Source: Invalda INVL

Invalda INVL signed employee stock option contracts

Invalda INVL, following the Rules for Granting Equity Incentives approved by the General Meeting of Shareholders on 1 July 2020 and pursuant to the decision of the said shareholders' meeting on concluding option contracts with employees of Invalda INVL and of the companies, in which Invalda INVL owns 50 per cent or more of shares, signed option contracts for 232,210 ordinary registered shares of Invalda INVL AB.

Invalda INVL concludes contracts on the issuance of share options to employees annually. On the basis of option contracts concluded in 2018, employees will be able to acquire up to 59,674 Invalda INVL shares in 2021, on the basis of option contracts concluded in 2019, employees will be able to acquire up to 70,397 shares in 2022, and on the basis of option contracts concluded on 1 June and 15 July this year, employees will be able to acquire up to 317,227 shares in 2023. Currently, a total of option contracts have been concluded regarding the future acquisition of 447,298 shares in Invalda INVL.

The person authorised to provide additional information:
Darius Šulnis
President of Invalda INVL