Source: Ritter Communications

Online COVID-19 PR Service Launched for Organizations with Limited Communications Resources and Budgets

www.CoronavirusPRhelp.com is fast, affordable, flexible

LOS ANGELES and COLUMBUS, Ohio, March 23, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- A team of veteran public relations and communications professionals has introduced www.CoronavirusPRhelp.com, an online and live support service for organizations struggling to manage novel coronavirus-related communications.

CoronavirusPRhelp.com offers affordable, tiered services, including:

  • Developing COVID-19 communications plans and processes
  • Reviewing existing plans and updating communications materials
  • Preparing internal and external communications
  • Distributing press releases and posting messages to social media
  • Monitoring news media and social media

“The COVID-19 outbreak is presenting unprecedented communications challenges, even for organizations with internal PR/communications teams and outside agencies,” said Brad Ritter, president of Ritter Communications, LLC, the national public relations and crisis communications training firm that is spearheading the service. “Those without that support are easily overwhelmed by the crisis.”

Unlike traditional PR firms that typically require retainers or project budgets, CoronavirusPRhelp.com offers pre-priced, affordable packages with no long-term commitments.

“Over the last 20 years, we’ve helped clients prepare for and manage some of the worst threats they could possibly imagine,” Ritter said. “It’s really rewarding to see the positive impact good communication has, starting from the first stages of the crisis all the way through recovery and rebuilding.”

With webinars, teleconferences and video chats replacing in-person meetings and news media interviews, Ritter Communications has added online media and presentation training to its service portfolio.

“There’s a tremendous need right now for leaders and other spokespersons to tell their organizations’ stories, but many professionals lack the skills necessary to perform well on camera or during teleconferences,” Ritter said. “With so many people working from home, in-person training is impractical, so we’ve created an online alternative.”

The training programs combine presentations with exercises that are recorded and critiqued. They were created for professionals who participate in audio and videoconferences, podcasts and news media interviews.

With offices in Los Angeles and Columbus, Ohio, Ritter Communications provides public relations and crisis communications services and training to a wide variety of U.S. and global organizations. Clients range from Fortune 500 firms to trade associations and government agencies.

Brad Ritter, Ritter Communications, LLC