IPG Joins Coalition to Denounce Bias Around COVID-19

New York, May 13, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --  Interpublic Group (NYSE: IPG) announced today that it has joined a coalition of more than 90 companies and NGO partners to respond to issues of diversity and inclusion surrounding COVID-19 with specific denouncement of anti-Asian sentiment and an awareness of the disease’s unique impacts upon vulnerable groups. Led by Ascend, the NGO partners also include ALPFA, Catalyst, The Conference Board, Management Leadership for Tomorrow (MLT), National Association of Black Accountants (NABA), National Congress of American Indians (NCAI), National Organization on Disability (NOD), Out & Equal, and Tanenbaum. This coalition has adopted a five-point action agenda that includes:

  1. Promoting Inclusion: Advocate for a diverse and inclusive workplace and society
  2. Raising Awareness: Highlight the unique impacts of COVID-19 on vulnerable groups
  3. Denouncing Bias: Encourage individuals to report virus-linked discriminatory acts against Pan-Asians and others in the workplace and in public
  4. Supporting Community: Volunteer time and knowledge to aid frontline and COVID-19 victims and families
  5. Donating: Contribute funds to support vulnerable communities and businesses negatively impacted

In collaboration with IPG’s commitment to this action agenda, IPG’s Asian Heritage Group (AHG), hosted a virtual town hall, and has planned other activities throughout the month of May in honor of Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) month. The virtual town hall, #WashTheHate, which draws its name from the campaign created by IW Group to combat the rising tide of hatred during the pandemic, addressed the rise in Anti-Asian sentiment and other marginalized employee segments. IPG’s Black Employee Network (BEN) has also partnered with the New York Urban League to host town halls focused on the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on New Yorkers of color.

“We are proud to join this coalition and respond to issues of diversity, equity and inclusion around COVID-19,” noted Michael Roth, Chairman and CEO of IPG. “DEI has long been a focus for us and it is an important lens for our business, particularly during these times as we see a disproportionate impact on vulnerable communities, and we want to ensure that we are doing our part to amplify these issues,” he continued.

 “The beauty here is having all of these constituents come together and look at a broad need for diversity and inclusion and take an actual stand against discrimination and bias during and post-COVID-19,” noted Heide Gardner, IPG’s Senior Vice President, Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer. ”We know there is a disproportionate impact on marginalized communities, and we want to ensure that we are doing our part to support these communities and their efforts,” she continued.

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