World Pharmatech's XtraLast® Takes an Herbal Approach to Male Sexuality

XtraLast® is the first supplement that World Pharmaceutical Technology plans to introduce to the American consumer. The company already plans to roll out two more products later this year: XtraPROSTATE, for natural prostate control, and XtraKrill SUPERBA™, a new generation of Omega-3s.

BOCA RATON, FL, Sept. 19, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- XtraLast® uses 13 herbal extracts in its male enhancement supplement.

Developed by World Pharmatech as an alternative to prescription erectile dysfunction drugs, XtraLast® contains clinically-tested ingredients aimed at enhancing male sexuality, vitality, and stamina.

“We developed XtraLast® to help the millions of men in the U.S. with some form of erectile dysfunction,” said Dr. Yong Wu, M.D., Ph.D., Founder/Partner/Chief Science Advisor for World Pharmaceutical Technology, the parent company that developed XtraLast®. “As men age, they often have to deal with sexual performance issues. XtraLast®, with its 13 herbal extracts, offers an alternative to prescription ED drugs.”

ED drugs have side effects, such as headaches, flushing, dizziness, and upset stomach. The FDA also warns some men with heart conditions to check with their doctors before using them. Diabetes, hypertension, obesity, testosterone deficiency, and prostate cancer are contributing factors to erectile dysfunction.

XtraLast®, which blends traditional herbal extracts with modern technology, contains 16 clinically-tested ingredients, 13 of which are herbal extracts. This proprietary formula naturally helps restore the balance lost with age in the bodies of middle-aged males.

Erectile dysfunction, which is the inability to achieve or maintain an erection sufficient for sexual performance, affects at least 12 million U.S. men between the ages of 40-79. Although ED is a condition that tends to affect men as they age, WebMD reports than men of any age can have it.

XtraLast® is the first supplement that World Pharmaceutical Technology plans to introduce to the American consumer. The company already plans to roll out two more products later this year: XtraPROSTATE, for natural prostate control, and XtraKrill  SUPERBA™, a new generation of Omega-3s.

“We are a health and wellness company dedicated to improving peoples’ lives,” Dr. Wu said. “Almost 80 percent of XtraLast™ participants claimed an increased blood flow within 60 minutes of taking the supplement, and improved sexual performance after 45-60 days.”

For more information about XtraLast®, go to or



XtraLast®, which blends traditional herbal extracts with modern technology, contains 16 clinically-tested ingredients, 13 of which are herbal extracts. This proprietary formula naturally helps restore the balance lost with age in the bodies of middle-aged males.

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