Source: National Forest Foundation

National Forest Foundation Appoints First Female Chair, Patricia Hayling Price, to Lead Board of Directors

Patricia Hayling Price steps up as Chair of the National Forest Foundation, succeeding long-time Chair Craig Barrett.

Missoula, Montana, Jan. 21, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The National Forest Foundation’s Board of Directors is pleased to announce Patricia Hayling Price has been elected Chair of the Board, effective November 2019.  This decision marks a new generation of female leadership for the National Forest Foundation (NFF), its Board of Directors, and the U.S. Forest Service.

Patricia has served on the NFF’s Board since 2012, demonstrating her deep commitment to the NFF's mission and values.  She brings extensive marketing experience, both in nonprofit and for-profit fields, and is a passionate supporter of outdoor youth initiatives.  She spent six months serving as co-chair with Craig Barrett in preparation for her transition to Chair. 

"With over thirty years of marketing and communication experience, Patricia brings strong skills and personal passion for this work. Her strategic leadership comes at a critical moment for the NFF.  The NFF is experiencing remarkable growth, increased demands for conservation, and an intensifying focus on connecting Americans with their public lands," said Mary Mitsos, NFF President & CEO. 

Based in Westchester County, New York, Patricia is President of liveworkstrategize LLC, an executive coaching and talent development consulting practice.  As a strategic thought partner, she supports individuals and organizations wishing to reach higher levels of effectiveness and reward.  Her two decades of success at IBM in sales, consulting, and as a global marketing executive serve to inform her practice. Her IBM career followed working as a performing artist.

Patricia follows her philosophy to "meet clients exactly where they are" partnering to develop and execute winning strategies. Patricia has served as a speaker and facilitator for the Forbes Women in Leadership Conference, the Executive Leadership Council’s (ELC) Black Women on Wall Street Symposium, and more.

Her contributions to the community include service on the board of the American Heart Association of Westchester, Westchester Medical Center Board (nominated by Governor Pataki), The International Marketing Research Association Board, The Westchester Clubmen Gala Committee, The Harlem Junior Tennis & Education Program Board and The Bruce Museum of Greenwich Connecticut Gala Committee. She has also served in program development for Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts and Red Cross of Westchester.  Patricia is a Charles P. Dana Fellow, a Thomas J. Watson Fellow, and a graduate of Colgate University.

“I am excited to take on this new role as Board Chair of the National Forest Foundation.  I’m so proud that in the past five years we have engaged 77,681 youth from diverse and urban communities through youth crews, jobs, volunteerism, and more. We are committed to building upon that record and reaching every American.  This is doable as 70% of Americans live within a two-hour drive of a National Forest,” commented Patricia. 

“The 193 million acres of National Forests provide clean drinking water; they absorb carbon; they are home to thousands of species of wildlife and plants. And, there’s real urgency here: while the NFF’s impact is growing rapidly (doubling in the past five years), the magnitude of the challenge is also growing thus compelling us to act.  That’s why we inspire people to get personally involved in caring for the Forests. These lands are an American treasure and are vital to the health of our communities.”

The NFF looks forward to Patricia’s Board leadership and to working with her on furthering NFF’s mission. She follows in the footsteps of John Hendricks (Discovery Channel) and Craig Barrett (Intel), former NFF Board Chairs with whom she has served.

About the National Forest Foundation

The National Forest Foundation promotes the enhancement and public enjoyment of the 193-million-acre National Forest System. By directly engaging Americans and leveraging private and public funding, the NFF improves forest health and Americans' outdoor experiences. The NFF's programs inform millions of Americans about the importance of these treasured landscapes. Each year, the NFF restores fish and wildlife habitat, plants trees in areas affected by fires, insects, and disease, improve recreational opportunities, and enables communities to steward their National Forests and Grasslands. Learn more at