Source: gr8 People, Inc.

GR8 People Expands Employee Referral Program Functionality With Ultra Personalization

PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 16, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- GR8 People, a breakthrough one-experience talent platform for the enterprise, has introduced expanded configuration options through its platform to deliver the most advanced employee referral program (ERP) functionality on the market.

From the ability to support multiple referrals of the same candidate and the assignment of employee referral “rights” over a candidate to the creation of referral grace periods and unique URLs for employees to use when sharing or posting jobs, the enhancements reflect the demand among enterprise organizations for much greater ERP customization and flexibility.

“Employee referrals remain among the best sources of exceptional talent,” notes Chief Product Officer Jayne Kettles. “But a one-size-fits all TA tech approach limits the ability for organizations, employees and candidates to realize the full benefits of an ERP. GR8 People’s new capabilities address those prior limitations, enabling companies to tailor the technology’s functionality to their unique referral program structure and criteria.”

Features and Functions Designed to Extend Employee Referral Program Value

A core component of the GR8 People enterprise recruiting software platform elevates recruiter performance through configurable workflow engines that scale to meet the most complex enterprise hiring and business needs. Native to the platform, the ERP solution ensures an organization’s referral program is seamlessly integrated into the hiring process to achieve better talent outcomes.

GR8 People’s Employee Referral Program configuration allows companies the option to:

  • Refine program settings to accommodate various referral types (multiple, single, job-specific or general)
  • Assign referral “ownership” of candidates to employees
  • Set custom duration periods for referral ownership
  • Allow a grace period for referrals of existing candidates
  • Identify referral candidates more easily across the entire talent platform
  • Generate a unique referral URL for employees to share and post jobs to their networks
  • Provide clear visibility into referral candidates and referrer details for hiring managers within their dedicated Hire Portal

“Employers need every available tool in their arsenal to succeed in today’s hiring environment,” advises GR8 People CEO Diane Smith. “This includes giving them the technology required to effectively support an ERP—the hiring strategy with one of the strongest track records of securing high quality, engaged talent.”

About GR8 People
GR8 People is 100 percent purpose-built to deliver the unfair advantage companies demand to compete for talent around the world. It is the enterprise platform that brings CRM, recruitment marketing, applicant tracking, hiring and onboarding together; connecting entire talent ecosystems into one-experience of performance, agility and intelligence.

Alex Adams