DearDoc: Connecting Doctors & Patients Over Technology

New York, NY, Oct. 02, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The global pandemic ravaging the world right now has testified on how having 24/7 medical care, both in-person and distant, is of utmost priority. It is the responsibility of tech companies to bridge the technical and electronic gap which in some cases could mean the difference between sickness and well-being.

For patients, technology or software should be able to connect them to a medical professional according to their issues and needs. For medical professionals, the technology should be able to sort through patient portfolios and offer to them the cases relevant to their practice.

And DearDoc, a software company, Joe Brown and his team work to mitigate this exact bridge through technology and efficiency.

About DearDoc:

DearDoc is a new Practice Growth-oriented Platform that was designed to help medical professionals get new patients from their online presence. The way that they achieve that is through the use of an artificially intelligent chatbot that is placed on the doctor’s website, which engages with potential patients by asking them questions, alleviating any concerns they may have, and with each answer, it collects their information like their name, phone number, and email, so that the practice can call them to schedule an appointment.

With features like,

  • AI Smartchat: The artificial intelligence is designed specifically for practices to specialize in customer service and most importantly capturing patient information, like their name, phone number, and email, so we can send that information over to the office right away.
  • AI Autodialer: With their AI Autodialer, the doctor's office will be called automatically to connect with the patient within 1 minute of receiving their information through the AI Chat.
  • 5-Star Review Generator: Practices with the highest number of reviews, better star ratings, and the recentness of the reviews - get more web traffic compared to the average practice. 88% of patients trust online reviews as much as a personal recommendation.
    It also asks patients to leave a review after getting a consultancy with the doctor.
  • Google Listing Integration: Even if potential patients are not searching for you specifically, the A.I. will appear on the doctor's Google listing and covert patients there as well.

Joe Brown and his team have created an extremely user-friendly interface with area intuitive technology in DearDoc for seamless user experience. Patients and doctors alike can use their website to avail of their services.

This software has been featured and covered by press and media houses like Market Watch, ABC network, Fox News, NBC, A Great Place To Work, and USA Today.  

More About Joe Brown & DearDoc: 

CEO & Founder, Joe Brown, came up with the idea about a general platform for doctors after experiencing his own grandfather, a Dermatologist, running his website, and all the complications that came with it. Joe did some independent research on digital marketing and realized that every Fortune 500 company implements a webchat to their site to talk with their customers, but private practices seemed to be behind the curve. So, he placed an AI smartchat onto his grandfather's website and within the first month, his grandfather received five new patients. It soon caught on and after a month, another doctor saw the AI smartchat on his grandfather's website and reached out to Joe to have it placed on his website as well. Thus, DearDoc became a reality.

On their website, they also have a blog dedicated to educating people about Artificial Intelligence, Chatbots, and Search Engine Optimization. To find out more about Dear Doc, visit their website. 

Media Details
Company: DearDoc
