Spain delays 700MHz spectrum for 5G use due to COVID-19

Spain - Telecoms, Mobile and Broadband - Statistics and Analyses

Sydney, June 11, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Just released, this edition of Paul Budde Communication’s focus report on Spain outlines the major developments and key aspects in the telecoms markets.
Read the full report:

Spain’s telecom market is one of the largest in Europe, supported by a population of more than 46 million. Mobile penetration is on a par with the European average and there remains room for further growth, particularly in the mobile broadband segment which has been supported by continuing investment in infrastructure among operators. With LTE almost universally available, the focus among operators has shifted to services based on 5G. Vodafone Spain was the first operator to launch a 5G network, in June 2019. The other players planned to wait until after the auction of spectrum in the 700MHz band, though the COVID-19 crisis has delayed this to June 2020.

The fixed-line broadband sector has also been backed by investment in fibre infrastructure, enabling providers to develop improved bundled services and to compete more effectively. The regulator has fostered competition by providing access to Telefónica’s DSL and FttP networks, while network sharing agreements have meant that Orange Spain, Vodafone Spain and Másmóvil have become significant operators. By the beginning of 2020 fibre accounted for about 67% of all fixed broadband connections. Telefónica alone expected to provide complete FttP coverage by 2024.

This report introduces the key aspects of the Spanish telecom market, providing statistics on the fixed-network services sector, and profiles of the main players. The report also assesses the main regulatory issues, noting the status of interconnection, local loop unbundling, number portability and carrier preselection. In addition, the report covers the fixed and wireless broadband markets, together with developments in related technologies, as well as analyses on the mobile sector, including an assessment of regulatory issues, a profile of the major providers, and a review of mobile data services and technologies including LTE and 5G. The report also provides fixed-line, broadband, mobile, and mobile broadband subscriber forecasts.

BuddeComm notes that the outbreak of the Coronavirus in 2020 is having a significant impact on production and supply chains globally. During the coming year the global telecoms sector to various degrees is likely to experience a downturn in mobile device production, while it may also be difficult for network operators to manage workflows when maintaining and upgrading existing infrastructure. Overall progress towards 5G may also be postponed or slowed down in some countries.

On the consumer side, spending on telecoms services and devices is under pressure from the financial effect of large-scale job losses and the consequent restriction on disposable incomes. However, the crucial nature of telecom services, both for general communication as well as a tool for home-working, will offset such pressures. In many markets the net effect should be a steady though reduced increased in subscriber growth.

Although it is challenging to predict and interpret the long-term impacts of the crisis as it develops, these have been acknowledged in the industry forecasts contained in this report.

The report also covers the responses of the telecom operators as well as government agencies and regulators as they react to the crisis to ensure that citizens can continue to make optimum use of telecom services. This can be reflected in subsidy schemes and the promotion of tele-health and tele-education, among other solutions.

Key developments

  • Regulator delays 700MHz spectrum auction due to COVID-19;
  • EllaLink submarine cable connecting Spain with Brazil to be ready later in 2020;
  • Telefónica joins the 5G Technological Cities project;
  • Orange and Vodafone sign revised network sharing agreement to include 5G;
  • Orange Spain adds ZTE as a 5G vendor partner;
  • Vodafone Spain launches 5G services;
  • Vodafone Spain contracts Huawei to upgrade its HFC network with DOCSIS3.1, launches a 1Gb/s broadband service to four million premises;
  • Movistar aiming to provide 100% FttP coverage by 2024;
  • Fibre broadband accounting for 62% of all fixed-line broadband connections;
  • Report update includes the regulator’s market data updates to January 2020, telcos’ operating and financial data to Q1 2020, Telecom Maturity Index charts and analyses, assessment of the global impact of COVID-19 on the telecoms sector, recent market developments.

Companies mentioned in this report

Orange Spain, Telefónica (Movistar), Jazztel, Ono, Vodafone Spain, Lebara, Lycamobile, Másmóvil, YouMobile, Yoigo, Euskaltel

  • Key Statistics
  • Regional Market Comparison
    • Europe Telecom Maturity Index by tier
      • Market Leaders
      • Market Challengers
      • Market Emergents
    • TMI versus GDP
    • Mobile and mobile broadband penetration
    • Fixed versus mobile broadband penetration
  • Country overview
  • COVID-19 and the telecom sector impact
    • Economic considerations and responses
    • Mobile devices
    • Subscribers
    • Infrastructure
  • Telecommunications market
    • Market overview
  • Regulatory environment
    • Historical overview
    • Regulatory authority
    • Fixed-line developments
      • General Telecommunications Act
      • Telecom sector liberalisation
      • Interconnect
      • Access
      • Number Portability (NP)
      • Carrier PreSelection (CPS)
      • Wholesale Line Rental (WLR)
    • Mobile network developments
      • Spectrum regulations and spectrum auctions
      • Roaming
      • Mobile Number Portability (MNP)
      • Mobile Termination Rates (MTRs)
  • Mobile market
    • Market analysis
    • Mobile statistics
      • Operator market shares
      • Mobile voice
      • Mobile data
      • Mobile broadband
    • Mobile infrastructure
      • 5G
      • 4G (LTE)
      • 3G
      • Other infrastructure developments
    • Major mobile operators
      • Movistar
      • Vodafone Spain
      • Orange Spain
      • Másmóvil
      • MVNOs
    • Mobile content and applications
  • Fixed-line broadband market
    • Market analysis
      • Government initiatives
      • Broadband statistics
    • Hybrid Fibre Coax (HFC) networks
      • Euskaltel Group
    • Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) networks
      • Movistar
      • ADSL2+
    • Fibre-to-the-Premises (FttP) networks
      • Regulatory issues
      • Fibre market
      • Movistar
      • Vodafone Spain
      • Orange Spain
      • Másmóvil
      • Other developments
    • Other fixed broadband services
      • Wireless Local Loop (WLL)
      • Wi-Fi
      • WiMAX
      • Satellite broadband
      • Broadband Powerline (BPL)
  • Fixed network operators
    • Introduction
    • Telefónica
    • Orange Spain
      • Jazztel
    • Vodafone Spain
      • Ono
    • Másmóvil
  • Telecommunications infrastructure
    • Overview of the national telecom network
    • Next Generation Networks (NGN)
    • International infrastructure
      • Satellite networks
      • Submarine cable
    • Smart Infrastructure
      • Smart Cities – Barcelona
  • Appendix – Historic data
    • Mobile
    • Broadband
    • Fixed
    • Companies
  • Related reports

List of Tables

  • Table 1 – Top Level Country Statistics and Telco Authorities - Spain – 2020 (e)
  • Table 2 – Development of telecom revenue, retail and wholesale – 2010 – 2019
  • Table 3 –Telecom revenue annual change – 2010 – 2019
  • Table 4 – Development of telecom retail revenue by sector – 2010 – 2019
  • Table 5 – Development of telecom retail revenue annual change, by sector – 2010 – 2019
  • Table 6 – Decline in fixed interconnection revenue – 2010 – 2019
  • Table 7 – Change in the number of subscribers by type of access – 2010 – 2019
  • Table 8 – Change in the number of LLU and shared access lines – 2010 – 2019
  • Table 9 – Change in the number of fixed number portings – 2010 – 2019
  • Table 10 – Carrier PreSelection lines – 2006 – 2017
  • Table 11 – Change in the number of annual number portings – 2010 – 2019
  • Table 12 – Decline in mobile retail market revenue, annual change– 2010 – 2019
  • Table 13 – Development of mobile market revenue by sector – 2010 – 2019
  • Table 14 – Decline in mobile market revenue by contract and prepaid sectors – 2010 – 2019
  • Table 15 – Growth in the number of mobile subscribers and penetration rate – 2010 – 2025
  • Table 16 – Change in the number of prepaid and contract mobile subscribers – 2010 – 2019
  • Table 17 – Mobile subscriber market share by operator – 2004 – 2018
  • Table 18 – Mobile traffic prepaid and contract in minutes – 2000 – 2017
  • Table 19 – SMS revenue and messages sent – 2005 – 2017
  • Table 20 – MMS revenue and messages sent – 2004 – 2017
  • Table 21 – Growth in the number of mobile broadband subscribers by operator – 2010 – 2019
  • Table 22 – Mobile broadband (data only) subscribers by operator – 2014 – 2017
  • Table 23 – Mobile broadband lines by type (voice and data) – 2011 – 2019
  • Table 24 – Growth in the number of mobile broadband subscribers and penetration – 2010 – 2025
  • Table 25 – Growth in mobile broadband traffic – 2012 – 2019
  • Table 26 – Growth in mobile broadband revenue and annual change – 2010 – 2019
  • Table 27 – Movistar LTE subscribers and penetration – 2014 – 2018
  • Table 28 – Growth in the number of M2M lines – 2010 – 2019
  • Table 29 – Change in the number of Movistar’s mobile subscribers – 2010 – 2020
  • Table 30 – Development of Vodafone Spain’s revenue by type (new style, €) – 2013 – 2020
  • Table 31 – Development of Vodafone Spain’s mobile service and total revenue – 2013 – 2020
  • Table 32 – Vodafone Spain’s quarterly mobile service revenue – 2016 – 2020
  • Table 33 – Change in the number of Vodafone Spain’s mobile subscribers and proportion prepaid – 2010 – 2020
  • Table 34 – Growth in Vodafone Spain’s mobile data traffic – 2013 – 2020
  • Table 35 – Decline in Vodafone Spain’s ARPU – 2010 – 2020
  • Table 36 – Vodafone Spain customer churn – 2007 – 2020
  • Table 37 – Decline in Vodafone Spain’s mobile customer retention cost – 2007 – 2020
  • Table 38 – Change in the number of Orange Spain’s mobile subscribers by type – 2010 – 2020
  • Table 39 – Development of Orange Spain’s mobile service revenue – 2010 – 2020
  • Table 40 – Decline in Orange Spain’s ARPU/ARPO by sector (per month) – 2012 – 2020
  • Table 41 – Orange customer churn – 2010 – 2020
  • Table 42 – Growth in the number of Yoigo’s mobile subscribers – 2007 – 2020
  • Table 43 – Másmóvil financial data (€) – 2016 – 2020
  • Table 44 – Change in the number of MVNO mobile subscribers and market share – 2010 – 2019
  • Table 45 – Change in the number of fixed broadband subscribers by type – 2010 – 2020
  • Table 46 – Growth in the number of fixed-line broadband subscribers and penetration – 2010 – 2025
  • Table 47 – Annual growth of broadband subscriptions by technology – 2010 – 2019
  • Table 48 – Fixed broadband lines by data rate (new style, Mb/s) – 2016 – 2019
  • Table 49 – Broadband lines by major operator – 2010 – 2019
  • Table 50 – Broadband lines by minor operator – 2010 – 2019
  • Table 51 – Share of broadband lines by operator – 2009 – 2019
  • Table 52 – Development of fixed broadband penetration by technology – 2010 – 2019
  • Table 53 – Change in fixed internet market revenue – 2010 – 2019
  • Table 54 – Development of fixed broadband revenue by platform – 2010 – 2019
  • Table 55 – Cable broadband subscribers by operator (regulator data) – 2007 – 2020
  • Table 56 – Growth in the number of Euskaltel’s broadband subscribers – 2007 – 2019
  • Table 57 – Development of Euskaltel’s network reach – 2018 – 2019
  • Table 58 – DSL subscribers by major operator (regulator data) – 2009 – 2020
  • Table 59 – Decline in the number of DSL subscribers – 2009 – 2020
  • Table 60 – Change in the number of Movistar’s fixed broadband subscribers – 2010 – 2020
  • Table 61 – Change in the number of Movistar’s wholesale broadband accesses by sector – 2010 – 2020
  • Table 62 – Growth in the number of FttP subscribers, consumers and business – 2008 – 2019
  • Table 63 – Growth in the number of FttP lines by operator – 2009 – 2020
  • Table 64 – Change in the number of Movistar’s retail and wholesale fibre broadband subscribers – 2012 – 2020
  • Table 65 – Growth in the number of Vodafone Spain’s broadband subscribers – 2012 – 2020
  • Table 66 – Change in the number of Orange Spain’s broadband subscribers by type – 2012 – 2020
  • Table 67 – Development of Orange Spain’s broadband ARPU/ARPO – 2012 – 2020
  • Table 68 – Growth in the number of Orange Spain’s connectable fibre premises – 2016 – 2020
  • Chart SEQ Chart 70 – Growth in the number of Orange Spain’s connectable fibre premises – 2016 – 2020
  • Table 69 – Growth in the number of Másmóvil’s fixed broadband subscribers – 2016 – 2020
  • Table 70 – Growth in the number of Másmóvil’s accessible premises – 2016 – 2020
  • Table 71 – Change in the number of Wi-Fi/WiMAX/LMDS subscribers – 2007 – 2019
  • Table 72 – Fixed-line subscribers, by major operator – 2009 – 2019
  • Table 73 – Fixed-line subscribers by minor operator – 2009 – 2019
  • Table 74 – Fixed-line (direct line) subscriber market share by major operator – 2010 – 2019
  • Table 75 – Decline in fixed-line revenue – 2010 – 2019
  • Table 76 – Development of Telefónica Group’s financial data – 2010 – 2020
  • Table 77 – Decline in Telefónica de España EBITDA – 2007 – 2020
  • Table 78 – Development of Telefónica Spain’s consumer and business wireline line revenue – 2015 – 2019
  • Table 79 – Change in the number of Telefónica Spain’s retail telephony and broadband access lines – 2010 – 2020
  • Table 80 – Change in the number of Telefónica Spain’s retail and wholesale access lines – 2010 – 2020
  • Table 81 – Change in the number of Orange Spain’s subscribers by sector – 2010 – 2020
  • Table 82 – Development of Orange Spain’s financial data – 2010 – 2020
  • Table 83 – Vodafone service revenue by type – 2017 – 2020
  • Table 84 – Decline in fixed line traffic – 2010 – 2019
  • Table 85 – Decline in the number of fixed lines in service and penetration – 2010 – 2025
  • Table 86 – Growth in the number of NGN installed lines by access type – 2009 – 2019
  • Table 87 – Growth in the number of NGN lines in service by access type – 2012 – 2019
  • Table 88 – Historic - Mobile subscribers and penetration rate – 1999 – 2009
  • Table 89 – Historic - Mobile retail market revenue and annual change– 2000 – 2009
  • Table 90 – Historic - Mobile retail market revenue and annual change– 2000 – 2009
  • Table 91 – Historic - Mobile market revenue by sector – 2006 – 2009
  • Table 92 – Historic - M2M lines – 2004 – 2009
  • Table 93 – Historic - Mobile subscribers: prepaid, contract – 2006 – 2009
  • Table 94 – Historic - Mobile market revenue by contract and prepaid sectors – 2000 – 2009
  • Table 95 – Historic - Annual mobile number portings – 2002 – 2009
  • Table 96 – Historic - Mobile traffic prepaid and contract in minutes – 2000 – 2009
  • Table 97 – Historic - Mobile subscribers by technology platform – 2002 – 2014
  • Table 98 – Historic - Cost per invoiced minute of use: contract, prepaid; all operators – 2001 – 2009
  • Table 99 – Historic - Mobile subscriber market share by operator – 2004 – 2009
  • Table 100 – Historic - Base stations in service, by technology – 2001 – 2015
  • Table 101 – Historic - Cost of mobile broadband services – 2012 – 2016
  • Table 102 – Historic - Mobile interconnection revenue – 2003 – 2014
  • Table 103 – Historic - Mobile termination rates by operator – 2007 – 2013
  • Table 104 – Historic - MVNO mobile subscribers and market share – 2006 – 2009
  • Table 105 – Historic - Mobile market revenue by contract and prepaid sectors – 2000 – 2009
  • Table 106 – Cost per invoiced minute of use: contract, prepaid; all operators – 2001 – 2016
  • Table 107 – Mobile price index – 2009 – 2016
  • Table 108 – Historic - Mobile broadband revenue and annual change – 2003 – 2009
  • Table 109 – Historic - Dial-up internet subscribers – 2005 – 2013
  • Table 110 – Historic - Internet users and penetration rate – 1996 – 2015
  • Table 111 – Historic - Fixed-line broadband subscribers and penetration – 2001 – 2009
  • Table 112 – Historic - Broadband penetration by technology – 2004 – 2009
  • Table 113 – Fixed broadband lines by data rate (old style) – 2004 – 2016
  • Table 114 – Historic - DSL and cable broadband subscribers – 2001 – 2009
  • Table 115 – Historic - Broadband revenue by platform – 2003 – 2009
  • Table 116 – Historic - FttX lines installed – 2009 – 2014
  • Table 117 – Historic - Broadband traffic – 2011 – 2015
  • Table 118 – Historic - Satellite broadband subscribers – 2009 – 2015
  • Table 119 – Historic - Movistar ARPU – 2005 – 2015
  • Table 120 – Historic - Internet market revenue – 2006 – 2009
  • Table 121 – Historic - DSL subscribers by minor operator – 2009 – 2016
  • Table 122 – Historic - Telecom revenue, retail and wholesale – 2000 – 2009
  • Table 123 – Change in the number of fixed number portings – 2007 – 2009
  • Table 124 – Historic - Telecom revenue annual change – 2000 – 2009
  • Table 125 – Historic - Telecom retail revenue by sector – 2005 – 2009
  • Table 126 – Historic - Telecom retail revenue annual change, by sector – 2002 – 2009
  • Table 127 – Historic - Fixed-line traffic – 2000 – 2009
  • Table 128 – Historic - Subscribers by type of access – 2006 – 2009
  • Table 129 – Historic - Fixed-line revenue – 2006 – 2009
  • Table 130 – Historic - Fixed lines in service and penetration – 2003 – 2009
  • Table 131 – Historic - Movistar mobile financial data – 2006 – 2015
  • Table 132 – Historic - Movistar fibre (Fusión) broadband subscribers – 2012 – 2018
  • Table 133 – Change in the number of Movistar’s wholesale broadband accesses by sector – 2005 – 2009
  • Table 134 – Historic - Movistar’s fixed internet subscribers – 2006 – 2009
  • Table 135 – Historic - Másmóvil broadband subscriber share by platform – 2016 – 2018
  • Table 136 – Historic - Movistar mobile subscribers – 2005 – 2009
  • Table 137 – Historic - Telefónica Group financial data – 2006 – 2009
  • Table 138 – Historic - Telefónica de España access lines by service – 2005 – 2009
  • Table 139 – Historic Vodafone revenue by type (old style) – 2007 – 2013
  • Table 140 – Vodafone ARPU – 2006 – 2009
  • Table 141 – Historic - Vodafone mobile subscribers and proportion prepaid – 2006 – 2009
  • Table 142 – Historic - Vodafone mobile voice traffic statistics – 2006 – 2016
  • Table 143 – Historic - Orange ARPU by sector (annual rolling) – 2005 – 2014
  • Table 144 – Historic - Orange Spain subscribers by sector – 2005 – 2009
  • Table 145 – Historic - Orange Spain customer churn – 2007 – 2009
  • Table 146 – Historic - Orange mobile customer acquisition costs – 2007 – 2016
  • Table 147 – Historic - Development of Orange Spain’s financial data – 2007 – 2009
  • Table 148 – Historic - Orange mobile service revenue – 2006 – 2009
  • Table 149 – Historic - Orange mobile subscribers prepaid and contract – 2005 – 2009
  • Table 150 – Historic - Yoigo financial data – 2008 – 2016
  • Table 151 – Historic - Yoigo mobile service revenue – 2012 – 2016
  • Table 152 – Historic - Fixed-line price index (old style) – 2004 – 2011
  • Table 153 – Historic - Fixed-line price index (new style) – 2010 – 2016
  • Table 154 – Historic - Telefónica de España revenue by type (old style) – 2007 – 2015
  • Table 155 – Historic - Telefónica de España fixed-line revenue by sector (historic) – 2005 – 2011
  • Table 156 – Historic - Telefónica de España wireline line revenue by type – 2011 – 2015
  • Table 157 – Historic - Movistar wholesale broadband accesses by sector (Spain, old style) – 2005 – 2014
  • Table 158 – Historic - Jazztel financial data (historic) – 2008 – 2015
  • Table 159 – Historic - Jazztel revenue by sector (historic, new style) – 2012 - 2015
  • Table 160 – Historic - Jazztel broadband and mobile subscribers – 2008 – 2015
  • Table 161 – Historic - Vodafone financial data (old style) – 2008 – 2012
  • Table 162 – Historic - Vodafone revenue by type (£, new style) – 2013 – 2017

List of Charts

  • Chart 1 – Europe Telecoms Maturity Index – Market Leaders (top tier)
  • Chart 2 – Europe Telecoms Maturity Index – Market Challengers (middle tier)
  • Chart 3 – Europe Telecoms Maturity Index – Market Emergents (bottom tier)
  • Chart 4 – Overall view - Telecoms Maturity Index vs GDP per Capita
  • Chart 5 – Europe - mobile subscriber penetration vs mobile broadband penetration
  • Chart 6 – Scandinavia and Baltics: mobile subscriber penetration vs mobile broadband penetration
  • Chart 7 – Northern Europe –mobile subscriber penetration vs mobile broadband penetration
  • Chart 8 – Southern Europe mobile subscriber penetration vs mobile broadband penetration
  • Chart 9 – Eastern Europe mobile subscriber penetration vs mobile broadband penetration
  • Chart 10 – Scandinavia and Baltics fixed and mobile broadband penetration
  • Chart 11 – Northern Europe fixed and mobile broadband penetration
  • Chart 12 – Southern Europe fixed and mobile broadband penetration
  • Chart 13 – Eastern Europe fixed and mobile broadband penetration
  • Chart 14 – Development of telecom revenue, retail and wholesale – 2010 – 2019
  • Chart 15 – Total telecom retail revenue and annual change – 2010 – 2019
  • Chart 16 – Development of telecom retail revenue by sector – 2010 – 2019
  • Chart 17 – Development of telecom retail revenue annual change, by sector – 2010 – 2019
  • Chart 18 – Decline in fixed interconnection revenue – 2010 – 2019
  • Chart 19 – Change in the number of subscribers by type of access – 2010 – 2019
  • Chart 20 – Change in the number of fixed number portings – 2007 – 2019
  • Chart 21 – Decline in the number of Carrier PreSelection lines – 2006 – 2017
  • Chart 22 – Change in the number of annual mobile numbers ported – 2010 – 2019
  • Chart 23 – Decline in mobile retail market revenue, annual change– 2010 – 2019
  • Chart 24 – Development of mobile market revenue by sector – 2010 – 2019
  • Chart 25 – Decline in mobile market revenue by contract and prepaid sectors – 2010 – 2019
  • Chart 26 – Growth in the number of mobile subscribers and penetration rate – 2010 – 2025
  • Chart 27 – Change in the number of prepaid and contract mobile subscribers:– 2006 – 2019
  • Chart 28 – Subscriber market share by operator – 2010 – 2019
  • Chart 29 – Change in prepaid and contract mobile voice traffic – 2009 – 2018
  • Chart 30 – Change in messaging revenue by type – 2005 – 2018
  • Chart 31 – Change in messaging traffic by type – 2005 – 2018
  • Chart 32 – Growth in the number of mobile broadband subscribers by operator – 2010 – 2019
  • Chart 33 – Growth in the number of mobile broadband lines by type (voice and data) – 2011 – 2019
  • Chart 34 – Growth in the number of mobile broadband subscribers and penetration – 2010 – 2025
  • Chart 35 – Growth in mobile broadband traffic – 2012 – 2019
  • Chart 36 – Growth in mobile broadband revenue and annual change – 2010 – 2019
  • Chart 37 – Growth in Movistar’s LTE subscriber base and penetration – 2014 – 2019
  • Chart 38 – Growth in the number of M2M lines – 2004 – 2019
  • Chart 39 – Change in the number of Movistar’s mobile subscribers – 2010 – 2020
  • Chart 40 – Vodafone revenue by type – 2013 – 2020
  • Chart 41 – Vodafone Spain’s quarterly mobile service revenue – 2016 – 2020
  • Chart 42 – Change in the number of Vodafone Spain’s mobile subscribers and proportion prepaid – 2006 – 2020
  • Chart 43 – Growth in Vodafone Spain’s mobile data traffic – 2013 – 2020
  • Chart 44 – Decline in Vodafone Spain’s mobile ARPU – 2010 – 2020
  • Chart 45 – Vodafone Spain customer churn – 2007 – 2020
  • Chart 46 – Decline in Vodafone Spain’s mobile customer retention cost – 2007 – 2020
  • Chart 47 – Change in the number of Orange Spain’s mobile subscribers by type – 2010 – 2020
  • Chart 48 – Development of Orange Spain’s mobile service revenue – 2010 – 2020
  • Chart 49 – Decline in Orange Spain’s ARPU/ARPO by sector (per month) – 2012 – 2020
  • Chart 50 – Orange customer churn – 2007 – 2020
  • Chart 51 – Growth in the number of Yoigo’ mobile subscribers – 2007 – 2020
  • Chart 52 – Growth in Másmóvil revenue – 2016 – 2020
  • Chart 53 – Change in the number of MVNO mobile subscribers and market share – 2009 – 2019
  • Chart 54 – Change in the number of fixed broadband subscribers by type – 2010 – 2020
  • Chart 55 – Growth in the number of fixed-line broadband subscribers and penetration – 2010 – 2025
  • Chart 56 – Fixed broadband lines by data rate (Mb/s) – 2016 – 2019
  • Chart 57 – Broadband subscriptions by major operator – 2016 – 2019
  • Chart 58 – Share of broadband lines by operator – 2009 – 2019
  • Chart 59 – Development of fixed broadband penetration by technology – 2010 – 2019
  • Chart 60 – Change in fixed internet market revenue – 2006 – 2019
  • Chart 61 – Development of fixed broadband revenue by platform – 2009 – 2019
  • Chart 62 – Development of fixed broadband revenue by platform – 2009 – 2020
  • Chart 63 – Change in the number of Movistar’s fixed broadband subscribers – 2010 – 2020
  • Chart 64 – Growth in the number of FttP subscribers, consumers and business – 2010 – 2019
  • Chart 65 – Growth in the number of FttP lines by operator – 2009 – 2020
  • Chart 66 – Change in the number of Movistar’s retail and wholesale broadband subscribers – 2012 – 2020
  • Chart 67 – Growth in the number of Vodafone Spain broadband subscribers – 2012 – 2020
  • Chart 68 – Change in the number of Orange Spain’s broadband subscribers by type – 2012 – 2020
  • Chart 69 – Development of Orange Spain’s broadband ARPU/ARPO – 2012 – 2020
  • Chart 71 – Growth in the number of Másmóvil’s fixed broadband subscribers – 2016 – 2020
  • Chart 72 – Growth in the number of Másmóvil’s accessible premises – 2016 – 2020
  • Chart 73 – Change in the number of Wi-Fi/WiMAX/LMDS subscribers – 2007 – 2019
  • Chart 74 – Decline in fixed line revenue – 2010 – 2019
  • Chart 75 – Development of Telefónica Group’s financial data – 2010 – 2020
  • Chart 76 – Decline in Telefónica de España EBITDA – 2007 – 2020
  • Chart 77 – Development of Telefónica Spain’s consumer and business wireline line revenue – 2015 – 2019
  • Chart 78 – Change in the number of Telefónica Spain’s retail telephony and broadband access lines – 2009 – 2020
  • Chart 79 – Change in the number of Telefónica Spain’s retail and wholesale access lines – 2009 – 2020
  • Chart 80 – Change in the number of Orange Spain’s subscribers by sector – 2009 – 2020
  • Chart 81 – Development of Orange Spain’s financial data – 2010 – 2019
  • Chart 82 – Change in Vodafone Spain’s revenue by segment – 2017 – 2020
  • Chart 83 – Decline in fixed line traffic – 2010 – 2019
  • Chart 84 – Decline in the number of fixed lines in service and penetration – 2010 – 2025
  • Chart 85 – Growth in the number of NGN installed lines by access type – 2010 – 2019

List of Exhibits

  • Exhibit 1 – Generalised Market Characteristics by Market Segment
  • Exhibit 2 – Access and the local loop
  • Exhibit 3 – 3G licence results in Spain – March 2000
  • Exhibit 4 – Overview of spectrum allocations – 2011
  • Exhibit 5 – 3.6GHz auction results – July 2018
  • Exhibit 6 – Overview of MVNOs
  • Exhibit 7 – Narrowband and broadband wireless licensees – 2000
  • Exhibit 8 – 2Africa submarine cable
  • Exhibit 9 – 2Africa landing stations

Read the full report:


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