Source: NAV Canada

NAV CANADA launches new air traffic control service at YMX International Aerocity of Mirabel

MIRABEL, Quebec, Jan. 30, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Recognizing that air traffic at YMX International Aerocity of Mirabel was steadily rising, NAV CANADA began an aeronautical study to assess the needs of this growing region in 2017.

NAV CANADA’s mission is to deliver a safe, efficient and cost-effective air navigation service from coast to coast to coast. The company regularly examines the services it offers across the country, responding to changing demands.

The YMX aeronautical study assessed the amount of air traffic and its distribution throughout the day; airport and airspace configuration; and more. As a result, starting January 30, 2020, airport control service will now be offered during peak periods of the day.


“With the growth in traffic, expanding the services at YMX International Aerocity of Mirabel ensures we are meeting the needs of our aviation customers and continue to maintain the highest level of safety in our skies,” said Lyne Moreau, General Manager of the Montréal Flight Information Region, NAV CANADA.

“YMX International Aerocity of Mirabel has become a world-renowned aeronautical park, resulting in an increase in air movements for the various partners that have made it their home. The reopening of the control tower illustrates the dynamism and vitality of YMX and demonstrates its strong development potential,” said Stéphane Lapierre, Vice President, Airport Operations and Air Services Development. “This is excellent news, which also sets the stage for the aero-logistics hub project announced last spring to improve and expand logistics activities on the site.” 

Quick Facts

  • Effective January 30, 2020 NAV CANADA has expanded its services at the YMX International Aerocity of Mirabel to offer airport control service at certain times of day:
    • Airport control service will be offered for 16 hours a day from 06:00h to 22:00h
    • Airport advisory services will be offered for the remaining 8 hours from 22:00h to 06:00h.
    • Weather observation services will continue to be offered 24 hours a day.
  • A NAV CANADA aeronautical study for YMX showed over 69,000 aircraft movements in 2017 and exceeded 72,000 movements in 2018.
  • Pilots should be prepared for the type of service being offered when they are arriving and departing at YMX, as well as understanding their responsibilities.
    • If a pilot is arriving or departing when airport control services are offered, he or she must follow the directions of the air traffic controllers, and all related procedures.
    • When airport advisory services are offered, pilots must use the information provided by the flight service specialists to make safe and responsible decisions as they arrive and depart the airport.


NAV CANADA is a private, not-for-profit company, established in 1996, providing air traffic control, airport advisory services, weather briefings and aeronautical information services for more than 18 million square kilometres of Canadian domestic and international airspace.

The Company is internationally recognized for its safety record, and technology innovation. Air traffic management systems developed by NAV CANADA are used by air navigation service providers in countries worldwide.

For further information, please contact:

Brian Boudreau
Manager, Media Relations

Media Information Line: 1-888-562-8226