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Source: Deal Tomato

The Best Roomba, Eufy, iLife, Neato & POWERBot Cyber Monday Deals (2019): List of Robot Vacuum Savings Shared by Deal Tomato

Deal Tomato reviews the best robot vacuum deals for Cyber Monday 2019. Save on robot vacuums from Shark, Samsung, iRobot, Eufy, Neato & iLife

Here’s a list of all the best robot vacuum Cyber Monday 2019 deals, rounded up by online sales specialists at Deal Tomato.

Best robot vacuum deals:

Cyber Monday deals run for a limited period of time. We recommend checking Amazon’s Cyber Monday deals page and Walmart’s Cyber Monday home page for their full range of live deals. Deal Tomato earns commissions from purchases made using the links provided.

The first robot vacuum was introduced by the Electrolux company. Since then other robot vacuum brands have made great improvements in its functionality. Some of its leading manufacturers are the iRobot Roomba, Neato, and Eufy which have already perfected the smart integration technology. Samsung Powerbot and Shark ION also have products that are equipped with deep cleaning mechanism and powerful suction. Additionally, Ecovacs and iLife vacuum models are strong contenders providing cheaper alternatives. 

Is it better to shop on Cyber Monday than on Black Friday? First coined in 2005, Cyber Monday is the online equivalent of Black Friday where shoppers can go online to find the best deals. Cyber Monday has grown into one of the biggest online sales events and shoppers are now able to enjoy steep online discounts on gadgets and electronics, among other items.

Amazon reported that Cyber Monday in 2018 was the biggest sales event in their history at the time.

About Deal Tomato: Deal Tomato reports on online sales events. As an Amazon Associate Deal Tomato earns from qualifying purchases.

Contact: Andy Mathews (