Communiqué of availability of the Universal Registration Document and information regarding the impact of coronavirus


Boulogne-Billancourt, March 20, 2020

Renault announces that the 2019 Universal Registration Document is filed with the French Financial Markets Authority.

The 2019 Universal Registration Document includes the following information:

In the context of the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic and in compliance with the measures taken by the various governments to date, Groupe Renault has stopped the activity of some of its commercial establishments and plants.  Given the speed of the pandemic's evolution, the continuity of the Group's commercial and production activities around the world will depend on the sanitary situation and government decisions in each country.
Due to this level of uncertainties, the impact is, to date, impossible to assess. The Group will clarify the magnitude of this impact as soon as it is in a position to do so.
The Group plans to restart commercial and production activities in the countries concerned as soon as conditions permit and will implement all necessary measures to respond effectively to commercial demand.

The 2019 Universal Registration Document (French version) is available on Renault website, tab Finance, in the ‘Regulated information’.
The English version will follow soon.




CP Dépot DEU and coronavirus information GB