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Source: Association for Mineral Exploration British Columbia (AME BC)

AME Responds to B.C. Budget 2020

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Feb. 18, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The B.C. Budget 2020 announcement includes support for the mineral exploration industry with a continued commitment to advance the actions of the Mining Jobs Task Force, all of which were strongly endorsed by AME in 2019.

The Association for Mineral Exploration’s (AME) President and CEO, Kendra Johnston, noted:

“In an era of restrained spending by government, mineral explorers are able to rely on permanent incentives including the BC Mining Exploration Tax Credit and BC Mining Flow Through Share Tax Credit. We thank the government for its continued acknowledgment and support of the mineral exploration industry.”

It was also announced that the government will continue to improve the exploration and mines permitting process, which has seen challenges across the industry in B.C.

Ms. Johnston continued:

“We appreciate the government’s commitment to make more efficient and effective permitting a priority.  We will continue to advocate on our members’ behalf for a timely and transparent Notice of Work permitting process that builds certainty for explorers to conduct low-impact mineral exploration projects in a timely manner. Such governmental support is crucial in ensuring that B.C. continues to be a global centre of excellence in mineral exploration and an internationally competitive jurisdiction for mineral exploration and mining.”

About AME
AME is the lead association for the mineral exploration and development industry based in British Columbia. Established in 1912, AME represents, advocates and promotes the interests of almost 5,000 members who are engaged in mineral exploration and development in B.C. and globally. AME encourages a safe, economically strong and environmentally responsible industry by providing clear initiatives, policies, events and tools to support its membership in delivering responsible projects that advance reconciliation and provide benefit to all British Columbians.

AME Contact:
Tracey Sexton
Director, Communications & Corporate Affairs, AME