AB Klaipėdos Nafta preliminary activity and revenue results for the December 2019

In December 2019 AB Klaipėdos nafta (hereinafter – the Company or KN) has reloaded 441 thousand tons of petroleum products in Klaipėda and Subačius oil terminals. During the twelve months of 2019 the Company in total reloaded 5,749 thousand tons of petroleum products into its storage tanks.

The preliminary sales revenue of the Company’s oil terminals for December 2019 reached EUR 3.0 million. The preliminary sales revenue for January – December 2019 of the Company’s oil terminals comprise EUR 31.9 million.
In December 2019 the Company’s Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) terminals have re-gasified and reloaded 2,197 thousand MWh of natural gas. During the twelve months of 2019 the Company in total re-gasified and reloaded 20,237 thousand MWh of the natural gas. Compared to the same period of 2018 (9,213 thousand MWh), in 2019 handling increased by 119.7 per cent, or by 11,024 thousand MWh.

The preliminary sales revenue of the Company’s LNG terminals for December 2019 comprised EUR 6.2 million (during the same month of 2018 – EUR 5.3 million). LNG terminal’s revenue consists of the re-gasification tariff fixed part (for booked annual capacities), variable part for amount of re-gasified LNG, reloading revenues and other consultations. The LNG terminal revenue level (for booked annual capacities) does not depend on re-gasification volume. Revenue is confirmed by the National Energy Regulatory Council (NERC (NCECP before July 1st)) based on the approved methodology of State regulated prices in the natural gas sector and is calculated for the whole upcoming year. The preliminary revenue of the LNG terminals for the twelve months of 2019 comprise EUR 72.0 million and are higher by 11.6 per cent compared to the same period of 2018 (EUR 64.5 million). Higher revenue influences the reduction of security supplement for next periods.

Total preliminary sales revenue of the Company in January - December of 2019 amount to EUR 103.9 million, or higher by 3.9 per cent compared to the same period of 2018 - EUR 100.0 million.

Petroleum products transshipment and LNG re-gasification and reloading:

  December January – December
  2019 2018 Change, % 2019 2018 Change, %
Petroleum products reloaded, thousand tons 441 598 -26.3% 5,749 6,694 -14.1%
LNG re-gasification and reloading, thousand MWh 2,197 562 290,9% 20,237 9,213 119.7%

Petroleum products transshipment, LNG re-gasification and reloading volumes in 2019:

  January February March April May June July August September October November December
Petroleum products reloaded, thousand tons 626 454 461 433 446 506 575 450 426 413 518 441
LNG re-gasification and reloading, thousand MWh 471 173 96 1,475 1,774 2,430 2,256 1,523 2,395 2,703 2,744 2,197

Preliminary revenue of the Company, EUR million:

  December January – December
2019 2018 Change, % 2019 2018 Change, %
Oil terminals activity 3.0 2.8 7.1% 31.9 35.5 -10.1%
LNG terminals activity 6.2 5.3 17.0% 72.0 64.5 11.6%
Total: 9.2 8.1 13.6% 103.9 100.0 3.9%

   Jonas Lenkšas, Chief Financial Officer, +370 694 80594