Síminn hf. - Nominations for the Board of Síminn hf.

A Nomination Committee has been established for Síminn hf., pursuant to a decision by the Shareholders Meeting on November 28th 2018, as well as the resolution shareholders at the Annual General Meeting on March 15th, 2018.  The Committee represents all Síminn shareholders and its purpose is to nominate candidates for the Company’s Board of Directors.  In doing so, it seeks to ensure that the Directors collectively possess sufficient knowledge and experience to exercise their obligations under the Company‘s Article of Association, the Act on Public Limited Liability Companies no 2/1995, as well as other Acts and regulations that apply to the Company. 

There may or may not be a requirement to nominate new Directors in any given year, depending on circumstances, the functioning of the existing Board and the willingness of existing Directors to continue to serve on the Board.

The Committee is now seeking candidates to Síminn´s Board of Directors in advance of the next Annual General Meeting on March 12th, 2020.

The Committee assesses candidates in the light of requirements and makes nomination recommendations to the Annual General Meetings. 

Applications by interest of candidates should be sent to the Committee's e-mail address, nominationcommittee@siminn.is, including a brief letter of motivation and CV, before February 27th, 2020.  The establishment of the Nomination committee does not affect the right of possible candidates to submit their candidacy until five days prior to the Annual General Meeting.

For further information regarding the nomination committee: https://www.siminn.is/umsimann/nominations-for-the-board-of-siminn-hf



Síminn_Declaration of candidacy 2020