Pharmagest Interactive is joining forces with Asca Informatique.

Villers-lès-Nancy, 30 June 2020 - 6:00 p.m. (CET)
Press release

Pharmagest Group is joining forces with Asca Informatique.

This partnership strengthens the positions of both companies as specialists of electronic labelling solutions for pharmacies.

•     Asca Informatique has more than 17 years of experience as a specialist in pharmacy electronic labelling solutions.

•    Asca Informatique to date has equipped more than 1,400 pharmacies in France.

•    Pharmagest Group equips 400 pharmacies in Europe in this market through its OffiTag™ product.

•    Pharmagest Group’s majority acquisition will in particular allow Asca Informatique to continue to deploy its offering in France and expand into Europe.

•    This investment is part of the Pharmagest Group’s long-term strategy for creating value within its different business lines.

•    By joining forces, Pharmagest Group and Asca Informatique become the French leaders in digital labelling for pharmacies.


The importance of digital labelling for pharmacies
Paper labelling is both costly in terms of consumables and time-consuming. That is why it is being gradually replaced by electronic labels connected to the pharmacy management suite (Logiciel de Gestion d’Officine or LGO).

These powerful digital POS tools (customer advice through dynamic menus, associated products, etc.), above all ensure that pharmacists comply with regulations by displaying accurate and reliable sales prices in real time, regardless of the pharmacy management application used: Asca’s offering or an application integrated within LGPI Global Services® suite, i.e. PHARMAGEST’ OffiTag™ offering.

In both cases, changes to products (designation, price, price per litre or kilo, inventory, promotions, etc.) are detected by the software management application and the labels are automatically updated.
This helps pharmacists manage their pricing policy on a day-to-day basis so they can increase their margin and remain responsive in relation to the competition.

A shared vision: promoting the added value of the Pharmacist’s profession
For pharmacists, paper labelling and changing prices are low value-added tasks. Asca Informatique’s and Pharmagest Group’s offerings of digital tools and dynamic sales displays that are highly appreciated by customers enable pharmacists to devote more time to advising their customers and providing qualitative support to patient care pathways.

Thierry CHAPUSOT, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Pharmagest Group stated: “We are very pleased to announce this partnership. Asca Informatique, which has registered exceptional success since its creation, perfectly addresses the very demanding expectations of French pharmacies. Asca Informatique has an excellent geographical coverage, teams known for their expertise and knowledge of pharmacists’ needs and a solid reputation as a provider of innovative solutions for pharmacies. Our strong positions within our respective segments of digital labelling solutions for pharmacies complement each other and will strengthen our strategy for supporting the pharmacy sector’s digital transformation. The common corporate culture we share with Asca built around human values, a thorough knowledge of our markets and innovation makes us ideally suited to address the numerous technological challenges facing pharmacies in the years ahead”.

Philippe LE PAGE, co-founder of Asca Informatique commented: “This partnership offers an unprecedented opportunity to accelerate our strategy for development on a stronger footing and with a new dimension. Pharmagest Group’s commitment to maintaining the Asca brand and corporate culture is an important testimony of its confidence in the relevance of Asca Informatique’s market position and its growth potential. With Pharmagest, we have found a partner who, like us, is convinced of the critical importance of innovation and helping pharmacies integrate more technology for more humanity."

About Pharmagest Group:

Pharmagest Group is the French pharmacy information technology leader, with a market share of more than 44% as a provider of software solutions for pharmacies, 28% for ALFs, 45% for HAD programmes, 20% for health care centres and more than 1,000 employees. The Group's strategy is based on a core business of improving healthcare through information technology innovation and developing two priority areas: 1/ Services and technologies for healthcare professionals; and 2/ technologies for improving the efficacy of healthcare systems.

This strategy is executed through specialised business lines developed by Pharmagest Group: : pharmacy IT, e-Health solutions, solutions for health and social care facilities (for ALFs, Home-Based Nursing Services, Hospital-at-Home programmes, senior care service centres, multi-professional and paramedical healthcare providers and hospitals), solutions for pharmaceutical laboratories, apps and connected health devices, a marketplace for vendor financing...

These businesses are grouped within four Divisions: Pharmacy - Europe Solutions; Health and Social Care Facilities Solutions; e-Health Solutions and Fintech.

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