Source: DFDS A/S



On 6 September 2019, DFDS entered into an agreement with the Italian ferry company Moby to acquire two ferries, Moby Wonder and Moby Aki, for deployment on the Amsterdam-Newcastle route.

Moby would in turn acquire the two passenger ferries currently operating on Amsterdam-Newcastle, King Seaways and Princess Seaways.

The agreement was expected to be completed in the second half of October 2019 but Moby has unfortunately not been able to meet the delivery terms of the agreement. The agreement has therefore been cancelled.

DFDS will continue to explore solutions for a renewal of the ferries on the Amsterdam-Newcastle route in line with the fourth pillar of the WIN23 strategy: Creating more value for passengers.

Revised outlook 2019
The full-year outlook for Special items is decreased to DKK -30m from previously DKK 70m as the latter included an expected accounting profit of around DKK 100m from the sale of two ferries.   

The investment outlook for 2019 is reduced to around DKK 2.8bn from previously DKK 3.4bn as the investment in the renewal, net of proceeds from the sale of two ferries, was expected to amount to around DKK 1.0bn of which DKK 650m was expected to be paid in 2019. The remaining DKK 350m was expected to be paid in 2020.

Torben Carlsen, CEO +45 33 42 32 01

Søren Brøndholt Nielsen, IR +45 33 42 33 59

Gert Jakobsen, Communications +45 33 42 32 97

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5-12 the Norwegian Securities Trading Act

