Source: Kenneth Rainin Foundation

Grant Opportunity To Improve Prediction And Prevention Of IBD

February 18 deadline for Letters of Inquiry for Innovator Awards; Grants support new ideas to advance Inflammatory Bowel Disease research and enhance patient impact.

Oakland, Calif., Jan. 07, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Kenneth Rainin Foundation invites Letters of Inquiry for its Innovator Awards Program from January 15 through February 18, 2020. The program supports researchers worldwide who embrace novel, untested ideas to advance the study of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD).

“The Innovator Awards provide an opportunity for researchers to think about how to best make an impact on patients with IBD,” said Dr. Laura Wilson, Director of Health Strategy and Ventures at the Rainin Foundation. “We encourage taking science beyond the lab to advance the prediction and prevention of this disease, as well as to create new treatment options that can improve patients’ daily lives.”

The Rainin Foundation will continue to prioritize gender equity in its funding to ensure a diversity of perspectives in this work. The Foundation supports new and veteran IBD researchers, as well as investigators from other disciplines, who bring fresh ideas to IBD research. Researchers at both nonprofit and for-profit institutions, and multiple researchers from the same institution are eligible to apply. Current and former Rainin Foundation Innovator Award and Synergy Award grantees can also apply for funding for a new research project.

The Innovator Awards provide up to $200,000 grants for one-year research projects. Researchers who demonstrate significant progress in their first year may receive up to two years of additional support. Rainin Foundation grants have supported projects in areas such as:

  • Bioengineering
  • Diet and nutrition
  • Molecular biology
  • Fecal microbiota transplant
  • Immunity and inflammation
  • Microbiome
  • Therapeutic development and delivery

Letters of Inquiry are accepted through the Foundation’s online application system. Applicants will be selected by the Foundation’s panel of scientific advisors to submit a full proposal. Complete program information, eligibility requirements, guidelines and frequently asked questions can be found at

Innovations Symposium

In addition to its grant programs, the Rainin Foundation hosts an annual Innovations Symposium to connect researchers with tools, knowledge and potential collaborators. The Foundation’s ninth symposium will take place on July 27-28, 2020 in San Francisco. Fourteen speakers working within and outside of the field of IBD have been confirmed for the event.

The Foundation will continue to offer travel awards for graduate students and postdocs to attend the Symposium and present their research. The deadline to apply for a travel award and submit an abstract is March 30, 2020.

To register for the event, go to

Visit to learn about the Rainin Foundation’s research grantees and funding areas, as well as its vision and strategy for solving IBD.

About the Kenneth Rainin Foundation
Kenneth Rainin Foundation is a family foundation that collaborates with creative thinkers in the Arts, Education and Health. At the Rainin Foundation, we believe in taking smart risks to achieve breakthroughs. We support visionary artists in the Bay Area, create opportunities for Oakland’s youngest learners, and fund researchers on the forefront of scientific discoveries. Since 2010, the Foundation has awarded $29 million for promising scientific research projects with the potential to impact treatment and prevention of Inflammatory Bowel Disease. More at

