Worldline's tender offer for Ingenico: clearance from the European Commission

Worldline's tender offer for Ingenico: clearance from the European Commission

Bezons and Paris, September 30th, 2020

Worldline and Ingenico announce that they have received today the merger control clearance from the European Commission for the planned acquisition of Ingenico.

This clearance is accompanied by Worldline's commitment to complete divestments limited to a few merchant acquiring portfolios of Ingenico in Austria and in Belgium and of Worldline in Luxembourg, representing annual revenue of approximately € 25 million.

These divestment commitments, limited to the few markets in which the combined group would have benefited, according to the European Commission, from a very important position, reflect the high complementarity of the two groups and are consistent with preliminary estimates.

As a result of the receipt of this decision, which constitutes the last expected approval of the transaction, the French Financial Markets Authority (Autorité des marchés financiers - AMF) will announce the closing date of the tender offer for Ingenico securities.

Worldline contact

Investors Relations
David Pierre-Kahn
+33 6 28 51 45 96

Sandrine van der Ghinst
+32 499 585 380

Anne-Sophie Gentil

Ingenico contact

Investors Relations
Laurent Marie
+33 7 84 50 18 90

Hélène Carlander
+33 (0)7 72 25 96 04

About Worldline

Worldline [Euronext: WLN] is the European leader in the payment and transactional services industry. With innovation at the core of its DNA, Worldline’s core offerings include Pan-European and domestic Commercial Acquiring for physical or online businesses, secured payment transaction processing for banks and financial institutions, as well as transactional services in e-Ticketing and for local and central public agencies. Thanks to a presence in 30+ countries, Worldline is the payment partner of choice for merchants, banks, public transport operators, government agencies and industrial companies, delivering cutting-edge digital services. Worldline’s activities are organized around three axes: Merchant Services, Financial Services including equensWorldline and Mobility & e-Transactional Services. Worldline employs circa 12,000 people worldwide, with 2019 revenue of circa 2.4 billion euros.

Worldline’s corporate purpose (“raison d’être”) is to design and operate leading digital payment and transactional solutions that enable sustainable economic growth and reinforce trust and security in our societies. Worldline makes them environmentally friendly, widely accessible and support social transformation.

About Ingenico

Ingenico Group (Euronext: FR0000125346 – ING) is shaping the future of payments for sustainable and inclusive growth. As a global leader in seamless payments, we provide merchants with smart, trusted and secure solutions to empower commerce across all channels and enable simplification of payments and deliver customer promises. We are the trusted and proactive world-class partner for financial institutions and retailers, from small merchants to the world’s best-known global brands. We have a global footprint with more than 8,000 employees, 90 nationalities and a commercial presence in 170 countries. Our international community of payment experts anticipates the evolutions of commerce and consumer lifestyles to provide our clients with leading-edge complete solutions wherever they are needed.

Important information

This press release is disseminated for information purposes only and does not constitute an offer to purchase, or a solicitation of an offer to sell, any Worldline or Ingenico securities.

Investors and shareholders are strongly advised to read the offer document and response document, as approved by the AMF on July 28, 2020 under visa no. 20-370 and visa no. 20-371 respectively, as well as documents relating to the other information of each company, which are available on the AMF website ( and the website of Worldline ( or the website of Ingenico (

This press release must not be published, broadcasted or distributed, directly or indirectly, in any country in which the distribution of this information is subject to legal restrictions. The tender offer will not be open to the public in jurisdictions in which its launch is subject to legal restrictions. The publication, broadcasting or distribution of this press release in certain countries may be subject to legal or regulatory restrictions. Therefore, persons located in countries where this press release is published, broadcasted or distributed must inform themselves about and comply with such restrictions. Worldline and Ingenico disclaim any responsibility for any violation of such restrictions.

In particular, this press release does not constitute an offer to purchase, or a solicitation of an offer to sell, any securities in the United States or any other jurisdiction. Securities may not be offered or sold in the United States unless they have been registered under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “U.S. Securities Act”) or the securities laws of any U.S. state, or are exempt from registration. The securities that may be offered in any transaction have not been and will not be registered under the U.S. Securities Act or the securities laws of any U.S. state and Worldline does not intend to make a public offering of any such securities in the United States.



Worldline - 20200930 - Clearance from the EC