ThriftBooks Offers a Back to School Giveaway

Seattle, Aug. 12, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- It’s August and that means it is Back to School time. But this year’s Back to School is different from years past. For students, teachers, and parents across the country, the impact of COVID-19 is transforming what Back to School means and looks like. It may mean learning virtually from home, more homeschooling, or having a modified in-person schedule. Whatever your Back to School looks like, one thing is certain – Back to School will still involve books, and ThriftBooks wants to make that part a little more enjoyable.

ThriftBooks is pleased to offer an opportunity to share your Back to School Mood and enter for a chance to win one of 50 ThriftBooks gift cards you can use to purchase your Back to School books.

“Back to School can be both an exciting and anxious time of year,” said Barbara Hagen, VP, Sales and Marketing at ThriftBooks. “This year, with so much change, there are even more emotions than usual to share. ThriftBooks invites students, teachers, and parents to share their Back to School feelings as part of the #ThriftBooksSchoolMood Giveaway and enter for a chance to win a ThriftBooks gift card valued up to $50.”

To enter the giveaway, post an image or video to your Instagram feed between August 12 and August 19 using the hashtag #ThriftBooksSchoolMood. No purchase is necessary, and winners will be chosen at random. ThriftBooks will announce the winners and deliver the gift card prizes electronically by August 29. ThriftBooks will award as prizes 50 gift cards ranging in value from $10 to $50.

“ has over 13 million used and new books, and with prices starting at $3.99 each, a ThriftBooks gift card will go a long way towards covering your Back to School book needs,” said Hagen.

Visit for complete Giveaway details, including alternate method of entry.

Those who are interested in learning more can visit the ThriftBooks website at, Facebook page at, Instagram at, or follow us on Twitter at


About ThriftBooks

ThriftBooks is the world’s largest online, independent seller of used books, having sold more than 160 million used and new books since its inception. Founded in Seattle in 2003 and backed by KCB Management, ThriftBooks operates multiple processing centers throughout the US that purchase, grade, and distribute used and rare/collectible books. ThriftBooks utilizes proprietary software to identify and list books, as well as a sophisticated pricing model that dynamically prices books across a variety of online platforms, including, Amazon, eBay, and others. provides high-quality customer service, as reflected by over 500,000 positive Trustpilot reviews and a 5-star Trustpilot score. Customers who shop at can earn free books through the company’s loyalty program, Reading Rewards.


#ThriftBooksSchoolMood Giveaway

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