The Definitive Net Zero Energy Building Market Report 2020

Green Builder Media’s exhaustive research report addresses the current net zero energy building (NZEB) market--a must-have for any company considering investing, building, or marketing net zero buildings.

Lake City, Colo., July 17, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The net zero energy building (NZEB) movement has hit critical mass. After decades of being considered a fringe goal and showcased in the media as maverick, net zero housing has earned its place in the mainstream, supplanting energy efficiency as an ulimate goal. However, as this report shows, it is quickly becoming more than just mainstream: It is the way all homes will be designed and constructed in the near future.

Are you in a position to take advantage of NZEB opportunities?

This exclusive, comprehensive report offers insight into the NZEB market, including:

  • How the global market for green buildings and net-zero energy structures is impacting the U.S. market.
  • NZEB market trends and how they are shaping the housing market, including net zero energy building case studies.
  • Sentiment, demographics, and psychographics of key audience segments who have demonstrated interest in cost effective net zero buildings.
  • How to achieve net zero energy.
  • Marketing messages that best resonate with people who are interested in net-zero energy homes.
  • How policies and energy codes impact net zero energy adoption across the United States and the role of electrification, energy efficiency and renewable energy in adoption of net zero structures.
  • Which product brands factor most strongly in conversations around net zero energy houses and information on zero energy building materials.

This $150 report is being offered for a limited time for $50. Click here to buy it!



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