Dublin, May 22, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The "Fertility Clinics & Infertility Services Industry (U.S.)" report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com's offering.
This 4th edition report examines the $6 billion infertility services/fertility clinics industry.
This loosely regulated baby business grew strongly from 2014 to 2019, boosted both by demand domestically and via medical tourism patients from Europe and China. However, due to the Coronavirus, the industry will be hit hard in 2020, as many clinics shut down for two months and foreign patients are not coming to the U.S. any longer.
ART (assisted reproductive technology) now produces more than 50,000 babies per year in the U.S. via 330,000 IVF procedures, and demand is growing from the ranks of 7+ million infertile women, many of which delayed childbearing due to careers. There are about 450 U.S. fertility clinics, 100+ sperm banks, an unknown number of egg donors, and 1,700 reproductive endocrinologists competing for the business, which is lucrative.In addition, the U.S. market for fertility drugs is worth about $749 million. Only two large chains, IntegraMed and Prelude Fertility exist, as most programs are run by small MD practices or are part of a hospital or University. The market is fragmented, served by mostly small regional clinics.
This 4th edition study examines the nature/evolution of the business, national receipts/growth from 1988 to 2019, 2020 forecast, 2025 forecast, infertile customer demographics, key industry trends, industry regulation, pricing, industry consolidation, insurance coverage, ethical issues, and more. Contains results of the latest (2015-2018) CDC ART survey national data, with IVF success rates and long-term trends, as well as European ART cycles and outlook. The report also examines the nature/size of the U.S. sperm banks, egg donors, and fertility drugs markets, and surrogacy programs.
Key Topics Covered:
1. Introduction
2. Report Scope & Methodology, Sources used
3. Executive Overview of Major Findings
4. Nature & Structure of the Industry
- Definition of market segments (IVF ART clinics, sperm banks, egg donors, fertility drugs, surrogacy programs, surgeries)
- Industry evolution - when clinics first appeared
- Market demand and potential: Number and percent of women of childbearing age infertile, increase in IVF procedures from 1987-2019, reasons for growth, past estimates of industry size
- Number of IVF clinics by: hospital-based vs. independents
- Insurance coverage: typical fees and client affordability, state mandated coverage, financing
- Causes of infertility: discussion of main reasons for infertility in men and women, treatment methods (HSG procedures, lap and dye procedures - description, cost, estimated number of procedures). Tubal reversal surgeries (description of, success rates, costs, percent of women having procedure, estimated number of surgeries).
- IVF procedures: discussion of procedure, cost. GIFT procedures: discussion of procedure, cost, number of procedures.
5. Patient Demographics
- U.S. birth & fertility rates: data - report highlights regarding number of births, total births in the
- United States, crude birth rate, general fertility rate
- Americans' use of fertility services: demographics and characteristics
- Chinese couples demand for U.S. fertility services, discussion, IVF tourism trends by European couples
- Summary and discussion of number and percent of infertile female population in the U.S. (U.S.
- Census Bureau data, American Society for Reproductive Medicine)
- Reasons why the market is largely untapped: how price deters most candidates
- Delayer boom: more educated women have children later in life
6. Industry Size and Growth
- Summary and Analysis; historical estimates of industry size - 1988,1995, 2000 (gov't. & private sources)
- Estimate of mkt. size in 1999, by diagnostic procedure, IVF, drugs, surgeries
- Harvard Business School estimate for 2004
- Discussion of no. of IVF clinics 1985-2018, avg. revenues, value of this market segment
- 2016-2019 market performance: estimated growth, pricing, IntegraMed revenues.
- 2020 Outlook & Forecasts -: discussion of likely effects of Coronavirus and clinic closures, state guidelines re essential services (IL, NY, NJ, MD, MA, CA), estimates of no. of clinics closed, phased re-openings, forecast of ART cycles volume decline, revenue decline, $ value of the market.
- 2021-2025 Forecast: Factors affecting current and future industry growth: IVF tourism, what the economic recovery may look like, improved success rates, gay/lesbian use of IVF, etc.
- Status of the European and Chinese Markets, discussion, reasons for coming to U.S. clinics, report of ESHRE, IVF volume, percent distribution of IVF vs. ICSI, which nations infertile couples come from, China status report, estd. size of fertility market and $ spent abroad.
7. Sperm Banks
- Summary and discussion: number of U.S. sperm banks, typical fees, main activities
- How the process works: requirements and screening of sperm donors, who typical donors are, fees, contracts
- Estimated value of the market: 2004 - 2025 F
- Market trends - why market is flat, gray market sperm
- Major competitor Profiles: Cryos International Sperm Bank (Denmark), California Cryobank - typical procedures and requirements of donors, findings of phone interview
8. Egg Donor Market
- Discussion of egg donors, frozen embryo replacement, fees, who they are, differentiated pricing structure, estimated market value: why this is a strong growth market, foreign demand, market size: 2004-2023 Forecast.
- Analysis of egg donation data from 2017 CDC ART report, mkt. size estimates for 2019, 2020, 2025
- Discussion of European mkt. report about social egg freezers, low rate of thawing.
- Surrogacy Programs: Discussion of the need for it, mkt. size, fees, etc.
9. The Fertility Drugs Market
- Summary of the U.S. & global fertility drugs market: estimated size, key competitors (Organon, Merck Serono, Ferring)
- Outlook and Gonal-f 2018-2019 sales from Merck's annual reports for North America versus rest of world, outlook for Gonal-f and Pergoveris
- Estimated market share for Merck Serono, $ sales
- Discussion of increase in illicit drug market developing between buyers and sellers
- Estimates of fertility drug sales: 1995 - 2025 F, five year forecast
10. Findings of 2016-2018 CDC ART Surveys on Assisted Reproductive Technology
- Findings of 2017 survey & preliminary 2018 data: success rates, by age of woman, fresh & frozen embryos from nondonor eggs, donor eggs, percent of clinics offering services by type.
- Discussion/analysis of: type ART procedure used, pregnancy success rates, ART cycles using frozen embryos, ART cycles using donor eggs, ART cycles using nondonor eggs and embryos, success rates by women's age
11. Tables and analyses of 2016 report: National Summary
- Total no. of ART procedures performed, % by type.
- No. of infants born through ART
- Percent multiple birth deliveries
- Percent of ART transfers resulting in a pregnancy.
- Age distribution of patients undergoing fresh IVF cycles: 2014
12. Text, analyses & discussion covering these topics: (long-term trend data)
- How old were women who used ART?
- How did the types of ART cycles performed differ by a woman's age?
- How many frozen egg cycles were conducted and what were the outcomes of these cycles?
- Why were some ART cycles canceled?
- What percentage of ART cycles resulted in a pregnancy?
- What percentage of ART pregnancies resulted in a live birth?
- What percentage of ART cycles resulted in a multiple-fetus pregnancy or multiple-infant birth?
- How did the percentage of ART cycles that resulted in pregnancies, live births, and births of single live infants differ among women aged 40 or older?
- How did a woman's age affect ART cycle progress and outcomes?
- How did previous birth impact ART live-birth outcomes?
- How did previous unsuccessful ART use impact ART live-birth outcomes among women with no previous births?
- Did the use of ICSI differ by age group or by male factor infertility diagnosis?
- How many embryos were typically transferred in an ART procedure?
- Did the number of embryos transferred impact the percentage of single, term, and normal birth weight infants born?
- How long after egg retrieval did embryo transfer occur?
- What percentage of ART cycles resulted in a multiple-fetus pregnancy or multiple-infant birth?
- Was the use of donor eggs or embryos higher among older women undergoing ART?
- What are egg/embryo banking cycles and have they increased?
- Has the number of cycles using donor eggs or embryos increased?
- Is the use of ART increasing? Is the use of ICSI increasing?
- Have there been changes in the type of ART cycles performed among women who used fresh or frozen nondonor eggs or embryos?
- Has the no. of embryos transferred in fresh non-donor cycles changed?
- Has the no. of embryos transferred in each ART cycle changed?
- Have there been improvements in ART success rates by no. of embryos transferred?
- Has the % of multiple-infant live births changed?
- Has the % of singletons, twins and triplets or more changed for ART cycles using fresh non-donor eggs or embryos?
13. List of recent fertility start-up companies.
14. Industry Reference Directory
15. List of adoption and fertility services industry trade groups, associations, surveys, consultants, articles, and other sources.
Companies Mentioned
- Allan Guttmacher Institute
- California Cryobank
- Cryos International
- Genetics and IVF Institute
- IntegraMed America
- Prelude Fertility
- Resolve
For more information about this report visit https://www.researchandmarkets.com/r/y55htc
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