Source: Tonner Drones

Birth of DELTA DRONE INTERNATIONAL Ltd, company listed on the ASX stock exchange in Sydney, Australia

company listed on the ASX stock exchange in Sydney, Australia

  • Solid development base in Australia
  • Key position on the United States market
  • Presence at the core of the technology sector in Israel


Dardilly, October 13, 2020 at 6PM

Initiated during last spring (see press release of March 12, 2020), the merger project between Delta Drone South Africa and the Australian company Parazero Ltd is taking shape and should be completed before the end of 2020, as evidenced by the official press release published in Australia under the supervision of the ASX - Australian Securities Exchange.


1 – The outline of Delta Drone International Ltd

For a better understanding of the operation, the main steps are as follows:
The merger of Delta Drone South Africa (a company incorporated under South African law, parent of the operating companies Rocketmine Ltd Pty, Rocketmine Ghana, Rocketmine Australia and DSL Africa) with the Australian company Parazero Ltd (the parent of the Israeli company Parazero IL) will result in the creation of a group which will be renamed DELTA DRONE INTERNATIONAL Ltd.

  • Delta Drone International Ltd will be an Australian company listed on the ASX Sydney Stock Exchange.
  • Following the operation, Delta Drone (France) will be the first shareholder of Delta Drone International Ltd and will have vocation to become the majority shareholder: Delta Drone (France) obtained from the FIRB - Federal Investment Review Board (public organism attached to Ministry of Finance) approval to own more than 65% of an Australian company.
  • The fundraising required by the ASX, ranging between Aus$ 3.5M and Aus$ 5M, will provide Delta Drone International Ltd with sufficient financial resources to self-finance its development plan (this fundraising will be carried out in November, prior to the re-listing on the Sydney Stock Exchange).
  • When re-listed, the market capitalization of Delta Drone International Ltd will be at least Aus $ 15 M.
  • DD international will be managed by Eden Attias (Chairman) and Christopher Clark (CEO), the latter being expected to settle permanently with his family in Australia (Adelaide).

As a reminder, in the course of last April, Delta Drone South Africa created a subsidiary called Rocketmine Australia, in order to settle an operational base to start and develop activities in Australia. Based in Adelaide (South Australia), Rocketmine Australia obtained on July 29, 2020 the official approval of CASA - Civil Aviation Safety Authority necessary to operate civilian drones for professional use.

2 – The highly strategic dimension of Delta Drone International Ltd

The integration of Delta Drone International Ltd into the Delta Drone Group strengthens its international audience. It is likely to foster the ambition of the group, as described in the 2020-2021 plan, which aims at achieving a consolidated turnover of 30 M €, a positive operating profitability of 10% and 30% of the activity carried out outside France.

On the strategic level, the operation opens up new opportunities for the group.

2 – 1 – A solid base for development in Australia

The commercial success of the Rocketmine solution, dedicated to the mining sector, has been proven and growing in southern Africa and Ghana with a clientele composed of international groups, most of which are either Australian or have a strong presence in Australia.
Furthermore, the recent development of solutions for the digitization of mining sites, including underground mines, opens up considerable development prospects, with little competition today given the financial investments required.

Considering their location, size and the value of minerals extracted, mine sites continuously invest to improve safety and security. Therefore, they constitute a privileged and suitable target for the ISS Spotter solution from Delta Drone.

The physical and permanent presence in Australia of Chris Clark, the main architect of Rocketmine's success in Africa, will be an important asset in ensuring business development. In this regard, the Group's organization in South Africa has been strengthened, with the recruitment of a local manager to conduct day-to-day management.

2 – 2 – A key position on the United States market

Parazero IL is an Israeli high-tech company that designs and markets sophisticated safety systems on drones. Installed via “plug and play”, and compatible with any drone, the systems operate autonomously and fully automatically, ensuring instantaneous trigger of safety maneuvers in the event of an incident, without risks of time-related delayed reaction of a human operator.
The reliability and efficiency of the systems have enabled Parazero IL to become one of the few companies whose products are approved by the FAA - Federal Aviation Administration in the United States and Transport Canada - the department within the Government of Canada responsible for developing regulations, policies and services of road, rail, marine and air transportation in Canada to equip DJI drones such as Mavic and phantom.

Today, Parazero IL achieves more than 40% of its turnover in the United States, the growth potential is significant in a market where overflights of populated places are increasing, requiring the addition or integration of approved safety devices.

It should be noted that the Parazero safety system is being integrated into the drones equipping the Delta Drone ISS Spotter solution.

2 – 3 – A presence at the core of the tech sector in Israel

With a team consisting of about ten people, mostly engineers, Parazero IL is based in Tel Aviv, Israel. It fully benefits from the constant dynamism that drives the entire technology sector, particularly the drone sector, positioning the State of Israel among the most advanced countries in the world in terms of innovation.

In addition, Parazero benefits from a special position in the sector, due to the personality and career of its leader, Eden Attias, who became an entrepreneur after retiring from the Isreaeli Air force as a Brigadier General. Before occupying the function of Chairman & CEO of PARAZERO, Mr. Attias has worked for 3 years as a diplomat on behalf of the State of Israel in Canada. More specifically he was in charge of relations with the civil and military aeronautical industry.

About Delta Drone: The Delta Drone Group is an international player in the field of civilian drones for professional use. It provides a range of professional solutions specifically designed for targeted sectors, as well as a complete selection of related services.
Delta Drone is listed on Euronext Growth Paris – ISIN code: FR0011522168
Also listed on Euronext Growth, the BSA Y – ISIN code: FR 0013400991


Investors contact:                                                                Press contact:

Jérôme GacoinLouise caetano
+33 1 75 77 54 65+33 1 55 02 15 13


Sarah Ousahla
+33 1 55 02 15 31
