Ipsos acquired majority stake in reporting expert Data Liberation

Paris, December 9th, 2019 – Recognising the importance of having fast, accessible and dynamic research findings, Ipsos has made the decision to acquire a majority stake in Data Liberation, a UK-based company highly specialised in automated reporting.

Data Liberation focuses on the delivery of market research results, building fully-featured reporting portals and dashboards. The tool enables users to uniquely visualize data using PowerPoint to its maximum capacity.

The acquisition follows a 15-year collaboration between Data Liberation and Ipsos. It reflects Ipsos’ decision to build up its capacity on automated reporting and ensure faster and more accessible findings that contribute to an agile decision-making by clients.

Data Liberation will be an integrated part of Ipsos.Digital, the newly launched automated research platform.

“We are hugely excited to join Ipsos. The acquisition opens up new opportunities to scale Data Liberation solutions and offer a truly global platform, said Chris Morgan, CEO Data Liberation.
“Reporting is essential to offering a high-performing DIY platform. With Data Liberation we empower clients and researchers to make full use of the findings in real time” said Andrei Postoaca, CEO Ipsos.Digital.



Ipsos is the third largest market research company in the world, present in 90 markets and employing more than 18,000 people.

Our passionately curious research professionals, analysts and scientists have built unique multi-specialist capabilities that provide true understanding and powerful insights into the actions, opinions and motivations of citizens, consumers, patients, customers or employees. Our 75 business solutions are based on primary data coming from our surveys, social media monitoring, and qualitative or observational techniques.

“Game Changers” –our tagline –summarises our ambition to help our 5,000 clients navigate with confidence our world of rapid change.

Founded in France in 1975, Ipsos is listed on the Euronext Paris since July 1st, 1999. The company is part of the SBF 120 and the Mid-60 index and is eligible for the Deferred Settlement Service (SRD).
ISIN code FR0000073298, Reuters ISOS.PA, Bloomberg IPS:FP www.ipsos.com.


