Source: Ríkissjóður Íslands - Lánamál ríkisins

Treasury Bond Auction Announcement - RIKB 21 0805

SeriesRIKB 21 0805
Maturity Date08/05/2021
Auction Date12/06/2019
Settlement Date12/11/2019
10% addition12/10/2019

On the Auction Date, between 10:30 am and 11:00 am, the Government Debt Management will auction Treasury bonds in the Series, with the ISIN number and with the Maturity Date according to the table above. Payments for the Treasury Bonds must be received by the Central Bank before 14:00 on the Settlement Date, and the Bonds will be delivered in electronic form on the same day. For an additional 10% see Article 6 of the General Terms of Auction Treasury Bonds.

For further information, please refer to the Government Debt Management website, i.e. for the description of the Treasury bond and the General Terms of Auction of Treasury Bonds.

For additional information please contact Oddgeir Gunnarsson, Government Debt Management, at +354 569 9635.