Source: Seneca Growth Capital VCT PLC

AGM Venue Change

Seneca Growth Capital VCT Plc

2020 AGM Update – Notification of Change of Venue and Arrangements

Seneca Growth Capital VCT Plc (the “Company”) published its annual report and financial statements for the year to 31 December 2019 on 26 February 2020, including notice that the Annual General Meeting (AGM) would be held at the Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce, Elliot House, Manchester on Tuesday, 28 April 2020 at 11.00 am.

In light of the evolving Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation and the most recent announcement of UK Government on 23 March 2020, which the Board has reviewed carefully, the Directors consider the health and well-being of shareholders and other AGM attendees a priority. Based on the latest available advice, the AGM is expected to proceed on 28 April 2020. However, in light of all the UK Government's statements that non-essential travel should be avoided, the Board has resolved that the venue of the AGM should be moved from Manchester to the offices of the Investment Manager, Seneca Partners Limited.

Accordingly, the Company's 2020 AGM will now be held on Tuesday, 28 April 2020 at 11.00 am at 12 The Parks, Newton-le-Willows WA12 0JQ. However, to comply with the UK Government's requirement that physical gatherings should consist of no more than 2 persons in public, the Board requests that no shareholders should attend the meeting (apart from Richard Manley (as a director and shareholder of the Company) and John Davies, an investment manager from Seneca Partners, who is also a shareholder, to constitute the minimum quorum for the AGM to take place under the Company's articles of association and company law requirements).    Shareholders should note that only the usual and formal business set out in the notice of AGM will be considered at the AGM. The meeting will be conducted swiftly, with no presentation by the Investment Manager and no question and answer session.

Shareholders wishing to vote on any of the matters of business are urged to do so through completion of a proxy form, which can be submitted to the Company’s Registrar. Proxy forms should be completed and returned in accordance with the instructions thereon and the latest time for the receipt of proxy forms is 11.00 am on Sunday, 26 April 2020. Proxy votes can be also be submitted by CREST. Shareholders who have already submitted proxy forms do not need to resubmit their proxies.

As shareholders are being discouraged from attending the AGM, where they would normally have the opportunity to engage with the Board and Investment Manager, the Board currently intends to hold a special Shareholders' Forum later this year for shareholders to be able to ask questions and engage directly with the Board and the Investment Manager. Details of such a forum will be announced through a RNS announcement and posted to the Company’s website when it is clearer as to when such a forum can be held.

Issued on behalf of the Board

Seneca Growth Capital VCT Plc

26 March 2020