Source: Bad Science Watch

Health Supplement Retailers Make Illegal Claims, Finds Bad Science Watch Study

HAMILTON, Ontario, Feb. 27, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- How often are Canadian manufacturers of natural health products (NHPs) advertising their products online in ways that do not align with their Health Canada licenses? A study conducted by the Canadian science advocacy group Bad Science Watch shows it’s far more often than you might think. In fact, the results are alarming.

Bad Science Watch looked specifically at the frequency of unauthorised claims about treating or curing cancer. Of the evaluated webpages, 20% of the sites were found to list a direct claim of treatment or cure, while 30% made an indirect claim.  Only 2.3% of the sites were found to be making direct claims that were authorized by Health Canada.

The results showed that Canadians are exposed to a disturbingly large number of potentially deceptive health product marketing claims that could endanger public health. Given the high prevalence of unauthorised claims, this study raises serious concerns about Health Canada’s monitoring and enforcement of NHP marketing claims.

“This demonstrates the total ineffectiveness of the current NHP regulations,” said Michael Kruse, Bad Science Watch Chair, “and supports our call for stronger regulations around approval and enforcement when it comes to natural health products. These companies are more concerned with making money than with the health of Canadians.”

The complete Bad Science Watch study can be found at the link below.

Bad Science Watch
Ryan Armstrong