Tanzania gaining further mobile market consolidation

Tanzania - Telecoms, Mobile and Broadband - Statistics and Analyses

Sydney, May 07, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Just released, this edition of Paul Budde Communication’s focus report on Tanzania outlines the major developments and key aspects in the telecoms markets.
Read the full report: https://www.budde.com.au/Research/Tanzania-Telecoms-Mobile-and-Broadband-Statistics-and-Analyses

Tanzania’s telecom sector enjoys effective competition, particularly in the mobile segment. There remains considerable movement within it, with Smart having stopped services in late 2019 and Tigo having completed its merger with Zantel.

The government has encouraged foreign participation to promote economic growth and social development, and policy reforms have led to the country having one of the most liberal telecom sectors in Africa.

Tanzania only has one fixed-line operator, the incumbent TTC, after the second provider stopped offering fixed services. There are also several mobile service providers, with four additional players licensed under a new converged regulatory regime. Mobile penetration reached 85% by early 2020, and growth in the number of subscribers remains strong. In recent years a price war among these players has adversely affected the smaller operators (including Smart), which have suffered from customer churn.

Following the launch of mobile broadband services, the mobile network operators have become the leading ISPs. Operators are hoping for revenue growth in the mobile data services market, given that the voice market is almost entirely prepaid and voice ARPU continues to fall. To this end they have invested in network upgrades. A fast-developing source of revenue is from mobile money transfer and m-banking services.

The landing of the first fibre optic international submarine cables in the country some years ago revolutionised the market which up to that point had entirely depended on expensive satellite connections. In parallel, the government is working on the later phases of a national fibre backbone network aimed at connecting population centres around the country.

The government has become more determined to manage the telecom sector more effectively. It has cracked down on counterfeit smartphones, which were thought to account for up to 30% of devices in circulation, and has introduced a biometric SIM card registration scheme.

BuddeComm notes that the outbreak of the Coronavirus in 2020 is having a significant impact on production and supply chains globally. During the coming year the telecoms sector to various degrees is likely to experience a downturn in mobile device production, while it may also be difficult for network operators to manage workflows when maintaining and upgrading existing infrastructure. Overall progress towards 5G may be postponed or slowed down in some countries.

On the consumer side, spending on telecoms services and devices is under pressure from the financial effect of large-scale job losses and the consequent restriction on disposable incomes. However, the crucial nature of telecom services, both for general communication as well as a tool for home-working, will offset such pressures. In many markets the net effect should be a steady though reduced increased in subscriber growth.

Although it is challenging to predict and interpret the long-term impacts of the crisis as it develops, these have been acknowledged in the industry forecasts contained in this report.

The report also covers the responses of the telecom operators as well as government agencies and regulators as they react to the crisis to ensure that citizens can continue to make optimum use of telecom services. This can be reflected in subsidy schemes and the promotion of tele-health and tele-education, among other solutions.

Key developments

  • Tigo completes merger with Zantel;
  • New MTRs agreed to 2022;
  • Tigo Pesa receives the GSMA Mobile Money Certification;
  • Halotel Tanzania launches HaloPesa m-banking service;
  • TTC extends LTE-A service, launches investment program for its FttP project;
  • Regulator completes biometric SIM card registration scheme;
  • TTC seeks TZS1.77 trillion over five years to upgrade networks and gain market share;
  • Government allocates TZS17.5 billion to improve rural telecom infrastructure;
  • Report update includes regulator’s market data to December 2019, operator data to Q4 2019, Telecom Maturity Index charts and analyses, assessment of the global impact of COVID-19 on the telecoms sector, recent market developments.

Companies mentioned in this report

Tanzania Telecommunications Corporation (TTC); Zanzibar Telecommunications Corporation (Zantel); Vodacom Tanzania; Bharti Airtel (Zain); Millicom (Tigo); Benson Informatics Limited (BOL); Sasatel (Dovetel); Africa Online; Raha.com; Tele2; Alink; SatCom Networks; SimbaNet; Afsat; Cats-Net

  • Key Statistics
  • Regional African Market Comparison
    • TMI vs GDP
    • Mobile and mobile broadband
    • Fixed and mobile broadband
  • Country overview
  • COVID-19 and its impact on the telecom sector
    • Economic considerations and responses
    • Mobile devices
    • Subscribers
    • Infrastructure
  • Telecommunications market
    • Market analysis
  • Regulatory environment
    • Regulatory authority
    • National Telecommunications Policy 1997
    • National ICT Policy
    • Regulatory overhaul
    • Electronic and Postal Communication Act 2010
    • Electronic and Postal Communications Regulations 2018
    • Fixed-line developments
      • Telecom sector liberalisation
      • Converged licensing framework (CLF)
      • International gateways
      • Interconnection
      • Universal Communication Services Access Fund (UCSAF)
      • Foreign ownership restrictions
    • Mobile network developments
      • Mobile Number Portability (MNP)
      • Quality of Service
      • Spectrum auction – 700MHz
      • Tariffs
      • International roaming
      • Mobile Termination Rates (MTRs)
      • Network sharing
      • SIM card registration
  • Mobile market
    • Market analysis
    • Mobile statistics
      • Mobile data services
      • Mobile broadband
    • Mobile infrastructure
      • 4G (LTE)
      • 3G
      • Other infrastructure developments
    • Major mobile operators
      • TTC Mobile
      • Vodacom Tanzania
      • Airtel Tanzania
      • Tigo Tanzania
      • Zanzibar Telecommunication (Zantel)
      • Halotel (Viettel Tanzania0
      • Mobile Virtual network Operators (MVNOs)
    • Mobile content and applications
      • M-money, m-banking
      • M-health
  • Fixed-line broadband market
    • Introduction and statistical overview
      • Market analysis
      • Broadband statistics
      • Public internet access locations
      • Tanzania Internet Exchange (TIX, AIXP)
    • Broadband infrastructure
      • Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) Networks
      • Fibre-to-the-Premises (FttP)
      • EV-DO
      • Fixed wireless (WiMAX, WiBro, Wi-Fi)
      • Satellite broadband
  • Digital economy
    • E-health
    • E-learning
  • Fixed network operators
    • TTC
      • Privatisation and exclusivity period 2000-2005
      • SaskTel management contract 2007-2009
      • Future direction
    • Zantel
    • Smart
  • Telecommunications infrastructure
    • TTC’s fixed-line network
    • Wireless local loop (WLL)
    • Private networks
    • National fibre backbone
    • International infrastructure
      • Submarine fibre
      • Satellite
      • Terrestrial
  • Appendix – Historic data
  • Glossary of abbreviations
  • Related reports

List of Tables

  • Table 1 – Top Level Country Statistics and Telco Authorities – Tanzania – 2020 (e)
  • Table 2 – Change in average mobile tariffs – 2010 – 2019
  • Table 3 – Growth in the number of mobile subscribers and penetration – 2010 – 2025
  • Table 4 – Mobile voice subscriber market share by operator – 2011 – 2019
  • Table 5 – Average use of services per subscriber – 2012 – 2019
  • Table 6 – Change in mobile voice traffic by type – 2014 – 2019
  • Table 7 – Growth in the number of SMS sent – 2012 – 2019
  • Table 8 – Growth in the number of active mobile broadband subscribers and penetration – 2010 – 2025
  • Table 9 – Growth in the number of internet users and penetration rate – 2010 – 2019
  • Table 10 – Growth in the number of TTC’ mobile subscribers – 2010 – 2019
  • Table 11 – Growth in the number of Vodacom Tanzania’s mobile subscribers – 2010 – 2019
  • Table 12 – Growth in the number of Airtel Tanzania’s mobile subscribers – 2010 – 2019
  • Table 13 – Growth in the number of Tigo Tanzania’s mobile subscribers – 2010 – 2019
  • Table 14 – Change in the number of Zantel’s mobile subscribers – 2010 – 2019
  • Table 15 – Growth in the number of Halotel’s mobile subscribers – 2015 – 2019
  • Table 16 – Mobile money subscriptions by operator– 2015 – 2019
  • Table 17 – Share of mobile money subscriptions by operator– 2018 – 2019
  • Table 18 – Growth in the number of fixed-line broadband subscribers – 2010 – 2025
  • Table 19 – Fixed wireless internet subscribers – 2013 – 2019
  • Table 20 – Decline in the number of Smart’s mobile subscribers – 2015 – 2019
  • Table 23 – Growth in international internet bandwidth – 2010 – 2017
  • Table 24 – Historic – Fixed interconnection rates – 2013- 2017
  • Table 25 – Historic - Average mobile tariffs – 2005 – 2009
  • Table 26 – Historic - Mobile subscribers and penetration rate – 1995 – 2009
  • Table 27 – Historic - Vodacom Tanzania data subscribers – 2013 – 2016
  • Table 28 – Historic - Vodacom Tanzania ARPU ($) – 2003 – 2014
  • Table 29 – Historic - Vodacom Tanzania ARPU (TZS) – 2011 – 2016
  • Table 30 – Historic - TTC mobile subscribers – 2006 – 2009
  • Table 31 – Historic - Vodacom Tanzania subscribers – 2000 – 2009
  • Table 32 – Historic - Airtel Tanzania subscribers – 2002 – 2009
  • Table 33 – Historic - Millicom Tanzania mobile subscribers – 2000 – 2009
  • Table 34 – Historic – Zantel’s mobile subscribers – 2000 – 2009
  • Table 35 – Historic - Internet users and penetration rate – 1999 – 2015
  • Table 36 – Historic - Fixed-line internet subscribers – 2001 – 2009
  • Table 37 – Historic - Fixed-line broadband subscribers – 2005 – 2009
  • Table 38 – Historic - Cable modem broadband subscribers – 2005 – 2014
  • Table 39 – Historic - TTC financial data – 2010; 2012 – 2014
  • Table 40 – Historic - Fixed lines in service by operator and teledensity – 1999 – 2009
  • Table 41 – Historic - Fixed lines in service – 1995 – 2009
  • Table 42 – Historic - International bandwidth – 2001 – 2009

List of Charts

  • Chart 1 – Overall Africa view - Telecoms Maturity Index vs GDP per Capita
  • Chart 2 – East Africa - Telecoms Maturity Index vs GDP per Capita
  • Chart 3 – Africa – Bottom-tier Telecoms Maturity Index (Market Emergents)
  • Chart 4 – East Africa –Telecoms Maturity Index by country
  • Chart 5 – East Africa mobile subscriber penetration versus mobile broadband penetration
  • Chart 6 – East Africa fixed and mobile penetration rates
  • Chart 7 – Change in average mobile tariffs – 2010 – 2019
  • Chart 8 – Growth in the number of mobile subscribers and penetration – 2010 – 2025
  • Chart 9 – Mobile voice subscriber market share by operator – 2011 – 2019
  • Chart 10 – Growth in the number of SMS sent – 2012 – 2019
  • Chart 11 – Growth in the number of active mobile broadband subscribers and penetration – 2010 – 2025
  • Chart 12 – Growth in the number of internet users and penetration rate – 2010 – 2019
  • Chart 13 – Growth in the number of TTC’ mobile subscribers – 2006 – 2019
  • Chart 14 – Growth in the number of Vodacom Tanzania’s mobile subscribers – 2009 – 2019
  • Chart 15 – Growth in the number of Airtel Tanzania’s mobile subscribers – 2010 – 2019
  • Chart 16 – Tigo Tanzania mobile subscribers – 2009 – 2019
  • Chart 17 – Change in the number of Zantel’s mobile subscribers – 2009 – 2019
  • Chart 18 – Growth in the number of Halotel’s mobile subscribers – 2015 – 2019
  • Chart 19 – Mobile money subscriptions by operator– 2015 – 2019
  • Chart 20 – Growth in the number of fixed-line broadband subscribers – 2010 – 2025
  • Chart 21 – Decline in the number of Smart’s mobile subscribers – 2015 – 2019
  • Chart 23 – Growth in international internet bandwidth – 2009 – 2017

List of Exhibits

  • Exhibit 1 – Generalised Market Characteristics by Market Segment
  • Exhibit 2 – East Africa - Key Characteristics of Telecoms Markets by Country
  • Exhibit 3 – 700MHz spectrum auction – June 2018
  • Exhibit 4 – Emergency rescue scheme for Lake Victoria

Read the full report: https://www.budde.com.au/Research/Tanzania-Telecoms-Mobile-and-Broadband-Statistics-and-Analyses


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