Healthy Eating in a Post-Coronavirus World: A Holistic View

The emergence of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has boosted consumer interest in being healthy. New habits around preventative health including immunity-boosting and mental wellbeing are set to play an even greater role in the pursuit of an optimal holistic state of wellbeing.

New York, Aug. 31, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- announces the release of the report "Healthy Eating in a Post-Coronavirus World: A Holistic View" -
The current climate has also reinforced a back-to-basics approach where affordability, safety and localism become more important than ever to meet the demands of a more empowered and educated consumer.

Strategy Briefings offer unique insight into emerging trends world-wide. Aimed squarely at strategists and planners, they draw on vast information resources to give top line insight across markets and within consumer segments. Written by some of our most experienced analysts, they are designed as provocations for senior management to use in their own forum, allowing them to stand back and reflect on the behaviour and motivation driving global markets today and tomorrow

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• Identify factors driving change now and in the future
• Understand motivation
• Forward-looking outlook
• Briefings and presentation should provoke lively discussion at senior level
• Take a step back from micro trends
• Get up to date estimates and comment
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