Thinking Ahead Institute reveals top 15 extreme risks for investors

Global temperature change, global trade collapse and cyber warfare dominate the top three extreme risks that could have a significant impact on economic growth and asset returns, should they happen

ARLINGTON, Va., Sept. 09, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Thinking Ahead Institute’s (TAI’s) Extreme Risks 2019 report and ranking,1 which categorizes rare events that could have a high impact on global economic growth and asset returns, has a new top three: global temperature change, global trade collapse and cyber warfare. TAI is an outgrowth of Willis Towers Watson Investments’ Thinking Ahead Group.

The Extreme Risks 2019 ranking saw global temperature change climb to the top spot, which covers scenarios where the planet becomes far less habitable. The number two extreme risk is the potential collapse of global trade, driven by the rise of protectionism primarily due to developments in global politics over the past six years. Joining in third place is cyber warfare. As the world has become ever more connected, the risk of the Internet being weaponized has also increased.

The Thinking Ahead Institute’s top 15 extreme risks ranking for the first time includes: biodiversity collapse, abandonment of fiat money and cyber warfare; while those that have dropped out of the top 15 this year are: deflation, insurance crisis and terrorism. Those that have risen up the rankings this year are infrastructure failure (up eight places), as well as global trade collapse (up three) and currency crisis (up three). According to the report, the extreme risks that are less of a threat than in 2013 include stagnation, which has fallen eight places, as well as resource scarcity, which lost the top spot by falling three places.

“Our extreme risks ranking has seen the emergence of a general trend, with financial risks falling down the rankings and nonfinancial extreme risks growing in significance,” said Tim Hodgson, head of the Thinking Ahead Group. Global temperature change becomes the highest ranked risk due to our assessment of higher likelihood coupled with significant impact — in the extreme this would mean mass extinction.

“We believe that the world is subject to fundamental changes, whether environmental or political, which will alter power balances. A complex world can and will deliver extreme outcomes that are hard to imagine when working with a normal distribution. That means extreme events are much more likely than previously thought. To navigate through this complex world, we suggest investors need to be open-minded, avoid concentrated risks, be sensitive to early warning signs, constantly adapt and always prepare for the worst.”

The research suggests, broadly, three hedging strategies available to institutions:

  • Hold cash. Over long historical periods cash has held its real value through both episodes of deflation and inflation, but there is no guarantee this will be the case in the future.
  • Derivatives. It is worth mentioning that cost and usefulness are often in opposition. The cost of derivatives protection can often be reduced by specifying more precise conditions — but the more precise the conditions, the greater the chance that they are not exactly met and hence the “insurance” does not pay out.
  • Hold a negatively correlated asset. There is no single asset that will work against all possible bad outcomes. Further, there is no guarantee that the expected performance of the hedge asset will actually transpire in the future event.

“I see extreme risks thinking as an exercise for the mind,” said Liang Yin, senior investment consultant at the Thinking Ahead Group. “They remind us that it is naive and dangerous to cling to a single vision about the future. Yes, we do not know what the future holds. But our brains are more than capable of imagining multiple versions of the future. As investors we are trying to navigate a highly volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous world. The scenarios are most effective when they are used in a deliberately created, interactive environment to make explicit assumptions — and to challenge assumptions — that underpin your investment portfolios or your business strategy.”

Thinking Ahead Institute’s extreme risks rankings over time

1Global temperature changeResource scarcity*DepressionDepression
2Global trade collapseStagnationSovereign defaultHyperinflation
3Cyber warfareGlobal temperature changeHyperinflationExcessive leverage
4Resource scarcity*DepressionBanking crisisCurrency crisis
5Currency crisisGlobal trade collapseCurrency crisisBanking crisis
6DepressionBanking crisisClimate changeSovereign default
7Infrastructure failureSovereign defaultPolitical crisisClimate change
8Banking crisisCurrency crisisInsurance crisisPolitical crisis
9Sovereign defaultDeflationProtectionismInsurance crisis
10StagnationHealth progress backfireEuro breakupProtectionism
11Biodiversity collapseNuclear contaminationResource scarcityDisunity in Europe
12Health progress backfireExtreme longevityMajor warEnd of capitalism
13Nuclear contaminationInsurance crisisEnd of fiat moneyEnd of fiat money
14Abandonment of fiat moneyTerrorismInfrastructure failureWar
15Extreme longevityInfrastructure failureKiller pandemicKiller pandemic
*Food/Water/Energy crisis

2019 extreme risks ranking and descriptions**

1Global temperature changeEarth’s climate tips into a less-habitable state (hot or cold)
2Global trade collapseA worldwide protectionist backlash against cross-border trade
3Cyber warfareInternet being weaponized, causing severe damage to virtual systems vital to the economy and even to hard infrastructure
4Resource scarcity*A major shortfall in the supply of food/water/energy
5Currency crisisExtreme movement between exchange rates
6DepressionA deep trough in economic output with massive increase in unemployment
7Infrastructure failureAn interruption of a major infrastructure network
8Banking crisisBanking activity halts due to lack of liquidity
9Sovereign defaultNonpayment by a major sovereign borrower
10StagnationA prolonged period of little or no economic growth
11Biodiversity collapseA collapse in biodiversity, in which an accelerating number of species decline to extinction
12Health progress backfireMassive rise in morbidity or mental illness, antibiotic resistance
13Nuclear contaminationA major nuclear disaster leading to large radioactivity release and lethal effects
14Abandonment of fiat moneyA complete collapse of trust in governments and government-backed paper currency
15Extreme longevitySignificant increase in life expectancy overwhelms support systems
**Our subjective measure based on the intensity and scope of the impact, the likelihood and the degree of uncertainty in assessing the risk level.

About the Thinking Ahead Institute

The Thinking Ahead Institute was established in January 2015, and is a global not-for-profit investment research and innovation member group made up of engaged institutional asset owners and service providers committed to changing and improving the investment industry for the benefit of the end saver. It has over 40 members around the world and is an outgrowth of Willis Towers Watson Investments’ Thinking Ahead Group, which was set up in 2002.

Media contact

Ed Emerman: +1 609 275 5162

A subjective scoring system to derive a ranking of these risks — the change of ranking reflects a change of view regarding both impact and likelihood of each individual risk.