MyCleanPC Is Helping To Solve Problems For Homebound Workers

Santa Monica, California, Aug. 18, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Working from home may not be new but the scale at which the world shifted to this paradigm has been astounding. Millions had to make the change to keep businesses going despite the global health crisis. Some have enjoyed the move since it gives them more time with their families. Others have found it difficult because of environmental and technical issues. These can be solved one by one with the right tools and strategic planning. MyCleanPC is helping many get through their homebound work with greater ease. 

Errors and Pop-ups

MyCleanPC scans the computer for some of the most common problems. These include software and files that trigger pop-ups and warnings. These can be extremely annoying and disruptive to the workflow. The errors they warn about are often made up just to sell a product. Many of the pop-ups are distracting with unwanted images and aggressive advertising. When you are trying to beat a deadline, the last thing you want is to be peppered with these distractions. Let MyCleanPC find them and remove them for good so that you can use your machine continuously without irritations. 

Privacy Issues

Whenever we browse around the web, the sites we visit typically leave cookies and other tracking files that allow them to monitor our activities on the Internet. These are mostly used to serve highly targeted ads that are relevant to our interests. Some people are fine with this but others are not, especially if they are using their computers for work. They might be concerned that sensitive information is leaking out to companies without their consent. MyCleanPC can look for these tracking files and remove them from the computer. 


Many of us download files casually to try out new programs. We need to be careful about where we get our downloads because some sources are polluted with viruses and malware. Instead of benefitting from our haul, we might actually end up regretting our decisions. These might compromise our system and make it crash. They might capture personal data such as credit card information. They could log our every move on the net and run away with the money in our bank accounts. MyCleanPC can help prevent crashes by eliminating these vulnerabilities.


It can be hard to be productive when working from home if you are not used to it. Aside from dealing with noisy neighbors, active children, and a sub-optimal working environment, you may have to deal with a slow computer. This severely affects productivity. Let MyCleanPC find ways to make your machine go faster. It might identify unused programs, suspicious software, temporary files, and other things that might be contributing to system inefficiency. It can get rid of the clogs for faster and smoother operation. 

Low Storage

Being low on storage can cause problems including the inability to store new large files and a reduction in system speed. Once MyCleanPC uninstalls unused programs and deletes temporary files, you might be surprised just how much free space you can gain. There will be no need to purchase a new external hard drive or upgrade the existing storage to increase free space. Just remove your digital clutter using this tool and you will have more room to breathe. This is a much faster, cheaper, and easier option. 

Working from home is filled with challenges but there are ways to overcome each one of them. With the right tools, workers can make their computer faster and cleaner. It will be a joy to use instead of being a source of frustration. Try MyCleanPC's free diagnostic scan today. You can activate the software for repairs and optimization.


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