrastructure. EDTA conducts public policy advocacy, education, industry networking, and international conferences. EDTA’s membership includes vehicle and component manufacturers, utilities, materials suppliers, charging infrastructure and technology providers and other stakeholders. For more information about EDTA and our members, visit For information about acquiring an electric vehicle, please visit
