Icelandair Group hf.: New Shares Admitted to Trading and Update to Largest Shareholder ‘s List

The issuance and delivery of 23,000,0000,0000 new shares in Icelandair Group was completed on 29 September. Following the share capital increase the total number of outstanding shares in Icelandair Group equals 28,437,660,653, each with a nominal value of ISK 1. Each share carries one vote. The Company holds no treasury shares.

The new shares have been admitted to trading today, 30 September 2020.

The 20 largest shareholders as of today, 30 September 2020, are as follows:

OwnerNumber of shares%
Landsbankinn hf.           2.126.302.9167,48%
Gildi - lífeyrissjóður           1.878.761.3016,61%
Íslandsbanki hf.           1.860.289.9596,54%
Lífeyrissj.starfsm.rík. A-deild           1.773.730.6616,24%
Brú Lífeyrissjóður starfs sveit           1.356.204.6754,77%
Lífeyrissjóður verslunarmanna              642.361.2392,26%
Stefnir - ÍS 15              568.483.6442,00%
Sólvöllur ehf.              554.704.3751,95%
Kvika banki hf.              553.130.7091,95%
Par Investment Partners L.P.              543.881.7501,91%
Landsbréf - Úrvalsbréf              536.232.2201,89%
Arion banki hf.              517.852.3801,82%
Stefnir - ÍS 5              505.853.0321,78%
Stefnir - Samval              452.000.0001,59%
Söfnunarsjóður lífeyrisréttinda              397.177.5541,40%
Birta lífeyrissjóður              383.553.8041,35%
Stapi lífeyrissjóður              295.507.9661,04%
Eftirlaunasj atvinnuflugmanna              293.861.6701,03%
Lífsverk lífeyrissjóður              255.050.5730,90%
Bóksal ehf.              252.013.6530,89%
 Total owned by 20 largest55,37%

The list is published subject to change due to possible executed but unsettled trades in the Company’s shares

Contact information
Investors: Iris Hulda Thorisdottir, Director Investor Relations. E-mail:
Media: Asdis Petursdottir, Director Communications. E-mail: