Casino Group: first half 2020 results and second quarter net sales

In line with the AMF’s recommendations, all costs associated with the pandemic including special bonuses and similar benefits paid to employees are presented in trading profit

  • Strong increase in consolidated net sales, up +10.4% on a same-store basis, with:
    • In France, same-store growth of +6.0% and +7.9% including Cdiscount
    • For Cdiscount1, acceleration in gross merchandise volume (GMV) to +25% growth, driven by a +39% increase in the marketplace, which accounted for 46.3% of GMV
    • In Latin America, organic growth of +17.3%, led by Assaí in Brazil (+26.4%1)
  • Consolidated EBITDA for the first half of the year up 4%2 and EBITDA margin in France up
    + 9 bps despite the additional costs of the pandemic, thanks to strengthened cost-saving plans
    • In France, EBITDA margin for the retail business improved by +9bps to 7.2%.
      • Cost savings plans and the Rocade plan generated savings of €40m, representing a sustained improvement in the cost ratio of +50bps
      • The health crisis generated a +€80m effect on activity, which was more than offset by temporary additional costs related to emergency measures taken to ensure the supply of populations in challenging conditions (logistics costs: -€27m, staff reinforcements: -€28m) and to protect our employees and clients (safety, protection equipment, cleaning: -€38m). On top of these operational effects of -€13m, the special employee bonus of -€37m brings the net impact of the health crisis to €-50m in H1 2020
    • Excellent performance by Cdiscount, with EBITDA up +€30m, led by the marketplace
    • In Latin America, EBITDA increased by +9.9%2, reflecting excellent performance at Assaí
  • In France, strong free cash flow generation of €507m over 12 months; solid liquidity at end-H1 2020 with €3.2bn including €2.3bn in undrawn confirmed credit lines
  • Growth pillars strengthened in France
    • Formats: double-digit growth in urban and convenience formats in the quarter, with 68 store openings; Growth of +14% in organic sales. A total of 444 autonomous stores
    • Food E-commerce3: triple-digit growth and strong momentum maintained post-lockdown, with around 10,000 orders per day (vs. 6,500 before the crisis); deployment of the Casino O’logistique automated warehouse based on Ocado technology, with a five-fold increase in orders in one month
    • Non-food E-commerce: acquisition of one million new customers in Q2
  • Sale of Leader Price to Aldi France for €735m, bringing total amount from disposals signed
    to €2.8bn
    , and completion of the sale of Vindémia, bringing total proceeds received to €2.0bn

In €m
H1 2019 restated H1 2020 Reported change Change at CER
Net sales 16,842 16,140 -4.2% +5.9%
EBITDA 1,123 1,066 -5.1% +4.0%
Trading profit 455 386 -15.3% -3.6%
Underlying net profit from continuing operations, Group share 12 (87) - -
Net debt (4,703) (4,834)   -131 n.m.
o/w France (2,899) (2,821) +77 n.m.

First-half 2020 highlights

Strong mobilisation of Group resources during the unprecedented Covid-19 crisis

Casino Group mobilised its resources to fulfil its essential role of securing food supplies for people during the unprecedented health crisis. Priority was placed on implementing measures to protect employees and customers: face masks and hydro-alcoholic gels, plexiglass screens, systematic cleaning in line with health guidelines, physical distancing between customers, and automated checkout solutions. Measures were also taken in concert with suppliers and public authorities to ensure supply chain continuity and secure operations.

The Group recorded additional costs related to maintaining its operations under challenging conditions. Most of these no longer apply since the lifting of lockdowns.

  • Additional logistics costs: extra transport costs, organisational issues relating to problems with supplier deliveries, non-application of logistics-related penalties;
  • Additional staff costs: extra staff, night-time hours, employer contributions for employees on sick leave
    or at home minding their children;
  • Additional health and safety costs: emergency mass purchases of face masks, gloves and hydro-alcoholic gels, plexiglass screens, reinforced store cleaning, security guards to regulate the distance between customers;
  • Additional costs relating to the special bonus for employees.
  • Acceleration in E-commerce and digital solutions, and further development of buoyant formats

In the first half of the year, demand was particularly high in the Group’s convenience stores and on
its E‑commerce sites. Food E-commerce generated triple-digit growth in Q2 2020, with the deployment
of click & collect and home delivery solutions in urban and convenience formats. The Casino O’logistique automated warehouse, based on Ocado technology, was also deployed during the period. Ramp-up at the warehouse was rapid, with a five-fold increase in the number of orders between end-May and end-June.
The delivery zone has been extended to four departments (Paris and its inner suburbs), covering 6.8m residents. When lockdown measures were lifted, the transition to a new consumption model picked
up pace. Orders were up by +50% to around 10,000 orders per day in the last weeks of the period, versus 6,500 before the crisis.

Cdiscount maintained its strong growth momentum, driven by an increase in the marketplace contribution to gross merchandise value (GMV) to 46.3% in Q2, up +6.2pts. The Group adjusted its product mix towards more high-margin, recurring products (DIY, gardening, sport, daily shop). The customer base increased significantly with 1m new clients in Q2, with a peak of 25m unique visitors in May.

Digital solutions continued to be rolled out in stores. In June, automated checkouts4 represented 46% of total checkouts in hypermarkets and 40% in supermarkets. The Group now has 444 autonomous stores, of which half of hypermarkets (58 stores) and half of supermarkets (167 stores). The CasinoMax Extra5 subscription loyalty programme accounted for 10% of net sales at hypermarkets and supermarkets during the period.

At the same time, the Group continued to focus on developing its premium and convenience formats,
with 68 store openings during the first half. The objective is to open 300 new stores by 2021, in addition
to the 213 stores opened in 2019. The Group is also pursuing the development of non-food corners, particularly at Franprix with Hema and Decathlon, which have now been integrated into 79 and 18 stores, respectively. The organic segment maintained its good momentum with growth of +14.4% for the first half of the year.

Continued development of new businesses

Casino Group continues to develop its new value-creating businesses. GreenYellow pursed its international expansion during the period by signing its 100th photovoltaic contract in Thailand, as well as a 12MWp photovoltaic contract in South Africa with a company that operates in precious metals. In Brazil, energy efficiency contracts were signed with several retailers.

Development of the Data business with relevanC has continued, up by a strong +34% during the first half to €44m, despite a downturn in the market. The “relevanC Advertising” platform, for managing and monitoring advertising campaign budgets, will help speed up the acquisition of new clients.

In the Data Centers business, ScaleMax, computing capacity at the warehouse in Réau increased by +30% in the first half of the year. During lockdown, computing capacity was made available to the Folding@home project for research into Covid-19.

Advances in the disposal of non-strategic assets

Casino Group announced the sale of 567 Leader Price stores and 3 warehouses in metropolitan France
to Aldi France, for an enterprise value of €735m6, bringing total amount from disposals signed to €2.8bn.

The Group also completed the sale of its subsidiary Vindemia, the leading retailer in the Indian Ocean region. This brought the total proceeds received from completed disposals to €2.0bn.

n   Recognition of the Group’s CSR commitments

Casino Group was named the No. 1 European retailer by Vigeo Eiris7 for its CSR policy and commitments. The Group ranked as the top European retailer for its commitments to the climate, to environmental protection, its human resources policies and its corporate governance, and for its employee relations policies and human resources out of the entire panel of 129 French companies evaluated. Among its initiatives, the Group promoted organic products, which generated €1.2bn in net sales in H1 2020 (over a 12‑month period), notably via its network of more than 200 specialised stores. It used 160 tonnes of recycled plastic for its packaging. In addition, 18,700 tonnes of products were donated to food banks and other non-profit organisations in 2019. Lastly, the Group reduced its direct greenhouse gas emissions by 19.6% between 2015 and 20198.

Second-quarter 2020 net sales 

In the second quarter of 2020, consolidated net sales came to €7,846m, down -7.5% in total. The currency and fuel effects had unfavourable impacts of -13.1% and -2.9% respectively over the period, while the calendar effect was -0.4%. On a same-store basis, consolidated net sales rose by +10.4%9, driven by strong demand in France and Latin America, in an environment shaped by the unprecedented health crisis.

In France, total sales were impacted by a downturn in fuel sales (-€157m or -4.1pts) and by the impact
of the Rocade plan on hypermarkets and supermarkets. Same-store growth for the quarter came to +6.0%, led by double-digit growth in urban and convenience formats (Franprix, supermarkets and convenience stores) and triple-digit growth in food E-commerce. Monoprix posted a sharp increase in food sales (+7.6% on a same-store basis) and enjoyed renewed momentum in non-food sales from mid-May.

Cdiscount10 delivered organic growth in gross merchandise volume (GMV) of +24.8%, despite the postponement of the summer sales period to mid-July, with growth driven by the marketplace and by direct sales. The marketplace grew by +39% over the quarter and accounted for 46.3% of GMV (+6.2pts). Cdiscount attracted one million new customers during the quarter, with a peak of 25m unique visitors in May. International GMV doubled during the quarter, thanks to a platform that brings together 88 websites covering 25 countries.

In Latin America (GPA Food and Éxito), sales rose by +12.5% on a same-store basis and by +17.3% on an organic basis. The total net sales figure was impacted by an unfavourable currency effect of -28.2%. During the quarter, sales in Latin America benefited from the success of Multivarejo’s turnaround strategy, which resulted in +15.8% growth on a same-store basis2, and from another excellent performance by Assaí, which reported organic growth of +26.4%2. Éxito put in a good performance, achieving same-store growth of +6.0%2 despite restrictions on movement in Colombia.

First-half 2020 results

Consolidated net sales amounted to €16,140m in H1 2020, representing a change of -4.2% in total and an increase of +9.4% on an organic basis and +8.4% on a same-store basis.

In France, same-store H1 net sales rose by +6.0%, led by the urban and convenience formats. 

E-commerce (Cdiscount) posted an organic increase in gross merchandise volume (GMV) of +12.0%11, driven by the growing contribution of the marketplace and B2C services. Cdiscount has recorded sustained growth since the end of the lockdown, confirming the trend.

Sales in Latin America rose by +15.7% on an organic basis and by +10.5% on a same-store basis, lifted
by a very good performance from Assaí and an upturn in demand at Multivarejo.

Group EBITDA reached €1,066m, up +4.0% at constant exchange rates.

In France, EBITDA margin for the retail business improved by +9 bps to 7.2%.

The cost-saving plans and the Rocade plan generated savings of +€40m, representing a sustainable improvement in the cost ratio of +50bps.

The health crisis generated a +€80m effect on activity, which was more than offset by temporary additional costs related to emergency measures taken to ensure the supply of populations in challenging conditions (logistics costs: -€27m, staff reinforcements: -€28m) and to protect our employees and clients (safety, protection equipment, cleaning: -€38m). On top of these operational effects of -€13m, the special employee bonus of -€37m brings the net impact of the health crisis to €-50m in H1 2020.

Cdiscount recorded an increase in EBITDA of +€30m, for an EBITDA margin of 4.5% (+302bps),
and an increase in gross margin of +2.8pts, driven by a shift in the product mix to generate more high-margin, repeat-purchases sales (DIY, gardening, sport, daily shop).

In Latin America, EBITDA increased by +9.9% excluding the currency effect. At GPA, EBITDA grew by +10.9% excluding the currency effect, led by the improving profitability of Assaí. For Grupo Éxito, EBITDA was up +7.3% excluding the currency effect.

Consolidated trading profit came to €386m. Trading profit was impacted by the non-recurring additional costs associated with Covid-19 (of which -€47m of special employee bonus for the whole Group) and a currency impact of -€55m. Excluding special employee bonuses, consolidated trading profit improved by +7% at constant exchange rates. In France, the retail trading profit amounted to €148m up +2% excluding special employee bonus.

Underlying net financial expense and net profit, Group share12

Underlying net financial expense for first-half 2020 came to -€378m versus -€341m in first-half 2019. Financial expenses were higher following the refinancing plan in France in H2 2019, as the impact of the reduction in gross debt from disposals already signed in 2020 is not yet reflected. GPA’s financial expenses increased because of the takeover bid on Éxito (acquisition of non-controlling shares) achieved in H2 2019.

Underlying profit (loss) from continuing operations, Group share came out at -€87m in H1, compared with €12m in first-half 2019.

Consolidated net profit (loss)

Consolidated net profit (loss) came to -€445m in first-half 2020, versus -€226m in first-half 2019. Net profit (loss) from continuing operations came to -€287m, primarily reflecting -€249m of non-recurring expenses, most of which are non-cash.Net profit (loss) from discontinued operations, Group share came to
-€158m, notably due to stock clearance initiatives.

Financial position at 30 June 2020

France free cash flow excluding the disposal plan and the Rocade plan came to -€40m in H1 2020, representing a gain of +€140m versus H1 2019. Change in working capital for H1 2020 reflected
a +€137m improvement on H1 2019 driven by the sales momentum and the action plans. Gross Capex was down -14% over the period.

In France, net debt declined slightly over the 12 months to 30 June 2020 after the reintegration of €555m corresponding to the Segisor repayment (c.€200m) and to the settlement of the GPA forward and TRS (€357m). In France, the Group generated operating free cash flow of €507m13 in France, or €254m after financial expenses and dividends, and collected €469m in proceeds from disposals.

At 30 June 2020, Casino France14 net debt stood at €2.8bn, versus €2.9bn a year earlier, and E-commerce net debt was virtually stable. Latam net debt increased by €187m in connection with the Group’s structural simplification process in Latin America.

At 30 June 2020, Casino Group consolidated net debt stood at €4.8bn vs. €4.7bn a year earlier.

At 30 June 2020, Casino in France2 had €3.2bn in liquidity, comprising a gross cash position of €913m and confirmed undrawn lines of credit of €2.3bn. In addition, the Group had an amount of €186m
in an escrow account dedicated to the repayment of bonds.

Additional financial information relating to the 2019 refinancing documentation

At 30 June 2020, the Group complied with covenants in the “France Retail + E-commerce” scope15. The gross debt/adjusted EBITDA ratio was 6.62x, below the 7.50x limit, with headroom of €764m in gross debt. The adjusted EBITDA/net finance costs ratio was 3.76x, above the required 2.25x, representing headroom of €350m in EBITDA.

Outlook for H2 2020

The Group's priorities in France for the second half of the year are:

  • Activity growth driven by food E-commerce and Cdiscount, expansion in buoyant formats and the commercial momentum of the banners;
  • Continued improvement in profitability through the ramp-up of ongoing cost-saving plans and the growth in new activities (energy and data);
  • Cash generation with continued efforts to reduce inventories and control capex;
  • Reduction in gross debt with the allocation of all proceeds from the disposal plan to debt reduction, and the continuation of the €4.5bn disposal plan of non-strategic assets.

The Board of Directors met on 29 July 2020 to approve consolidated financial statements for first-half 2020. These financial statements have been reviewed by the Statutory Auditors.

The presentation of the 2020 half-year results is available on the Casino Group corporate website


Consolidated net sales by segment

Net sales
In €m
H1 2019
H1 2020  


Change at constant exch. rates
France Retail 8,045 7,791 -3.2% -
Latam Retail 7,908 7,401 -6.4% +15.0%
E-commerce (Cdiscount) 889 948 +6.6% -
Group total 16,842 16,140 -4.2% +5.9%

Consolidated EBITDA by segment

In €m
H1 2019
H1 2020 Change Change at constant exch. rates
France Retail 601 564 -6.2% -5.7%
Latam Retail 508 459 -9.7% +9.9%
E-commerce (Cdiscount) 13 43 n.m. n.m.
Group total 1,123 1,066 -5.1% +4.0%

Consolidated trading profit by segment

Trading profit
In €m
H1 2019
H1 2020 Change Change at constant exch. rates
France Retail 207 148 -28.7% -27.3%
Latam Retail 265 232 -12.5% +6.3%
E-commerce (Cdiscount) (17) 6 n.m. n.m.
Group total 455 386 -15.3% -3.6%

Underlying net profit

In €m
H1 2019
H1 2019
H1 2020 Restated
H1 2020
Trading profit 455 0 455 386 0 386
Other operating income and expenses (286) 286 0 (249) 249 0
Operating profit 169 286 455 137 249 386
Net finance costs (156) 0 (156) (188) 0 (188)
Other financial income and expenses16 (139) (47) (185) (264) 74 (190)
Income taxes17 (24) (33) (58) 12 (66) (53)
Share of profit of equity-accounted investees 22 0 22 15 0 15
Net profit (loss)
from continuing operations
(127) 206 79 (287) 257 (30)
o/w attributable to non-controlling interests18 45 22 67 47 9 57
o/w Group share (172) 184 12 (334) 248 (87)

Underlying net profit corresponds to net profit from continuing operations, adjusted for (i) the impact of other operating income and expenses, as defined in the "Significant accounting policies" section in the notes to the consolidated financial statements, (ii) the impact of non-recurring financial items, as well as (iii) income tax expense/benefits related to these adjustments and the application of IFRIC 23 "Uncertainties about Tax Treatment".

Non-recurring financial items include fair value adjustments to equity derivative instruments (such as total return swaps and forward instruments related to GPA shares) and the effects of discounting Brazilian tax liabilities.

Change in net debt by entity

In €m
H1 2019


H1 2020
  France Retail (2,899) +77 (2,821)
  E-commerce (Cdiscount) (356) -21 (376)
  Latam Retail (1,449) -187 (1,636)
  o/w GPA Food (322) -1,090 (1,412)
  o/w Éxito (729) +715 (14)
  o/w Segisor (381) +196 (185)
  Total (4,703) -131 (4,834)

Group net debt

In €m H1 2019
H1 2020
Group net debt at 1 January (3,378) (4,053)
Free cash flow19 (893) (721)
Financial expenses (excluding interest on lease liabilities) (245) (290)
Dividends paid to the owners of the parent
and holders of TSSDI deeply-subordinated bonds
(274) (67)
Share buybacks (58) (1)
Other net financial investments 52 (238)
Other non-cash items 240 656
Assets held for sale recognised in accordance
with IFRS 5
(148) (120)
Group net debt at 30 June (4,703) (4,834)

France net debt

In €m H1 2019

H1 2020
France net debt at 1 January (2,724) (2,282)
Free cash flow20 before disposal plan and Rocade plan (180) (40)
Financial expenses (excluding interest on lease liabilities) (144) (208)
Dividends paid to the owners of the parent and
holders of TSSDI deeply-subordinated bonds
(218) (37)
Share buybacks and transactions with non-controlling interests (94) (1)
Other net financial investments
(excl. settlement of GPA TRS)
33 (30)
Other non-cash items 103 46
  o/w non-cash financial expenses 69 80
Change in net debt excl. settlement of GPA TRS, disposal plan, Rocade plan and IFRS 5 (502) (270)
Settlement of GPA TRS 0 (248)
Disposal plan 38021 18622
Rocade plan 72 (18)
Assets held for sale recognised in accordance with IFRS 5 (125) (189)
France net debt at 30 June (2,899) (2,821)

Consolidated simplified balance sheet

In €m
Right-of-use assets 4,837 4,837
Other non-current assets 17,687 15,123
Current assets 12,603 10,630
Total assets 35,127 30,590
Total equity 8,291 6,627
Non-current financial liabilities 8,100 7,326
Non-current lease liabilities 3,937 3,627
Other non-current liabilities 1,624 1,345
Current lease liabilities 740 671
Other current liabilities 12,436 10,993
Total equity and liabilities 35,127 30,590


Quarterly consolidated net sales by segment

In €m
Q2 2020
net sales
Total net sales growth Organic net sales growth23 Same-store sales growth1
France Retail 3,906 -5.6% +3.1% +6.0%
Cdiscount 499 +20.9% +20.9% +20.9%
Total France 4,405 -3.2% +4.9% +7.9%
Latam Retail 3,441 -12.5% +17.3% +12.5%
GROUP TOTAL 7,846   -7.5% +10.8% +10.4%

Consolidated net sales in France by banner

Same-store growth1 Q2
Total growth Organic growth1 Same-store growth1
Monoprix 1,156 +3.6% 1,137 -0.5% +0.3% +2.9%
Supermarkets 747 +7.4% 779 -1.4% +8.9% +9.9%
o/w Casino Supermarkets24 711 +7.5% 740 -0.7% +9.8% +11.8%
Franprix 412 +12.6% 446 +11.8% +13.7% +14.7%
Convenience & Other25 622 +9.5% 631 -1.3% +4.9% +12.8%
o/w Convenience26 336 +11.5% 362 +11.1% +11.5% +18.0%
Hypermarkets 948 +1.7% 912 -21.6% -3.7% -0.8%
o/w Géant2 900 +1.5% 868 -22.0% -3.1% -0.1%
  o/w Food 631 +2.9% 641 -13.5% n.a. -0.7%
  o/w Non-food 97 -8.1% 110 -15.9% n.a. +3.1%
FRANCE RETAIL 3,885 +5.8% 3,906  -5.6% +3.1% +6.0%

Main quarterly data – Cdiscount27

KEY FIGURES Q2 2019 Q2 2020 Reported
Organic growth
GMV total including tax 847 1,047 +23.5% +24.8%
o/w direct sales 414 449 +7.9%  
o/w marketplace sales 282 393 +39.3%  
Marketplace contribution (%) 40.1% 46.3% +6.2pts
Net sales (in €m) 469 556 +18.6% +16.9%
Traffic (millions of visits) 235 315 +34.0%
Mobile traffic contribution (%) 71.5% 71.1% -0.4pts
Active customers (in millions) 9.2 9.6 +5.2%

Gross sales under banner in France

Total estimated gross food sales
under banner
In €m, excluding fuel
Q2 2020 Same-store change
(excl. calendar effects)
Monoprix 1,156 +2.9%  
Franprix 513 +14.7%  
Supermarkets 769 +9.9%  
Hypermarkets 774 -1.3%  
Convenience 451 +18.0%  
Other 298 n.a.  
Total Food 3,962 +6.4%  

Total estimated gross non-food sales
under banner
In €m, excluding fuel
Q2 2020 Same-store change
(excl. calendar effects)
Hypermarkets 131 +2.5%
Cdiscount 801 +20.9%
Total Non-food 932 +17.8%

Total estimated gross sales under banner
In €m, excluding fuel
Q2 2020 Same-store change
(excl. calendar effects)
Total France and Cdiscount 4,894 +8.2%


See press release dated 21 November 2019

Financial information for the first half ended 30th June, 2020:

In €m
France Retail
+ E-commerce
Latam Total
Revenues28 8,747 7,393 16,140
EBITDA1 606 460 1,066
(-) impact of leases29 -323 -150 -474
Adjusted Consolidated EBITDA including leases1 283 310 592

Trends underlying the variations of these financial metrics are as described elsewhere in this press release.

Financial information on a last 12-month period ended 30th June, 2020:

In €m
France Retail
+ E-commerce
Latam Total
Revenues1 18,109 15,834 33,943
EBITDA1 1,526 1,057 2,583
(-) impact of leases2 -654 -303 -958
(i) Adjusted Consolidated EBITDA including leases1 4 872 754 1,625
(ii) Gross financial debt: loans and borrowings1 30 5,776 2,777 8,554
iii) Gross Cash & Cash Equivalent1 3 950 1,258 2,207

As at 30th June 2020, the Group’s liquidity within the “France + E-commerce” perimeter was €3,25bn,
with €922m of cash and cash equivalent and €2.33bn of undrawn confirmed credit lines.

Additional information regarding covenants and segregated accounts:

Covenants tested as from March 31st 2020 pursuant to the €2bn Revolving Credit Facility
dated November 18th 2019
Type of covenant (France and E-commerce) As at 30 June 2020
Adjusted Gross Financial Debt/Adjusted EBITDA31 <7.50x32 6.62x
Adjusted EBITDA4 / Net finance costs >2.25x 3.76x

Covenant metrics tested as of end June 2020 do not yet reflect the impact of the Leader Price disposal.

The Group confirms that €186m arising from the disposal of Vindemia were credited to the Segregated Account during the Financial Quarter ended 30th June 2020.

No cash has been debited from the Segregated Account and its balance stood at €186m as at June 30th 2020. No cash has been credited or debited from the Bond Segregated Account and its balance remained at €0.

Store network at period-end

FRANCE   30/09/2019 31/12/2019 31/03/2020 30/06/2020
Géant Casino hypermarkets   110 109 104 104
  o/w French franchised affiliates   6 4 4 4
  International affiliates   5 6 6 6
Casino Supermarkets   421 411 411 415
  o/w French franchised affiliates   91 83 69 69
  International franchised affiliates   21 22 22 22
Monoprix   778 784 789 789
  o/w franchised affiliates   180 186 190 190
Naturalia   181 182 181 181
Naturalia franchises   19 23 26 26
Franprix   881 877 867 869
  o/w franchises   448 459 441 478
Convenience   5,142 5,139 5,130 5,134
Other activities (Restaurants, Drive, etc.)   394 367 223 219
Total France   7,726 7,687 7,524 7,530








INTERNATIONAL   30/09/2019 31/12/2019 31/03/2020 30/06/2020
ARGENTINA   25 25 25 25
Libertad hypermarkets   15 15 15 15
Mini Libertad and Petit Libertad mini-supermarkets   10 10 10 10
URUGUAY   91 91 93 93
Géant hypermarkets   2 2 2 2
Disco supermarkets   29 29 29 29
Devoto supermarkets   24 24 24 24
Devoto Express mini-supermarkets   36 36 36 36
Möte   0 0 2 2
BRAZIL   1,054 1,076 1,072 1,070
Extra hypermarkets   112 112 107 107
Pão de Açúcar supermarkets   185 185 185 182
Extra supermarkets   161 153 151 151
Compre Bem   13 28 28 28
Assaí (cash & carry)   153 166 167 169
Mini Mercado Extra & Minuto Pão de Açúcar
  236 237 238 238
Drugstores   123 123 123 122
+ Service stations   71 72 73 73
COLOMBIA   1,980 2,033 1,984 1,981
Éxito hypermarkets   92 92 92 92
Éxito and Carulla supermarkets   158 158 157 157
Super Inter supermarkets   70 70 69 69
Surtimax (discount)   1,537 1,588 1,540 1,536
  o/w “Aliados”   1,445 1,496 1,460 1,459
B2B   30 30 32 32
Éxito Express and Carulla Express mini-supermarkets   93 95 94 95
CAMEROON   1 1 1 1
Cash & carry   1 1 1 1
Total International   3,151 3,226 3,175 3,170


Lionel Benchimol – +33 (0)1 53 65 64 17


+33 (0)1 53 65 24 17


Casino Group – Communications Department
Stéphanie Abadie – – +33 (0)6 26 27 37 05


+33 (0)1 53 65 24 78 –

Agence IMAGE 7
Karine Allouis – +33 (0)1 53 70 74 84 –
Franck Pasquier – +33 (0)6 73 62 57 99 -




This press release was prepared solely for information purposes, and should not be construed as a solicitation or an offer to buy or sell securities or related financial instruments. Likewise, it does not provide and should not be treated as providing investment advice. It has no connection with the specific investment objectives, financial situation or needs of any receiver. No representation or warranty, either express or implied, is provided in relation to the accuracy, completeness or reliability of the information contained herein. Recipients should not consider it as a substitute for the exercise of their own judgement. All the opinions expressed herein are subject to change without notice.

1 Data published by the subsidiary

2 Growth at constant exchange rates

3 Food E-commerce = E-commerce France excluding Cdiscount

4 Via smartphone or self-service checkout

5 Subscription of €10 per month (or €90 for 12 months) offering an immediate 10% discount on all purchases

6 Including a €35m earn-out, contingent on the achievement of certain operating indicators during the transition period

7 A subsidiary of rating agency Moody’s

8 Tonnes of CO2 equivalent in Scopes 1 + 2, based on the 2019 scope of consolidation

9 Excluding fuel and calendar effects

10 Data published by the subsidiary

11 Data published by the subsidiary

12 See definitions on page 8

13 Excluding disposal plan and Rocade plan

14 Casino Group’s holding structure, including the French activities and the wholly-owned holding companies

15 Perimeter as defined in financing documentations with mainly Segisor accounted for within France Retail + Ecommerce perimeter

16 Other financial income and expenses have been restated, primarily for the impact of discounting tax liabilities, as well as for changes in the fair value of the total return swaps on GPA shares and the GPA forward

17 Income taxes have been restated for the tax effects corresponding to the above restated financial items and for the tax effects of the restatements and the application of IFRIC 23 "Uncertainties about Tax Treatment"

18 Non-controlling interests have been restated for the amounts relating to the restated items listed above

19 Before dividends paid to the owners of the parent and holders of TSSDI deeply-subordinated bonds, and before financial expenses

20 Before dividends paid to the owners of the parent and holders of TSSDI deeply-subordinated bonds, excluding financial expenses, including rental expense (repayments of lease liabilities and interest on leases)

21 Store properties and restaurants

22 Proceeds received from the sale of Vindémia

23 Excluding fuel and calendar effects

24 Excluding Codim stores in Corsica: 8 supermarkets and 4 hypermarkets

25 Other: mainly Vindémia and restaurants

26 Convenience stores excluding Leader Price Express; net sales on a same-store basis include the same-store performance of franchised stores

27 Data published by the subsidiary

28 Unaudited data, perimeter as defined in financing documentations with mainly Segisor accounted for within France Retail + Ecommerce perimeter

29 Interest paid on lease liabilities and repayment of lease liabilities as defined in the documentation

30 Data as of 30th June, 2020

31 EBITDA as defined in the refinancing documentation is restated for rents paid and interest on rents paid.                                                                                                                                                                         

32 7.50x at 30 June 2020, 7.25x at 30 September 2020, 5.75x at 31 December 2020, 6.50x at 31 March 2021, 6.00x at 30 June 2021 and 30 September 2021, and 4.75x as from 31 December 2021.



20203007 - PR - H12020 Results