A Damaged Reactor Pulverizes The Fusion Energy Generation Record

Guadalajara, Spain, Sept. 02, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- In the Advanced Ignition SL Spanish startup facilities, the Pulsotron-3 main voltage bank is only loaded to 90% of its maximum voltage, (several months before some internal explosions prevent reaching full power for the fusion reactor). 

Advanced Ignition SL engineers mounted new ERCs (Energy Recovery Coils) to recover electric energy directly from the plasma for the first time in the world.

After triggering the reactor, a powerful discharge of several millions of amperes went through the target loaded with thermonuclear fuel. As the magnetic field vanished, a large detonation happened when the generated plasma ball exploded. The main oscilloscope detected a very large magnetic field. The new magnetic probe used allows us to measure an extremely high magnetic field. Whereas, in the secondary oscilloscope, a large voltage pulse was collected in the ERCs that stored the energy in several large capacitors. The collected energy was 88.43% of the injected, our best approximation in our race to energy generation.

In a second set of tests the recovered energy reduced to 22.59%, but the magnetic field was surprisingly high with maintained 7.36 megateslas fueled by the nuclear fusion. Unfortunately the tests could not be repeated due the Pulsotron ERCs exploded in small pieces.

This technology is the only one that can reduce world emissions to zero in less than 8 years.

The difference between a fusion reactor and a plasma container is that the former generates nuclear reactions.

Pulsotron-3 is a fusion reactor of the Z-pinch kind, that uses the energy stored in powerful capacitors that are discharged through the reactor to ionize and compress the fuel using an extreme magnetic field. Then, the reacted particles run out of the reactor going through the ERCs, and the collected energy can be used to generate electric energy. 

Pulsotron reactors could supply energy urgently needed in several fields:

Electric car quick chargers: To operate those systems, contracts must be made with electric companies and EV charge station builders. 

Trucks: must reduce CO2 emissions and abandon fuel oil, a large contract must be done with a truck builder as alternative to batteries. The cost of the fuel is 150k€/year and the truck owners must sleep at truck instead of paying for hotels, they would recover the investment in 2.5 years and sleep in good hotels. 

Third, large vessels must abandon heavy fuels in a few years, that contaminate a lot and to reduce operational cost. Large contracts must be done with vessel builders, electric motors and power generation equipment industry and ship yards. Pulsotron fusion generators would reduce operational cost without CO2 footprint.

Desalination plants are heavy electricity consumers. As climate changes and desertization increases water scarcity, the seawater desalination is one solution.  A desalination plant is already interested in our first reactor.

Last but not less we need to include the need to replace contaminant power generation sources as coal and obsolete nuclear plants.

Actually, the startup is looking for funding outside Spain to accelerate sales of our products and also the building of commercial reactors and back up its expected exponential growth of sales after selling the pilot plant. 

Pulsotron-3 uses Boron fuel to generate clean electric power.

Pulsotron technology is safe by design and reactors can be shut down immediately. 

The industrial approach we used was a key factor in reducing size and building costs. The new technologies that Advanced Ignition uses are the key to reach ignition, without that the fusion will delay decades .

Media Details – 
Name: Advanced Ignition S.L.
Contact: Javier Lopez, Jose Luis Peiro
Email: info@pulsotron.com 
Website:: www.pulsotron.com
